My Animation Era

Chapter 895 Why did Haiwa fail? (Please subscribe)

"Hello, fellow students!"

"While making this video, a friend who is an animation artist found me and asked me an interesting question."

"I believe everyone has heard of food fraud, product fraud and other illegal activities, but have you heard of data fraud..."

Professor Luo is a good person!

Gu Miao just mentioned it to him, and the old professor started a chat video overnight, mainly talking about the topic of "various data fraud" on the Internet.

Among them, in addition to the fraud of Weibo traffic of a certain little fresh meat that has millions of reposts and millions of comments, the old professor also pointed out the phenomenon of "fraudulent" in some works, using animation playback volume as an example.

How popular is Professor Luo now?

In this night chat video he posted, he didn't seem to mention anyone by name, nor did he say who was who, but fans of Detective Conan's Possession quickly found out about the "water injection of views", with 6 new views added overnight. The animation "The Wilderness" with 100 million views.

Gu, are you doing this?

Penguin scolded Gu Sanshui for not respecting martial ethics, while issuing an announcement to clarify that the so-called 600 million new views overnight were purely rumors, algorithm! How can the algorithm be called fraud?

Netizens almost died laughing.

[600 million views in one night, are you telling me about the algorithm? Your algorithm is so good that you summoned 600 million Yin soldiers overnight? 】

【Laughing to death! If you can't compare to "Hell Girl", just change the background data, right? Why don't you also change the rating when you change it? Your score of 7.2 seems to be sorry for the one billion views? 】

【Amazing! You just said that changing the playback volume would not change the rating, but the rating immediately changed and is now 7.4! 】

[I’m a bit timid. This is only 0.2 points. Can I just lock in 9.9 points? To save you trouble later? 】

One thing to say.

Basically every Internet video website is doing this matter of watering the playback volume. The only difference is that each company has different algorithms and the extent of the watering is also different.

Wanbao also contains moisture.

However, Wanbao's water injection is not large and is within a controllable and acceptable range. If people question it, it can also be explained by "algorithm/error".

The playback volume of other websites is similar, and Penguin actually does a good job, which is nothing at all in the eyes of industry insiders.

After all, you can change the algorithm, can’t I? It’s just about everyone changing it together!

The key is...

Gu Sanshui didn't want to join the others, so he had to stand up and expose the "Emperor's New Clothes", which made it impossible for everyone to get off the stage.

"Damn Gu Maggot!"

Friendly businessmen kept scolding Gu Sanshui for corrupting the industry, and then assured netizens that they should not believe the rumors outside, and that my playback volume was absolutely reliable.

The animation "The Wilderness" was also forced to cut back on some of its views under pressure from public opinion, and it no longer had the glory of "100 million per episode" before.

"Okay, okay!"

Gu Miao, who had been a great villain for a time, did not feel guilty at all. Instead, she said somewhat cheerfully: "I was just telling you that in the past, animations with single episodes exceeding 100 million yuan were everywhere. It turned out that they were all filled with water."

A single episode has exceeded 100 million!

Since the establishment of Wanbao, the only works that have achieved over 100 million views for a single episode on online platforms are the first and second seasons of "That Rabbit That Year".

Wanbao only has two or one animation of this level. Why do other companies have so many?

After bursting the bubble, it turns out that everyone is just water-filled pork, and no one has real material, and even a single episode worth tens of millions is pitiful.

While the whole Internet was in a frenzy to identify the amount of water-injected views, an animation quietly became popular.

Is it filled with water too?

That's not the case. Not only is it not watered down, but it is extremely sincere. It is the only animation on the Internet with less than 200,000 views per episode.

This made netizens extremely distressed.

Good guy!

The whole industry is pouring water into it. You said that your single episode is less than 200,000 yuan, and the total broadcast volume is less than 5 million. Why don't you know how to pour some water into it?

I saw the title of the film, "Haiwa"!

That's okay...

The first season of "Haiwa" was the one that made Gu Miao leave Feiyang Animation out of anger and set up Wanbao's predecessor "Wolf Castle Animation" to start a business. It can be called the dark history of Mr. Little Bear and Director Wang.

It's really miserable!

Just because it was too miserable and its ratings fell to rock bottom, it unexpectedly became popular and became a new generation traffic password on the Internet.

After many years, countless anime bloggers have picked up the animation "Haiwa" and began to analyze why this animation failed?

This analysis is incredible!

Good guy, the original production team of "Haiwa" was actually Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, hiding so many future industry giants.

At the end of the animation, when the credits were printed, countless netizens saw the names of a series of acquaintances such as Gu Miao, Huang Kun, Xiong Tianwei, and Director Wang.

"Stop settling old scores!"

Director Wang, who had a very unpleasant quarrel with Gu Miao back then and was the director of "Haiwa", really wanted to sew these netizens' mouths shut.

Similarly, Mr. Xiong, who quit the animation industry to inherit the family business and secretly returned to animation after getting married, couldn't help but roll his eyes when he learned that "Haiwa" had become popular many years later.

Which pot won’t be opened?

Haiwa, how many people’s dark history is there? Can you please stop digging it out and whipping their corpses? If he were to be reborn, he would definitely kill this animation as soon as possible.

"That year when I was eighteen, I had a project dinner and stood there like minions..."

I don’t know which netizen with great powers actually found a photo of the "Haiwa" animation production team going out for a dinner together.

At that time, Director Wang was at the top of the list, and Gu Miao didn't even have a straight face. She could only sit in the corner and raise her glass in embarrassment.

It really lives up to that sentence.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don’t bully young people into poverty!

Looking at that old photo, and the young and humble Gu Sanshui in the photo, many netizens imagined a 5 million-word article about a useless counterattack.

After stepping into Gu Sanshui's perspective, netizens soon thought of another question.

What happened to "Haiwa"?

There are so many talented people in the production team, and many of them later went on to work at major domestic comic companies such as Wanbao, Penguin, and Xuanji.

Among them are Huang Kun, Gu Miao, Director Wang, Xiong Tianwei and other well-known figures in the industry.

But it happened that such a star-studded production team produced a piece of shit. Why on earth? Which part went wrong? Who has the biggest pot?

"Stop talking, my pot."

After many years, Director Wang has completely failed. He gave up defending himself back then and directly took the blame on Weibo, saying that everyone on the "Haiwa" project is a good person and that he failed everyone.

"Don't say that, I'm also responsible."

President Xiao Xiong also came out to take over the responsibility, saying that he also had a share of responsibility for the "Haiwa" project, and now he regrets it very much.

Not only the two of them, but many people who worked for Feiyang Animation and participated in the "Haiwa" project at the time, all expressed that they were also responsible.

My family members were in tears!

Just when netizens were moved by the friendship between these people and called on them to cooperate again to remake a "Haiwa" animation, someone was confused and poured cold water on everyone.

Gu Shuishui: "Gathering is a pile of shit, gathering is a sky full of stars. There is no need to cooperate!"


Rough talk but not rough reasoning, these people each have a bright future after separation, but when they get together and make shit like "Haiwa", then why cooperate?

Will you continue to work on the defense animation?

This damn weather is so cold in the morning and evening, and so hot at noon and afternoon that I feel numb...

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