The sky is covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

Layers of waves are turbulent, fishing boats and yachts are constantly undulating at sea, and they are unstable.

Huang Lei everyone grabbed the railing and kept looking at the sea….


Peng Peng swallowed his saliva, he could clearly feel his heart ~ dirty beating wildly.

“Brother Jing, they -…….”

“No, it won’t…..-..”

Peng Peng’s words are not finished.

“Shut up!”

Huang Lei scolded.

“It’s okay, it’s going to be fine!”

“Du Jing? Shuying?? ”

“Hear back!!”

He Yuan shouted vigorously.

But the rain was falling so much, coupled with the deafening thunder, the sound simply could not travel far.


“Turn on all the lights on the ship!”

Hearing this, Zhang Zifeng hurriedly ran up to the second floor and turned on all the lights on the fishing boat!

Dazzling lights instantly illuminate the fishing boat within a radius of 100 meters!


I still haven’t found the dinghy where Du Jing is.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

One by one, the breath is short, and the heart is beating wildly.

The wave just now was so big, and Du Jing’s dinghy was so small, in this extreme weather environment, even the fishing boat almost rolled over, let alone the dinghy.

“It’s over…….. It won’t be an accident, right?? ”

“Why are you stunned, look for it!!”

“Du Jing, Jiang Shuying, their dinghy will not be swept under the sea.”

“Heavenly master, don’t scare me!”


“God forbid!”


For a time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was quickly blessed.

Nowadays this is the case……..

Although everyone does not want to think in that direction, the chance of survival in this extreme bad weather, violent storms and waves, is indeed too low.

Not only them anymore……..

The most anxious is the program group!

Especially Wang Zhengyu!

He felt like the sky was falling.

Something went wrong!!

Du Jing and Jiang Shuying really wanted to have some accident, and he couldn’t bear this kind of responsibility at all.

Moreover, let’s not talk about responsibility or responsibility, these are two lives!

“Rescue team, find someone!!”

“Everyone go to find it, hurry up and search and rescue!”

“Hurry up!!”

For a while, everyone was busy.

The yacht also carried two dinghies behind it, and the rescue team members who invited them divided into two groups and drove the yacht away at risk.

As long as no one is found, the program team will never give up!


On the surface of the sea a few hundred meters from the fishing boat.

Wow —

Du Jing suddenly jumped out of the sea.

In his arms, he was holding Jiang Shuying.

Just as the waves rolled up, the dinghy swayed wildly, and the two could not stand at all and fell off the boat.

Fortunately, Du Jing’s swimming skills are full…….

Change someone, it is estimated that I will burp early.

“Ahem . . .”

Jiang Shuying lowered her head, her hair was wet and sticky to her cheeks, and she coughed madly while panting heavily.

Du Jing gasped and looked around.


The dinghy is just around the corner.

Du Jing put his arm around Jiang Shuying and swam towards the dinghy.

Boom —

Rainwater poured down.

The sea was dark, and I could only take advantage of the occasional flash of thunder to determine the location of the dinghy.

The short distance of twenty or thirty meters allowed Du Jing to exert almost his entire body strength.

Fortunately, the two climbed onto the dinghy smoothly.

Although the dinghy is still swaying greatly with the waves, it finally has a place to stay.

The two slumped on the dinghy, feeling a sense of happiness for the rest of their lives.

“Ahem . . .”

“Du Jing.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Thank you.”

Jiang Shuying’s whole body was wet.

She curled up in a corner and calmed her mood for a long time before she could barely say such a sentence.

Fortunately, Du Jing is here!

Otherwise, I’m afraid she’s gone.

Du Jing: “Are you okay?” ”

Jiang Shuying: “No……. It’s okay. ”

Du Cheng nodded.

After a little rest for half a minute, he stood up and pulled the dinghy engine.

The engine roared, but after a few seconds, it stalled again.

Du Jing pulled again…….

This time there was no response at all.

Jiang Shuying noticed the abnormality on this side: “What’s wrong…”

“It’s broken.”

Du Jing: “The dinghy should have a problem with the circuit and cannot be started.” ”


Jiang Shuying was stunned.

Du Jing gritted his teeth and pulled a few more times.

But the result is still the same, there is no fire at all.

“It’s over.”

Even if it was Du Jing, his heart was half cold.

Look up and look around…….

Torrential rain pouring, lightning and thunder, swallowing waves everywhere!

And far away, there is a small cloud of lights!

That’s a fishing boat’s light!

But Du Jing estimated that it was five hundred meters away from them, and now the dinghy could not be started, and it was getting farther and farther away from the fishing boat driven by the waves.

If it keeps floating like this, the consequences can be imagined!

At this time.

As the Mushroom House live broadcast went on, the relevant news was quickly posted online!

Mushroom House Live Accident! Du Jing and Jiang Shuying are suspected of being in distress!

Mushroom house deep-sea fishing encountered strong winds and waves, Du Jingjiang Shuying was swept away by the waves, life and death unknown!

Accidentally! Mushroom House Deep Sea Fishing Encounters Extreme Weather!

One by one, Weibo was posted.

Soon, it rushed to the hot search.

In just ten minutes, the network was completely detonated.

This thing is different from before…….

Before Du Jing’s hot searches were all because of singing or making movies.

And now, there is a danger to life, life and death are unknown!

Even when many people see the relevant Weibo, they can’t believe it, wondering if the unscrupulous marketing number is spreading rumors, but when everyone sees the relevant news on the hot search, and there is a black and red “explosion” word behind, everyone is chuckling in their hearts.

It’s over, it’s really a big deal!!

“Really fake!! Is it a program effect, don’t scare me!! ”

“The dinghy that Du Jing and Jiang Shuying were riding on was swept away by the waves?? Still in the deep sea!! ”

“Heavenly lord……. I was watching the live broadcast the whole time, it was really too dangerous, that kind of extreme weather, you can’t imagine, the waves are several stories high, too dangerous! ”

“Don’t be nervous, it’s just suspected of being in distress, and the result hasn’t come out yet, it must be fine.”

“Woo-hoo, I just met Du Jing, this treasure singer, not long ago, I didn’t expect him to encounter this kind of thing…”

“Come on, it must be fine!!”


With the discussion of netizens.

Some celebrities have also noticed this.

Everyone’s first reaction was to believe it…….

But when they understood the whole process of the matter, they were all stunned and realized the seriousness of this matter.

No one tweeted!

Nobody rubbed the heat!

More is…….

Help contact some local friends in Hainan to see if you can send a rescue team to search at sea.

But everyone knows that finding a rescue team is only a little psychological comfort.

Because Du Jing was in the deep sea area, the fishing boat drove at full speed for seven or eight hours to arrive, if you wait for the rescue team to search and rescue, it is unrealistic and it is too late.

The only thing that can be done now is to pray.

…… Factory..

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