A song “Guest” was sung.

The audience went quiet.

There were many people in the clear bar, but no one made the slightest sound.

Nearly 10 million viewers in the live broadcast room are watching, and there are only a few scattered barrages ~ scrolling…….

Du Jing’s song broke everyone’s defenses.

The past flooded into my heart, and the pictures buried in my heart emerged, everyone’s eyes were red, emotions were surging in their hearts, and the sound of someone sobbing could be faintly heard.

“A song “Guest”, thank you for listening.”

Finally, Du Jing also slowly opened his eyes.

If you look closely…….

You will find that his eye sockets are a little red!

Because the singing is so engaged!

Just like acting in a good play, singing is also the same, substituting too deeply, the whole person is difficult to extricate himself.

“Snap . . .”

After the reaction, the tide of applause sounded, which lasted for a long time!

For a while, the whole Qingbar was noisy.

“Sounds good!!”

“This song “Guest” is directly canonized!”

“This should be the most down-to-earth song that Du Jing has sung so far, and it is also the most touching song.”

“The melody is good, the lyrics are poking, Du Jing’s song is definitely going to explode!”

“I was ready for emo, but I didn’t expect it……. Directly not only listened to the defense, but also burst into crying! ”


“I want to get back together too!! I don’t want to be like the song in “The Guest”, the next time we meet can only be at each other’s wedding scene. “

“Brothers, cherish the one around her.”


The scene was noisy.

This song “Guest” brings too deep feelings to the home.

“What’s wrong?”

Du Jing turned his head to look at Jiang Shuying.

I saw her back to the stage, and a person was secretly wiping her tears.

Hearing Du Jing’s words, Jiang Shuying slowly turned around: “Your song is also too touching, more direct than “Mercury”, huhu… I haven’t listened to a song or cried for a long time. ”

Although she was laughing, her beautiful eyes flashed with tears, and the tip of her nose was a little red.

Du Jing: “I thought you also felt the same way, thinking about someone.” ”

Jiang Shuying: “Huh?? ”

She looked at Du Jing…

The song is sad, sad, but she really doesn’t know who to think about.

Du Jing smiled and did not speak.

Jiang Shuying is right…….

Compared with “Mercury”, this “Guest” is particularly direct in terms of both the lyrics and the emotions contained in it.

It is precisely this that can make everyone feel so much.


With the end of the singing of “The Guest”…….

The marketing number of live squatting has started again.

Heavy news! Du Jingqing bar singing, a song “Guest” sang and cried to the audience!

Millions of viewers burst into tears, Du Jing’s new song “Guest” is too touching!

Du Jing has sung a new song again! “Guest” sings the first scene!

Collective emo, Du Jingxin’s song to sing to everyone to break the defense!

Related Weibo posted.

The popularity skyrocketed instantly.

Not only Weibo, but the entire circle of friends of Changjiang locals has been dominated!

[Woooo 】

[It turns out that Du Jing’s scene is so infectious. 】

[I made a lot of money tonight, I went out for a walk casually, and I met Du Jing by chance, even if I met Du Jing by chance, I was lucky to sing a new song to Du Jing! ] 】

[I can only say that “Guest” is too good and touching, and when this song is officially launched, it will definitely explode on the Internet! ] 】

[It’s awesome, after Du Jing sang a song, the whole bar was crying, I have never seen this kind of scene when I am so old! ] 】


So underneath.

This song “Guest” became popular in a short time.

These viewers recorded videos and posted them on Weibo, short videos and other major platforms.

After listening to this song…….

The whole network is broken!

Write down their feelings or stories to retweet.

For a time, the popularity of “Guest” skyrocketed.

It even has to overshadow “The Legend of Shushan”.

Meanwhile. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Clear the bar.

After withdrawing from the previous emotions, the crowd was noisy.

They all shouted to take a photo with Du Jing.

And as the news of Du Jing’s singing here spread, the entire Internet celebrity pedestrian street was restless.

A sea of people! People from afar are coming here.

The main entrance is full of vehicles and completely blocked.

The road outside was blocked by a long dragon, and the horn sounded continuously.

As for this Xiaoqing…….

Fortunately, the building materials are too strong, otherwise the wall is estimated to be squeezed down.

After singing the new song, today’s task is also completed.

Du Jing put down the guitar and slowly stood up: “I’ll sing here today, it’s not early, we’re going to rush back to the mushroom house, see you at the next concert~~”

See everyone so enthusiastic…….

Du Jing revealed a news.

See you at the concert!


“Groove! Du Jing, you want to give a concert? ”

“When, when!”

“I must go and see it!!”

“No matter when, no matter where, Du Jing, I will decide on your concert!”

The crowd was thrilled.

Most of them are fans of Du Jing…….

A small number of people who watched the excitement, after listening to Du Jing’s “Guest”, were all conquered, and they turned fans one after another, shouting that they must go to Du Jing’s concert.

But soon, the crowd reacted.

Not much…….

Du Jing is leaving!!

Who can stand this??

In an instant, everyone rushed up.


“Du Jing, look at me!”

“Can Du Jing sign it?”

“Please, Du Jing take a photo with me, I was your fan ten years ago!”


Various voices sounded.

The people outside Qingba are even more crazy, desperately squeezing in, saying that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is surrounded by ten thousand people!

Du Jing is full of black lines!


This face……. It really shocked him a little.

As for Jiang Shuying, she is also crazy black question mark face.

I’m a big star! Random shopping can cause the crowd to watch, how can you stand next to Du Jing, everyone completely ignores her? ?

Just when Jiang Shuying was stunned.

She suddenly felt that her wrist had been grabbed.

It’s Dujing!

Du Jing grabbed her wrist with one hand to protect her, cut through the crowd with the other, and walked outside.

Jiang Shuying hid behind him, looking at this tall back, she felt very trance, this was also the case when the two first met at the airport before, she felt very safe with Du Jing.

“Brother Dujing, here! I’ll take you through the back door! ”

Suddenly, another voice came.

It’s the bar owner!

Under his command, the employees acted like bodyguards, separated these crazy listeners and escorted Du Jing backstage.


The door was closed, and it was finally safe.

The bar owner held Du Jing in both hands, looking excited: “Brother Du Jing……. I’m really… I didn’t expect it to be you, and I’m so grateful you can come to me and sing! ”

He was excited.

Originally, he was going to go out of business.

But now it is hard to be sung by Du Jing! In the future, there will be a steady stream of people coming to his store to check in!

Du Jing smiled: “Then trouble the boss to settle the reward.” ”

…… Under..

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