My Animation Era

Chapter 599 The reputation is overwhelming (please subscribe)

The game begins.

Biscuit fell far behind the other horses. It wasn't until his brother inspired him to become more competitive that he began to speed up and surpass his opponents.

"Come on!"

"Biscuit, run faster..."

There are a lot of children in the theater, and most of them don't know how to be subtle and distinguish between occasions, which means that when the majestic music sounds, almost everyone is cheering for Biscuit.

For Liu Zida.

This movie-watching experience was terrible because he couldn't hear any of the lines or music due to the cheers of the children around him.

But he didn't protest.

Obviously, when everyone present was breaking the rules, he, a rule-abiding person, became an "alien".

And usually no one will listen to what the aliens say.

Fortunately it's not a big problem.

In the final sprint, there weren’t that many lines of dialogue. It's completely because Biscuit mustered up the courage to charge headlong, so if you can't hear clearly, you can't hear clearly.

Under everyone's attention.

Biscuit, a short, thin, black and ugly horse, finally crossed the finish line and became the final winner.

In the stands, the animals from the grassland were boiling. In the movie theater, the children who screamed for the cookies were also very happy.

“Great movie…”

As the movie came to an end, Liu Zida applauded gently. This was the first time he felt that "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" could be so inspiring.

have to say.

The movie "Horse Galloping" has refreshed the understanding of many people, making them realize for the first time that Pleasant Goat is not synonymous with "young children".

The movie is over!

When Liu Zida walked out of the movie theater with a step of disowning his relatives, he realized that there were many people around him, not only children, but also many parents who were also discussing the "Riding Horse" they had just watched.

This surprised him!

This was not the scene when he watched "Snake Reel" early last year. At that time, only the children watched it with gusto, and the parents were basically yawning when they walked out of the theater.

This is normal.

After all, it is a big movie "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", and the main audience is those children.

Parents who watch movies with their children generally feel that such movies are very boring, and they might as well take a nap if they have the time.

But Galloping Horses is different!

Liu Zida clearly heard that more than one parent praised the movie after walking out of the theater, saying that the ticket was worth buying, and that this is how domestic animated movies should be made.

"Originally, I thought this movie was no different from last year's "Snake". It was just funny with a bit of preaching. I didn't expect it to be so healing."

"Yes! It's been a long time since I've seen a domestic movie with such a heart-warming plot and such a smooth rhythm!"

"The most outrageous thing is that this is actually the movie "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". I still can't believe it..."

I can’t believe it either!

Listening to the discussions among the parents around him, Liu Zida silently gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Even he, a die-hard Pleasant Goat fan, felt like "Is this Pleasant Goat? Are you kidding me?" after watching it. You can imagine the surprise of others.

"Du Hao?"

"I have an impression. Has this person made a science fiction movie before?!"

Before leaving the cinema, he looked back at the most conspicuous promotional poster for "Horse Galloping" at the entrance of the cinema, and remembered the name of the film's director.

"Wu Cao! Is it real or fake?"

Gu Miao had just finished bathing her son and was about to play with her cell phone for a while before going to bed when she suddenly saw news about the movie "Gaping Horses".

At this sight, he was stunned.

The whole network has received overwhelming praise. Is this really the kind of reputation the movie "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" should have?

The sun comes out in the west?

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but it's just too magical.

I would like to ask when did "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" receive so many unanimous praises and praises from audiences of different ages, as well as high praise from mainstream media?

This is the first time ever!

You know, no matter how popular "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" was in the past, it was only limited to underage groups.

Adults, including mainstream media, generally have little interest in "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" and don't even want to mention it, let alone give it good reviews.

But this time I made an exception...

Many mainstream media such as "Huaguo Film News", "Movie World", "Jiangchuan Metropolis Daily", etc. have reported on the movie-watching event caused by the movie "Horse".

Not only that, they also gave the movie a very high rating.

On the Internet, netizens' opinions on the movie "Horse" are even more surprising.

Many fans expressed their opinions.

Galloping Horses exceeded their expectations. They thought it would be another fan-oriented animated film meant to defraud children of their money, but they didn't expect it to be so healing and heart-warming.

[I really like biscuits, and I feel that his experience is so inspirational and legendary! 】

[Director Du Hao is great! The same Pleasant Goat zodiac movie, he made it much better than Gu Sanshui! 】

[It is forbidden to criticize in the comment area, what? Did you step on Gu Maggot? That’s okay, you’re right…]

【Second brush passing by! The first time I went to see it with my son, and the second time I went to see it alone. I always feel that biscuits are a true reflection of me, but I am not as strong and brave as a horse. 】

Audience reviews were similar.

Most people were moved by Biscuit's strength and inspiration, and felt a kind of strength from him, a kind of spiritual strength that did not succumb to suffering.

Healing, heart-warming, and inspiring!

These are the three words that movie fans often talk about when they talk about the movie "Horse".

From the overwhelming praise, Gu Miao vaguely guessed that the box office of the premiere would not be too low. She didn't care that it was already late at night and dialed Du Hao's phone.

Probably too nervous!

Du Hao, who is also worried about box office results, can't sleep at this point. When he received a call from Gu Miao, he was even more excited than during the day.

"The accurate box office statistics have not been released yet, but according to feedback from theaters, our attendance rate is extremely close to 100%!"

Du Hao said with great excitement on the phone: "As long as the attendance rate of the lunchtime and late-night shows does not drop significantly, our box office on the opening day will be at least 50 million."

Very optimistic view!

Because he is not sure whether the attendance rate will plummet as time goes by, Du Hao can only give an optimistic estimate.

It turns out.

Even though he was optimistic and bold, he still seemed too conservative in the face of the final box office on the opening day.

Fifty million?

Just double it!

Gu Miao, who had just sent someone to order a cake to celebrate "the box office exceeded 100 million", saw the conspicuous box office result of 103 million, and quickly told the cake shop to temporarily change the number 1 to the number 5.

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