
“Recruit who?”

Several people were puzzled and a little unresponsive.

He Yuan suddenly realized: “Oh, I know, didn’t Du Jing say before he went to shoot “Medicine God” that he wanted to engage in some studio, and now he wants to strike while the iron is hot and recruit people for the studio?” ”

He Er said so…

The audience also reacted instantly.


“Du Jing is going to set up a studio?”

“Du Jing participated in “Creation 101″ on the front foot, released a new album on the back foot, and now wants to recruit people for the studio! Good guys, a set of processes is clearly arranged! ”

“Participate in “Creation 101″ to send an album warm-up, send an album to the studio to recruit people to warm up, Du Jing’s mind can! It is worthy of being a young master in the entertainment industry, and he has been exposed to his ears since he was a child~~ (dog head)”

“Really fake, can I apply? I also want to follow this young master in the entertainment industry ~~ (manual funny)”

“Upstairs brother, I think you can apply to clean the toilet.”

The barrage rolls in the live broadcast room…

Du Jing also directly admitted: “Yes, it is to recruit people for the studio.” ”

“Ready to set up your own studio?”

“No, it’s not established, it’s an online trial operation.”



Du Jing briefly introduced.

The so-called online trial operation means not to set up a physical studio, but to recruit people online first and operate for a period of time.

This approach is quite common, and generally underfunded people will do it.

Du Jing did not do this because of insufficient funds…

It’s because of the Mushroom House in the record.

Can’t you set up a studio right now and run at both ends, right? That’s irresponsible.

As for his original company…

The contract was terminated yesterday night!

His original brokerage company, called Nikkyo Entertainment, was a company that could not be smaller, with less than thirty people up and down the entire company plus cleaning aunts.

The artists who signed the contract are also the kind who have just debuted and are not famous.

Originally, the contract signed by Du Jing and Rijing Entertainment still had two months to expire, in order to terminate the contract early, Du Jing even prepared a breach of contract fee, after all, he has been so popular recently, and the sudden termination of the company will definitely hit a hard blow.

But what he didn’t expect was…

The owner of the company agreed!


I didn’t ask why, and I agreed directly.

And I didn’t ask for a dime in liquidated damages.

After successfully terminating the contract, Du Jing sent an invitation to his original agent Wang Xia, after all, after the establishment of the studio, there are a bunch of things that need trouble, such as going to apply for a business license in the early stage, various publicity work… And yourself, it is impossible to live without an agent!

Therefore, Du Jing still wants Wang Xia to follow him.

To put it bluntly, it is to pry people!

Du Jing is also ready for a sum of money! Prepare to let Wang Xia and Rijing Entertainment terminate their contract.

But what he didn’t expect was…

The owner also agreed!

This made Du Jing completely stunned.


It seems that the owner of Rijing Entertainment is really a salted fish!

Originally, it almost never appeared in the company, and now its artists terminate their contracts, their agents terminate their contracts, and they are directly released, without asking a word!

Du Jing didn’t understand and couldn’t figure it out.

In a word……

Now that I have terminated my contract, the broker also has it, and I can directly try to operate online for a period of time to see the situation.

Then again.

Hikyo Entertainment let people go so easily… Du Jing will understand if he thinks about it carefully.

“‘Day” plus “Jing”, combined together is “Jing”!

Nikkyo Entertainment was originally opened for Du Jingkai!

The boss that Du Jing knows is only superficial, and the real boss behind Rijing Entertainment is Du Jiejing, Du Jing’s sister-in-law!

At this time, Yandu…….

Galaxy Economic Media Co., Ltd.

Inside the chairman’s office.

Du Jiejing, dressed in a women’s suit, leaned on the sofa with a women’s cigarette in her hand.

In the office, the sound of music flows slowly, playing one song after another.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the songs from Dujing’s album are played.

“Not bad, Xiaojing’s singing is getting better and better~~”

Du Jiejing took a shallow puff of cigarette and extinguished it.

Knock knock –

There was a knock on the office door.

“Please come in.”

The door opened, and a lady in her thirties walked in front of her, it was Wang Xia, Du Jing’s agent!

When Du Jing invested in “Medicine God” before, he said in the live broadcast that the investor filled in “Du Jing Personal Studio”, and Wang Xia understood the meaning of Du Jing at that time, until yesterday evening, Du Jing called the company and said that he wanted to terminate the contract, and what she didn’t expect was that Du Jing actually wanted to make herself her agent!

So early this morning, she came to Yandu.

Back to his real boss Du Jiejing!

“Sister Jing, just now Xiaojing said in the live broadcast, ready to let the studio trial operation.” Wang Xia said.

Du Jiejing frowned, and a faint smile appeared on her face: “Trial operation? Not bad…”

Wang Xia said again: “At present, Xiaojing has terminated his contract, I am still his agent, so the next step?” ”

She was asking Du Jiejing’s opinion.

Du Jiejing smiled: “Just listen to Xiaojing, you can do whatever he is going to do, see what he arranges.” ”

Everything that Du Jing showed at the moment made Du Jiejing very surprised.

Golden songs are frequently released, live lyrics, live arrangement!

Invest in “Medicine God” and act! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Open a studio!

After three years of precipitation, as soon as he suddenly appeared in the public eye, Du Jing brought too many surprises to everyone.

Wang Xia was still a little hesitant: “President Du…”

The Du President in her mouth is naturally Du Jing’s father, Du Long!

Wang Xia is the agent brought out by Du Jiejing, and the two have a good personal relationship, not a pure relationship between superiors and subordinates, so it is also some things that know the Du family.

Du Jiejing smiled: “My eldest brother was also quite surprised by Xiaojing’s performance, not only did he have no opinion, but also specially said that if Xiaojing can really make this studio scale, he will take the initiative to meet Xiaojing.” ”

Hearing this, Wang Xia was very surprised!

Since the quarrel three years ago, Du Long and Du Jing have not been in contact again, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the relationship between father and son has been severed.

And now…

Du Long not only agrees with Du Jing’s development in the entertainment industry, but also faintly supports it!

If Du Jingzhen made the studio up, he proved his ability!

Then Du Long may really confess everything about the Du family in front of Du Jing!

Du Jiejing said: “So, Xiaojing is not far from knowing his true origin~~”

“Sister Jing, I understand what to do!”

Wang Xia nodded.

It is to help Du Jing with all his might!

Du Jie smiled quietly: “Okay, tell me about something.” ”

“Okay, Sister Jing.”

Wang Xia turned and walked out.

After seeing that the office door was closed, Du Jiejing muttered: “Xiaojing is still true, I don’t know if I am also an agent, how to open a studio and don’t look for me in the first place.” ”


Another sigh.

Du Jing knows that Du Jiejing is an agent, but he is just the kind of agent who is too small to be small, with no resources and no fame!

He would never have imagined that his sister-in-law, an “ordinary agent”, was actually the big sister “Jing” in the entertainment industry!


As the news that Du Jing was going to trial operate the studio came out, the Internet exploded again.

“Du Jing is really going to set up a studio.”

“There must be a lot of people who want to go!!”

“That’s right, Du Jing is so talented, he can sing, act, and has such a background, once this studio is opened, it is definitely a resource.”

“But Du Jing’s selection of people must be very strict.”

“Yes, don’t think about people with average strength, Du Jing can’t look at it.”

As netizens talked.

Related news warms up online.

Du Jing Preparatory Studio is coming soon!

Dujing Studio is about to trial operation recruit people!

Madden! Du Jing’s personal studio is about to be established!

Originally, Du Jing was still hanging on the hot search because of the new album.

As soon as the news came out here, the Internet boiled.

Especially some musicians, actors who are not famous… If you can join Dujing Studio, you will fly directly! (Nomo Zhao) on the other side.

Mushroom House.

Several people were still sitting under the pergola, drinking coffee.

These days have been very leisurely, just cooking, catching up with the sea, swimming in the sea from time to time, the program is broadcast are some daily life, so everyone is very relaxed and swimming.

“Then Du Jing, when are you going to recruit people in your studio?” He Yuan asked again.

Du Jing: “Now. ”

“Recruit now?!”

“So strike while the iron is hot~~”

“Hahaha Dujing you can, have brains!”

The plan has been in the works for a few days, and now is the right time.


Under everyone’s gaze, Du Jing took out his mobile phone and quickly edited a new Weibo:

Hello Du JingV everyone, announce a major news, currently my personal studio is in the trial operation stage, need to recruit people, as long as you have dreams, as long as you have talent, as long as you have courage, please submit to me… Yi”

[Recruitment target: musicians.]

Quantity: 1 digit

Age: Unlimited

Gender: Unlimited

Requirements: Have three or more original musical works

(If you want to contribute, please send an original work to my email 191****vx.com)



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