A few minutes flew by…….

Soon, the results of the vote were aggregated into the hands of the moderator.

At the moment of getting the result…….


The host looked surprised, obviously frightened.

“What’s the situation?”


“It seems that the final voting result is very scary.”

“Is the vote gap particularly large?”

“Could it be that Du Jing Kicking Pavilion failed?!”

The audience commented.

Inside the preparation room.

Deng Zixuan’s eyes were slightly nervous, and she stared directly at the screen.

The originally noisy crowd also gradually quieted down, Xiao Jingteng, Jike Junyi, Zhang Jie and others, all looked at the screen, waiting for the final result.

“Next, I will announce the final votes of player Li Ruilong and Kicking Pavilion Demon King Du Jing!”

“Everyone, please look at the big screen……..”

“The first thing to announce is Li Ruilong’s vote.”

The host’s voice fell, and two bar charts instantly appeared on the big screen of the stage.

With the exciting background music, Li Ruilong’s bar chart rises, and the number of votes above is constantly beating.

The recording hall of hundreds of people was silent, all waiting for the final result. 23





Gradually, the amplitude of Li Ruilong’s vote beat began to decrease.

And stopped at 356 votes.


“356 votes?”

“So low??”

All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise in the audience.

The current number one in the number of votes is Deng Zixuan, with 442 votes.

Last place was Xiao Jingteng, with 412 votes.

The difference between the first place and the last place is 30 votes, and the difference in votes between each other is not large.

But Li Ruilong…….

There were only 356 votes!

This directly made his face hang.


“How could I have such a low vote??”

Li Ruilong’s breathing was slightly rapid, and his face was full of disbelief.

According to his prediction, the song can get at least about 430 votes, which is too far from expectations!

“There is no gap without comparison!”

The most dramatic scene happened, and a certain old brother in the audience suddenly shouted such a sentence.

Li Ruilong’s expression froze, and his teeth were almost crushed.

“Ahem . . .”

Seeing that the scene was a little uncontrollable, the host hurriedly spoke: “What will be announced below is Du Jing’s votes!” ”

On the big screen, Du Jing’s votes began to jump.







The final number of votes was fixed at 488 votes!

The vote column that Du Jing threw to the top was a big step higher than Li Ruilong!

“488 votes!”

“Congratulations to Du Jing Kicking Pavilion for success!”

“Congratulations to Du Jing, who won the highest number of votes in the audience!! Congratulations!! ”

The host shouted vigorously. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In an instant, the audience burst into a flood of applause.

“Du Jing is awesome!!”

“Lord, 488 votes! More than forty votes higher than Deng Zixuan. ”

“This should be the highest number of votes recorded in “Song King” so far.”

“It’s so strong! Du Jing’s song “Young and Talented”, no showmanship! It is with the purest emotion, touching everyone. ”

“I don’t know about you, anyway, I voted for Du Jing.”

“To be honest . . . If Li Ruilong sings alone, the number of votes is at least 420 votes up, but Du Jing kicked him, this is no way, the gap between the two songs put together is too big, his votes will be very low! ”


There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

This result is also an accident, and it is indeed expected to say that it is not unexpected.

Everyone knows that Du Jing will definitely play the museum successfully, but I didn’t expect Li Ruilong’s votes to be so low, after all, in the previous episodes of the program, Li Ruilong’s performance was outstanding, and the number of votes has always been in the forefront.

“How? Is there anything else to say. ”

Du Jing looked at Li Ruilong with a smile…….

Let’s be honest.

Although the two collided, Du Jing was not hostile to him at first.

But Li Ruilong took the initiative to find fault, and said what to give him 50 million to let him leave Deng Zixuan? ?


Overbearing president novels read too much??

Moreover, he is short of this 50 million??

This is the point of Du Jing’s unhappiness!

Li Ruilong: “There is a problem, there is definitely a problem, my vote cannot be so low!” ”

The moderator and the head of the data group looked at each other: “Ahem… Our votes are all counted systematically, so there will be no problems. ”

Li Ruilong: “Then my votes are so low?” Such a big gap? ”

He remembers it well.

After his performance, the response from the audience was particularly large, and it was impossible for the votes to be so low.


The host choked.

At the critical moment, Du Jing spoke: “If you take out this song alone, the votes will indeed not be so low, but……. After comparison, the gap is obvious, and finally, I will mention you for free, you are no problem in terms of singing skills, but the breath is not very good, resulting in you being unable to top some of the ground, singing very floating, and even a little out of tune, which is also a common disadvantage of K-pop singers. ”

The technique can be practiced through the day after tomorrow, but the breath is not enough, it is destined to not sing too high a note, and the subtleties are difficult to handle well.

Hearing this, Li Ruilong was stunned…….

Du Jing actually said that he sang out of tune??

Some audience members in the audience also suddenly realized…….

“Lying groove, Du Jing said so, Li Ruilong’s singing does have a place to go out of tune.”

“Yes, yes, I said before how some lyrics sound strange, I originally thought it was a special singing method, but I didn’t expect it to be just out of tune ahahahaha.”

“After returning home from five years of practice abroad, singing is still out of tune ??”

“No way, many singers will be out of tune on the spot, and even the best singers have experienced this kind of thing.”

“Can be like Du Jing’s 107……. There are very few singers who are indistinguishable from the live and studio versions. ”

The audience was talking.

The singers in the preparation room also nodded one after another.

Indeed it is.

It’s really outrageous to put it on a powerful singer, but it just happens.

None of you here can guarantee that they are not out of tune on the spot.

Li Ruilong: “Impossible, I carried my ears back the whole time, I can’t hear it if I don’t go out of tune?” I don’t know that the breath is enough, but I definitely don’t have a problem with pitch, because I have a relative sense of tone. ”

At the end, his tone was full of confidence.

Relative tone sense generally refers to giving a base tone, which can correctly distinguish the interval or tonal relative relationship between other tones and this base tone!

It was a talent he discovered he had since he was a child.

It is precisely because of this talent that his parents trained him to practice various musical instruments from an early age, and even he was admitted to the Conservatory of Music in college, so that he later decided to go abroad as a trainee, and his singing strength was still good.

Hearing this, the audience was also restless.

“Relative tone??”

“Li Ruilong actually has this kind of talent??”

“Really fake?”

“No wonder I watched the video of Li Ruilong when he was not yet debuting a few years ago, and found that he sang quite well, it turned out to be this reason.”

“Simply put, relative tone is a terrifying ability to distinguish timbre.”

“What about the absolute sound? Isn’t it more awesome than the relative tone?? ”


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