
I saw Wang Zhengyu coughing lightly twice: “Ahem, don’t care too much about it!” Since this is the first time you have come to our mushroom house, in order to let you enjoy the style of life by the sea, I am going to release a mission for you! ”

Huang Lei: “Okay, Lao Wang don’t talk nonsense!” Say it quickly! ”

Shen Teng: “What task?” I’m looking forward to it! ”

Wu Jin: “I would rather go out to sea to catch or fish, these tasks I haven’t experienced on the show yet!” ”

Wang Dalu: “I’m looking forward to it!” ”

Jiang Yiyi: “…”

Except for Huang Lei and a few other resident guests, who were relatively calm, others were very curious about the tasks to be issued next.

They have not participated in variety shows, but it is the first time at the beach!

So, they’re already eager to learn.

Looking around, Wang Zhengyu said with a smile: “Don’t worry, everyone!” This time, we will start a self-sufficient two-day camping life~”

As soon as the words came out.

The guests who were still looking forward to it were all stunned.

“What? Dew 25 Battalion? ”

“Aren’t we experiencing life by the sea?”

“Yes, is there no such thing as catching the sea or going out to fish? How did it turn directly into camping? ”

“This is survival in the wilderness!”


At this moment, everyone could no longer sit still.

Who knows, Wang Zhengyu still said with a smile: “Calm! Calm! Rest assured, we will provide the basic tools! It’s just that this ingredient needs to be used locally~”

As long as they saw Wang Zhengyu’s appearance, Huang Lei and the others itched their teeth angrily.

What a convinced!

I know that this old boy didn’t hold any good farts!

How many times have they been pitted?

At this moment, I don’t even have to sleep in the house, and I just moved outside!

“Lao Wang, I think after this matter, we need to negotiate properly between the few of us.”

Huang Lei specially put the word negotiation, and the bite was particularly heavy.

This made Wang Zhengyu’s body tremble when he heard this.

But if they think about it, even if they want to settle the score, it will be a few days later.

Estimate, then forget it!

What is he afraid of!

Can you be bullied as a director of a show?

He is not afraid!

Think about it.

Wang Zhengyu’s waist suddenly straightened, and he didn’t care: “Okay!” ”

Huang Lei: …

Okay, Shiro threatened!

And the barrage in the live broadcast room also began to roll wildly.

“Aaaaaa I’ll go! What’s the situation?? ”

“To put it nicely, it’s called camping, isn’t this just letting everyone go to the wilderness to survive??”

“No, no, no, can’t say that! After all, people still provide basic equipment! What is survival in the wilderness, a knife, a backpack to go the world! ”

“Indeed! But isn’t it old friend season this time? Logically, it should be the reward link! Is this the right way to treat new guests? ”

“Suitable! How inappropriate! It’s good to do things!! ”

“Looking forward to it! Brother Jing is estimated to stand out again! ”


Now that everyone already knew the task, they naturally wanted to know what basic tools Wang Zhengyu had prepared for everyone.

Even if I don’t want to go camping, I can’t help it!

After all, this Wang Zhengyu is a well-known pit!

“Director Wang, you have been talking for a long time, and you haven’t said what tools have been prepared for us?”

Before everyone could speak, Du Jing took the lead in asking.

At this moment, I saw that everyone cast an appreciative look at Du Jing.

“I have prepared four tents for you, as well as a few basic utensils.”

After Wang Zhengyu finished speaking, he made a look at the staff on the side.

Not often.

I saw a few staff members carrying all the tools up!

Seeing these tools, everyone was dumbfounded! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just a few shovels, buckets, and nothing.

This is called a basic tool?

He Yi: “No, what about pots and pans, quilts and bedding?” ”

Peng: “What’s the use of this thing??” ”

Wu Jin: “No, you can at least give us a few sets of fishing rods!” ”

Shen Teng: “Lean!” What a pit! ”

This time, everyone saw how pit Wang Zhengyu really was!

It’s a sinkhole!

“Oh, aren’t they all in these rooms? We are not saving money for the program group, so let’s be considerate! Moreover, everyone’s funds are only one thousand yuan Oh ~ okay, I won’t bother everyone, I wish you a happy two days~”

After Wang Zhengyu finished speaking, he slipped away as fast as he could.

He was afraid of being beaten!

Listening to his words, everyone also knew why Wang Zhengyu arranged such a task.


He doesn’t want to spend money!

This old boy ran too fast, and they still haven’t reacted.

Now you can’t “negotiate”, there will be opportunities later!


Half past ten in the morning.

After everyone cleaned up briefly, they began to choose campsites on the beach under the guidance of the staff.

I saw that in the distance, several seabirds were flying, and the blue sea was boundless.

As the sea breeze blew, everyone’s mood was much better.


They don’t think it’s a bad thing to camp here in the evening.

After all, the weather has been very good recently, and even the starry sky can be seen in the evening.

Several people in Pengpeng originally thought about finding a free day to camp outside in the evening.

A group of people lay on the beach, quietly watching the starry sky and chatting idly.

The more I think about this little life, the more comfortable it is~

Therefore, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of several people’s wishes in disguise.

“Ah! The view of Hainan is really good! “640” yes! I’ve wanted to go to the mushroom house for a long time, but I never received an invitation! It’s not too late to come now. ”

“Aaaaaa The sea, I’m coming!! ”

“Let’s take a walk, let’s pick a place to set up a tent first!”


After everyone enjoyed the scenery for a while, they looked for a clean and undisturbed open space on the side to use as a place to pitch a tent.

After a simple clearing of the small stones, everyone began to set up their tents.

Everyone else fiddled with the instructions and began to study it.

On the other hand, Du Jing opened the packaging of the entire tent, skillfully supported the tent, and then plunged several fixed pillars into the soil.

The whole process took only four or five minutes, and a tent large enough to accommodate nearly four people or so was set up.

In order to test whether the knot is strong, he also specially pressed around it.

After making sure that there was no problem, I rolled up the curtain of the tent and began to spread it inside.

And others…

Still looking at the instruction manual, clumsily building.

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room understood that there is also a distance between people.

“I’ll go! Du Jing Niu Batch! ”

“I really found that there is nothing that Du Jing can’t do, cooking, singing, acting… Almost omnipotent! ”


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