“Is it raining??”

“I’ll go, it’s really raining!”

“This rain . So big! ”

When there was almost no reaction to everyone…..

Heavy rain poured down!

As if pouring, bean-sized raindrops continued to fall on the ship’s board, and the originally dry deck was completely wet in just a few seconds.

“Shuying, Zifeng, you two go back to the cabin to hide from the rain first, we can just watch outside.”

The rope is being pulled up, and Huang Lei and the others will definitely not be able to walk away.

Jiang Shuying looked up at the sky…….

The sky is gray!

The original water drop clouds disappeared and were covered by thick dark clouds!

The dark clouds on the edge of the sky are rolling, covering the sky, and even the only sunlight is being swallowed, especially in the deep sea, the terrifying momentum of the dark clouds is scary to watch.

With heavy rain…….

The wind gradually swept through.

The sea breeze howled, the originally calm sea was full of waves, the waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the entire fishing boat began to shake from side to side.

The storm has arrived, and in less than a minute, the sky has changed!

“Teacher He, Teacher Huang, raincoat.”

Jiang Shuying quickly ran back to the cabin and came out with several sets of raincoats.

Huang Lei, He Yuan, Peng Peng, and Zhang Yixing took the raincoat, draped it over their bodies, and buttoned them.

As boys, they are very responsible at this time, one by one, they are fully engaged, ready to meet the wind and waves.

“Sister, our ship.”

Jiang Shuying pulled Zhang Zifeng back.

She also wants to help though…….

But this is manual work, and they will only help if they stay.


The glass of the cockpit on the second floor was gradually wet by the rain, and the lines of water droplets slipped down, and the vision was blurred.

Du Jing’s expression was serious, and he wiped the glass while operating the crane.

“I saw the nets.”

“This side and this side!”

“Peng, Yixing, you pull that head.”

In total, there were two ropes, fastened at each end of the net, and now the two ropes are almost joined together as the net is pulled up by the crane.

Under Huang Lei’s arrangement, the four people had a clear division of labor.

The two pulled a rope and forcefully pulled the net up.



A thunder and lightning flashed in the air, like a silver snake, flashing extremely terrifying in the dark clouds.



Several people who were already nervous were frightened.

It was Huang Lei and He Yuan who were frightened into foul language!

Peng Peng shrunk his head: “Woo Huang Teacher……. Let’s pull the net here, we won’t be struck by lightning, right?? ”

Huang Lei swallowed his saliva and gave him a blank look: “Roll the calf, can you say something nice?!” ”

“Pull hard!”



Another flash of lightning.

The gray sky is shining brightly!

The ear-shattering thunder echoed between heaven and earth, and the momentum was amazing.

With lightning…….

The wind and rain are getting bigger.

Downpour! A howling wind swept the waves and rolled in.

The fishing boat, which is more than 20 meters long, is like a small boat on the sea, swaying left and right with the waves, up and down.

Can’t even stand still!

Coupled with the involvement of fishing nets, Peng Peng and Zhang Yixing almost fell into the sea.

Seeing this situation, the barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled wildly……..

“Vozh, nothing will happen, will it??”

“Why is this wind so strong, it feels like the fishing boat is about to capsize.”

“Be careful! Just now, Pengpeng almost fell into the water. ”

“Heavenly master, if I were on this ship, I would probably be scared to pee my pants.”

“This lightning is so scary!! And this wind, it feels like it’s seven or eight levels, right? ”

“Safety first, don’t get into trouble!”


Watch the thrilling footage in the live broadcast.

The audience who were still joking before became serious, and even their hearts hung up, and there was always a bad premonition, feeling that something was going to happen!

At this time.

On a yacht 100 meters from the fishing boat.

Wang Zhengyu, Zhang Xixi and other directors were a little nervous.

“Director, now that the wind and waves are so big, there won’t be an accident, right?”

Zhang Xixi’s heart was beating wildly, and he always felt that something was going to happen!

Wang Zhengyu looked back at the invited several maritime experts: “How far is the wind power now?” ”

In the deep sea, rain is a small matter. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The most fearful thing to encounter is the wind!

Once the wind is too high, the waves can be several meters or even more than ten meters high.

If there is a tsunami…….

That’s really dangerous!

Not a joke, it’s going to kill people!

“Director Wang……. Now the wind force is about seven or eight degrees, but I look at this situation and estimate that it may rise to the eleventh and second level of gust wind…”

Wang Zhengyu frowned: “Eleventh and second level of fierce wind??” ”

Zhang Xixi also said: “What is the concept?” ”

In everyone’s cognition, when a typhoon of this level generally appears on land, the trees outside will be hung up, and even the wall skin will fall off.

The staff said: “For example, if the wind is at this level, judging from the scale of the fishing boat where the guests are located, the range of the hull swaying from side to side will reach 35 degrees upwards…”

“The boat and the railing are one meter high, and the railing of the ship is about two meters from the sea, and the top of the railing may be level with the sea if the hull shakes at this magnitude! The sea water can instantly flood the deck of the ship and even pour into the cabin. ”

“And the bow also floats up and down, the amplitude is about five to eight meters, if the crew does not stand firm, heavy bumps on the deck are trivial, it will easily be washed into the sea, if it does happen, it will be dangerous.”


Hear this analysis from professionals.

The surrounding program group was instantly stunned.

“Quick, quick!”

“Approaching the fishing boat.”

“Lifeguard ready!”

Wang Zhengyu panicked!

Not to mention Huang Lei and others on the fishing boat.

Just Du Jing alone!

But if something goes wrong…….

Don’t think about running this show, netizens won’t let him go, and Du Jiejing won’t!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhengyu really wanted to slap himself, why did he promise everyone to come to the deep sea to fish! ! !

At this time.

Fishing boats.

With the concerted efforts of Huang Lei and several people, fishing nets have gradually surfaced.

But the wind and waves were too big, the hull was unstable, and the hanging wheel did not know what the reason was, and it was stuck!

“It’s broken.”

Seeing the hanging wheel that was almost stuck, Du Jing felt a shiver in his heart.

After a short reaction, Du Jing hurriedly went downstairs and ran towards the deck.

“Du Jing be careful!!”

When passing by Jiang Shuying, Jiang Shuying quickly reminded him.

She was very worried, grabbed the armrest to stabilize her body, her eyes were fixed on Du Jing, and her heart was completely hanging.

“I’ll come, Peng Peng (okay Zhao) Yixing give way.”

Du Jing walked out of the deck.

This rain was like hail, and it hurt my body.


Peng Peng and Zhang Yixing did not dare to hesitate and quickly complied.

I saw Du Jing picking up the nearly two-meter-long iron hook on the ground, just holding it in his hand.

The next moment.

Du Jing walked to the middle of the four people, then raised the iron hook and nailed it to the fishing net, and the hook firmly hooked the fishing net.

“Work hard together.”




Several people are also powerful.

The heavy fishing net was dragged up again.

Du Jing estimated it, less to say that it weighed two or three hundred pounds!

But because of the angle, everyone can’t use their full strength.

“Come again!”

Under the rain, everyone’s vision was blurred.

I didn’t care about the rocking boat, I just wanted to quickly pull the fishing net up.

It must be done!

If the fishing net is so hung on the side of the boat, and the wind and waves are so strong, the fishing boat is too easy to capsize.


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