Even if Yang Chaoyue’s heart was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

During the next meal, the group of five chatted happily!

And Du Jing also learned from Wu Jin’s mouth that “Wolf Warrior 2” has been filmed almost!

Now it has also entered the post-editing and polishing stage, as long as it is all done, it can be officially released!

At that time, Du Jing can directly receive dividends!

He was naturally happy about this.

After all, it is a fool to have money and not earn!

Think about it.

Du Jing couldn’t help but speak: “Director Wu, you can talk to me about any movie you want to make in the future, I can also invest and make a wave, right?” ”

Hear this.

Wu Jin was stunned all of a sudden.

It’s really worthy of being the prince of the entertainment industry!

His own “Wolf Warrior 2” has not yet been officially released, and I don’t know how the box office is, Du Jing dares to talk to himself about other movies!

This boldness, this strength, really cattle!

Let Wu Jin admire incomparably!

Not to mention, he really had an idea to shoot “Changjin Lake”!

It’s just that it’s still in the stage of screenwriting and conception, and there is not even practice!

There’s no way around it!

After all, you can’t eat a fat person in one bite, you have to take your time in everything!

You have to wait for your “Wolf Warrior 2” to be released and see if you can recover your capital!

But since people gave him such an opportunity, he naturally would not refuse.

I saw Wu Jin raise his glass and said with a smile: “Thank you, brother!” I did have an idea lately, but this will have to wait until Wolf Warrior 2 is released! Let’s not be in a hurry, I’ll show you the script first! If it is suitable, you will vote, if it is not suitable, let’s talk about it! ”


Du Jing also clinked glasses with Wu Jin happily, and the two drank the wine.

This matter is so finalized~

Due to the addition of Wu Jin’s three, this meal took more than two hours to finish.

Fortunately, there are fewer people in this restaurant, and they sit by the window.

Not many people recognize these big stars and directors!

If you are recognized, maybe the hotel will be surrounded by fans again!

After eating, the group of five went their separate ways.


Yang Chaoyue couldn’t help but ask curiously: “Boss, do you really plan to vote for those movies?” I heard Sister Chen Yu say before that when you were at the Venice Film Festival, you voted 50 million for “Wolf Warrior 2″ without saying a word! Even if one is done, other movies have not even come out with scripts, what if they lose money’~? ”

If this is someone else, it will definitely lose money!

But this is Wu Jin!

For this person, Du Jing knows a lot more naturally than others.

I saw Du Jing smile lightly: “No, my vision is not bad!” Don’t worry, that movie made by Wu Jin will only make a steady profit! ”

Yang Chaoyue was stunned when she heard this, but she still didn’t understand where did Du Jing’s confidence come from?

The box office of this thing is not easy to say!

It’s really not easy to have a novel theme and attract the attention and love of the audience!

“Okay, I’ll take you around, don’t be nervous!”

Du Jing said with a smile.

Without further ado.

Du Jing and Yang Chaoyue wore hats and masks to perfectly blend in with the crowd.

The streets are crowded.

Because of the opening of the Xiangjiang International Film Festival, film fans from various countries continue to go to Xiangjiang, and the number of tourists in Xiangjiang has also skyrocketed.

You can even see a lot of media people, holding cameras in their hands, taking pictures on the street.

Fortunately, the two were tightly wrapped and were not recognized.

Walk around…

The two visited the scenic spots, harbors, and various shopping malls and ancient buildings of Xiangjiang, slowly savoring this city where classicism and fashion coexist.

At this moment, time seems to slow down.

Meanwhile. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With the arrival of media from various countries, the news of the opening of the Xiangjiang International Film Festival spread in various countries.

For the average person, there may be nothing noteworthy.

But for fans in various countries, this is a great event.

“God, I really envy the fans who can be there to watch.”

“I heard that this year’s Xiangjiang International Film Festival is particularly competitive, and many masterpieces of relatively powerful directors have been selected! Of course, there seem to be some commercial films! ”

“Commercial? Yanguo director Du Jing’s “The Legend of Wukong” can also be regarded as a commercial film. ”

“”The Legend of Wukong” can certainly be regarded as a commercial film, to be honest, when I saw the trailer, the special effects and picture production of this movie were far beyond the previous “The Legend of Shushan”! I’ve never seen a better director than one! His box office far exceeds the Hollywood blockbuster “Alita”, such a film should once again win major film festivals! ”

“Even if you buy Ka, I don’t know when this film will be released abroad!”


In the blink of an eye.

It was past seven o’clock in the evening.

Du Jing and Yang Chaoyue went out from two o’clock in the afternoon, strolled around until now, and finally walked back.

The area of the Xiangjiang River is not large, and it is also composed of one island after another.

But if you want to really finish shopping, you have to spend two or three days.

Because it was too far away when leaving, the two rented a car directly, walked around the neighborhood, enjoyed the scenery, and tasted the special food of Xiangjiang.

After returning to the hotel, the two went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

Sleep early!

Because tomorrow evening, the red carpet of the film festival will officially begin!

The day will be very busy, to be busy from morning to night, you must go to bed early and adjust your mental state.

A good night’s dream.


The next morning.

The sky is clear and sunny.

At seven o’clock in the morning, the venue that had been guarded was now all closed.

Don’t say it’s going in, it’s hard to get close!

Even in order to ensure the safety of the entire event site, some roads were blocked.

These roads are dedicated to celebrity vans, which pass through here.

When everything is ready, everyone starts quietly waiting for the night!

And because the process of the film festival is not too different, everyone is also a little counted in their hearts.

Time flies.

Eight thirty.

Du Jing and Yang Chaoyue got up one after another.

At that time.

In addition to Chen Yu and Qiao Shan, the other three people in “The Legend of Wukong” came.

Even Jiang Shuying didn’t know where to hear about the hotel where Du Jing was staying, and also ran over to make a scene.

When Du Jing and Yang Chaoyue went out and came to the lounge on the first floor of the presidential suite.

I happened to see a few people talking and laughing in the house!

When everyone saw Du Jing and the two, they all said hello.

Especially Jiang Shuying was more like a little girl who didn’t grow up, and rushed directly towards Du Jing.


Du Jing subconsciously hugged her, afraid that she would fall.


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