But as soon as he was halfway through the words, he saw that everyone was looking unbelieving.

Shen Teng also smiled directly: “Hey! You don’t believe it! ”

Jia Ling: “Brother Teng, it’s really not me exposing your old bottom!” I’ve heard you say this many times…”

Huang Lei: “Shen Teng, we have known each other for so many years, why don’t you know?” You should invite Lao Sha and let the two of you communicate together! ”

Peng: “Hahahaha, Brother Teng, I watched “Ace” before!” You have indeed said this many times! ”

Wang Dalu: “I’ve seen it too!” ”

Zi Feng: “…”

Seeing that one after another were dismantling the platform, Shen Teng glanced at everyone helplessly: “I can’t play with you guys!” Okay, I’m in a showdown, I’m just teasing you! ”

“Hahahahaha, Brother Teng, you are so funny.”

Du Jing covered his stomach and laughed directly.

No wonder Huang Lei specially invited Shen Teng over this time, which is clearly to add a comedy effect to the show!

Others also laughed, and the originally nervous and exciting fishing trip suddenly became a lot more joyful.


At this time.

Under the blue sea and sky, fishing boats float above the sea.

With the roaring sound of machines, many fishing boats accelerated abruptly like string arrows off the bow, stirring up patches of white waves.

Looking to the sides through the fishing boat, you can clearly see schools of fish swimming happily in the sea, chasing, and even jumping out of the sea from time to time.

Not far away, in the sky, seabirds fly from time to time.

Sometimes swooping into the sea, sometimes flying fast, that’s their predation.

Not often.

The sea breeze blew and everyone stood on the deck of the fishing boat, their hair fluttering.

The drone flies high and slowly zooms out of the lens.

Compared with this vast sea and the vast blue sky, the fishing boats seem so small, but so harmonious.

“I’ll go! It’s been a long time since I saw everyone go out fishing! I remember the last time I went to sea, it seems to be in the second issue, right.? ”

“So, I remembered it too!”

“With so many guests participating this time, it is estimated that we can catch a lot of seafood!”


“Ah, the blue sea ~ is so beautiful!!”

“People often say that summer is the best match for the seaside, and that’s true! Every year, I am thrilled by the sea! ”

“The scenery is super beautiful~ but I look forward to everyone’s performance!!!”


The barrage in the live broadcast room kept scrolling.

Maybe netizens haven’t seen fishing at sea for a long time, and they are a little excited for a while.

In front of the camera.

Shen Teng, Wu Jin, Jia Ling and other six new guests stood on the deck in unison.

Everyone’s eyes are full of excitement!

“Wow~ the sea is so beautiful!!!”

“This deep blue sea is like a sapphire, set in the south of our country!”

“Lao Wu, there is nothing wrong with what you said, you really deserve to be a cultural person, and you have to have two whole sentences!”

“Hahahaha, Brother Jin, Brother Teng, you two have done it!”

“Usually our work pressure is too great, now we should shout at the sea!!”

“Yes, yes, Brother Jing, come quickly!”

Jia Ling and the three joked with each other, while the other three hurriedly called Du Jing and the others over.

Although everyone has only been getting along for a day, Wang Yibai and the three of them have long been the same as Pengpeng, and Du Jing directly called Brother Jing.

Even if some of them are older than Du Jing, they don’t mind!

Even if Du Jing was a little reluctant at first, he really couldn’t resist them.

So, so I went.

Hearing the call of the three, Du Jing changed the fishing boat to automatic driving at the first time.

Later, he followed several people to the edge of the deck to support the railing.

Don’t look at the fishing boat, it’s not very big, but twelve people are standing on the same side, and it doesn’t seem crowded.

“Come on, let’s vent to the sea together!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Huang Lei shouted first.

From the moment Wang Dalu mentioned standing on the boat to release the pressure, he was moved!

Don’t look at the glamour on weekdays, in fact, this pressure is also very high!

Need to release well!



Hearing him say this, everyone naturally echoed.

All hands were in the shape of a tube, put next to their mouths, and shouted loudly.

“Aaaaaa Much better mood! ”

“Bless me with more good shows this year and a lot of wealth!!”


“The sea!!! I’m coming!! ”


The voices of the twelve people were loud, and they were all shouting with all their might.

I have to say, this method really works!

It seems that the pressure on weekdays has been reduced a lot in an instant.

At this moment, everyone also understood what Du Jing said before: there is not only the scrutiny of life in front of you, but also poetry and distant places.

That’s right!

In today’s society, everyone has different pressures to a greater or lesser extent.

Maybe sometimes we can’t solve it, but what we can do is face it and learn to release.

So take a look at the scenery and find catharsis, it works!


Everyone was in a much better mood, and they were full of confidence in the next fishing.

Looking at the backs of the twelve people, the drone also captured it at the first time.

This photo will soon be used as the background image of the program group for everyone to see!

From the shore to where they fished, it was less than twenty minutes away.

Therefore, when Shen Teng and the others had not taken enough fishing boats, they arrived at their destination.

“This is the place?”

Wu Jin looked around and asked curiously.

Du Jing smiled: “That’s right, here, this is the place where many fishermen often fish.” ”

Hear this.

I saw that all six of Wu Jin stuck their heads out of the guardrail of the fishing boat, wanting to see how many fish this place could have through the naked eye.

But to their disappointment…

Although it is still offshore, it is no longer possible to see the small fish swimming in the sea through the naked eye.

It’s not at all like it’s close to the beach, because the water is clear and not deep, and you can see many schools of fish swimming around with the naked eye alone.

“Okay, let’s get to the place! Get ready to get started! ”

Du Jing ordered.

I saw that Huang Lei and the others were all skillful on the boat, picking up one fish cage after another.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of Wu Jin and others, but they were extremely curious.

Everyone gathered around and looked at the fish cage.

These fish cages are exactly the equipment that everyone has used before, one fish cage is half a meter long, the whole is columnar, and there are some small holes on it.

Wu Jin: “I’ll go!” Brother Du Jing, what is this thing? ”

Shen Teng: “It’s really the first time I’ve seen this thing!” ”


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