My Animation Era

Chapter 463 Symposium (please subscribe)

Many people came to the symposium.

Gu Miao didn't recognize most of them. After asking Director Wang, he found out that most of these new faces were newcomers to the industry in the past two years.

"Because in recent years, the national comic policy support has been relatively strong, so more new people have joined the industry."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Director Wang, who came all the way from Beijing to attend this symposium and give guidance, said with a smile.

"It's indeed a good thing, but..."

Gu Miao had different opinions on Director Wang's optimistic view. He only heard him say: "National comics has never been an industry where money is made from sacks. I am not optimistic that this group of newcomers can survive the brutal competition."

"Maybe there is a genius out there!"

Director Wang smiled mysteriously, then patted Gu Miao on the shoulder and said, "It's your turn to speak soon. Are you ready?"

"It has been prepared for a long time."

Under the expectant eyes of everyone present, Gu Miao walked onto the stage with steady steps, took out his speech, straightened the microphone, and then began his speech.

From the origin of Chinese animation to the current situation of China's animation industry, Gu Miao talked eloquently.

About ten minutes passed.

Gu Miao had just finished introducing the foreign animation industry structure, and then asked everyone a question: "Why can't national animation take off?"


After analyzing a lot, both at home and abroad, I came back to the starting point of the problem.

China Comics has countless IPs, a huge market of more than one billion people, and strong financial backing. Why can’t it get off the ground?

Everyone looked at Gu Miao.

Everyone here has their own answer to this question. But now the speaker is Gu Miao, and everyone wants to hear the views of this "national comic master".

"Let me take this opportunity to briefly express my views!"

"I personally believe that the reason why Chinese comics cannot develop is that, in addition to our short development time and no one having a strong foundation, the most important reason is that we have not formed an industrial chain."

"The Chinese comic industry can be summed up in one word, that is, each one does his own thing, you do your thing, I do mine, and we don't interfere with each other..."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were very strange.

No industrial chain formed?

Do their own things?

Isn’t the current industry chain of Guoman Comics quite complete? Are President Gu's words a bit biased?

"You guys think I'm talking nonsense?"

Seeing the expressions of everyone in the audience, Gu Miao sneered and said: "In the production of a Chinese comic, the animation company has only one voice from beginning to end. Am I right?"

So what if?

Everyone looked at Gu Miao strangely.

"You have been singing that unity is strength since you were young. Can you still say this?"

Gu Miao scolded: "Are you a professional voice actor? Are you a music producer? Are you a comic book author or novelist? Are you a developer of peripheral derivatives? Are you a TV station representative?"

"you are not!"

"You are just like me, you are just an ordinary animator, nothing more."

"Leave professional matters to professional people. Only by uniting all the effective forces upstream and downstream can we consider a complete industrial chain."

Worried that the words were not meaningful enough, Gu Miao took herself as an example and said: "I believe everyone has heard that I am currently working on a new work called "Yu-Gi-Oh!"

Everyone nodded.

The "Yu-Gi-Oh!" project can be found on Wanbao's official website. This is not a secret. Everyone knows what Gu Miao has been busy with recently.

"Then do you know how many companies were involved in the production of this animation?"

"Do you think there is only one company called Wanbao Animation?"

Gu Miao sneered and said: "Wrong! Big mistake! Wanbao Toys has been involved in the animation project since its inception. From the perspective of peripheral derivatives sales, they have provided suggestions for the animation throughout the entire process."

"During the animation production process, we also maintained close communication with the editors and original authors of Wanbao Comics, and they also participated in the revision of the script."

"In terms of dubbing, the training started about a month ago. Understand the character, settings, lines, etc. of the character in advance."

"A week ago, Kuka Children's Channel sent people to participate in the review of "Yu-Gi-Oh!"..."

Although the animation "Yu-Gi-Oh" project did not establish a so-called "production committee", this framework is similar to that of the production committee.

Every link, every department.

From the upstream comic publishers to the downstream peripheral manufacturers and TV station representatives, everyone is deeply involved in animation production.

This is the real industrial chain.

Compared with those colleagues who work in their own way and believe in "keeping their own affairs in check", Wanbao Animation is undoubtedly much ahead in this regard.


This may also be related to the fact that Wanbao Group has decided to "advance the entire industry together" strategy since its establishment.

Other animation companies are not as equally exposed as Wanbao. They have to get involved in comics, peripheral derivatives, BDs and amusement parks.

Because Wanbao Comics, Wanbao Animation, and Wanbao Toys are all subsidiaries of Wanbao Group to put it bluntly. We are all brother companies, and there is no gap in cooperation.

But other animation companies are different.

Other animation companies have not developed upstream and downstream industries, so would they be happy to allow "unrelated" comic companies and toy companies to participate in animation production?

Everyone knows the truth.

What Gu Miao wants to say is nothing more than advocating "division of labor and cooperation", leaving professional matters to professional people, and animation producers should not always think about doing all the work by themselves.

But in practice, this idea will not work.

Because everyone has their own little plans, and it’s okay to play alone without disturbing each other. But if you let them work together, conflicts will arise!

Gu Miao doesn't expect that her words will change the current situation of "siloing up" in the Chinese comic industry.

Anyway, he was just making a suggestion. As for whether anyone believed it or was willing to put it into practice, that was none of his business.


Although everyone in Chinese comics is criticizing that the production methods and techniques are not mature enough compared with foreign countries, but...

Chinese comics also have advantages and strengths!

Everyone knows about 3D. Chinese comics are indeed pretty good in 3D, at least much better than 2D.


Guoman's performance in some relatively "niche" or "unpopular" themes is also very amazing, which is also a point that Gu Miao emphasized.

"Don't blindly follow the trend and follow the so-called trend! Unpopular niche themes may not have no way out, and there may not be no spring!"

There is great pressure to compete in mainstream themes. The audience has watched more and their appetite has been developed. It is difficult for a small team and a small company to get ahead.

Then let's change our thinking...

Since mainstream popular themes are difficult to compete with major manufacturers in all aspects, why not try unpopular niche themes?

Taking "Folklore of the Western Regions" as its theme, the puppet animation "Afanti's Story" is the best example!

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