My Animation Era

Chapter 922 Friends Guess

On the TV screen, a prize-winning quiz show was being broadcast. The host, wearing a dark blue suit, was holding a prompt card and asking questions to the contestants.

"Who was the first emperor in Chinese history?"

"Tang Guoqiang!"

The dark Daffy Duck was the first to answer.

"Emperor Qin Shihuang!"

The contestant sitting opposite the host had just finished answering when he heard a ding sound, indicating that the answer was correct, and the audience at the show applauded.

The next question is: Which city is the provincial capital of Anhui Province?

"blue whale!"

Daffy Duck answered again.


Obviously, the contestant answered this question correctly again.

The third question is more brain-burning: Please list the ingredients needed to make braised pork.


Daffy Duck looked determined.


The contestant answered all the questions correctly, and the host clapped his hands and congratulated: "Congratulations, you won a one million yuan prize!"


Daffy Duck turned off the TV with the remote control and said angrily: "Why can such a fool win a million dollars, but I don't have a hair?"

"I feel like I can participate in a TV show like this and win huge prizes!"

"What show can you participate in?" Bugs Bunny, sitting on the sofa on the other side, asked speechlessly.

"A treasure appraisal type show?"

"Then take a look, which dynasty does my pack of chewing gum come from?"

"Zhou Dynasty!"

Bugs Bunny:"……"

Too lazy to pick up the crazy Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny turned on the TV and watched the quiz show with gusto.

It just so happens that the TV station is promoting a brand new program at this time, called [Friends Guess]!

As long as you can guess everything about good friends, you can win the grand prize prepared by the program team.

"We should participate in this!"

The preview of the new show made the already excited Daffy Duck even more excited. He danced and said: "As the best buddies, we understand each other so well."

"That's a really good idea, Daffy Duck!"

"Of course, we are best friends, right? Rabbit... what is Rabbit? Third Brother Rabbit?"

Daffy Duck's weird performance and Bugs Bunny's accustomed look made many viewers laugh out loud.

How outrageous!

They claim to be best friends, but in the end, they can’t even remember Bugs Bunny’s name. Why do you still want to be on a TV show at this level?

The audience was laughing, laughing at Daffy Duck's overestimation and foolish talk. After all, the conversation just now exposed Daffy Duck's true level.

But no one expected it.

Daffy Duck is still an action person. If he said he wanted to sign up for the show, he would actually sign up.

Friends, guess!

In order to prepare for the show in advance and make Bugs Bunny believe in himself, Daffy Duck asked Bugs Bunny to test himself with questions.

"What time do I go to bed?"


"What color do I like?"

"Yes! Ask something simple..."

"Okay then, when is my birthday?"

Obviously, Daffy Duck knows nothing about Bugs Bunny. His performance is really disappointing, and Bugs Bunny feels that this guy is hopeless.

Daffy Duck didn't believe in evil and had to come up with his own questions to test Bugs Bunny, but before he started asking questions, Bugs Bunny told him everything like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

"You'd better find other friends!"

Bugs Bunny doesn't want to embarrass himself by going on the show with Daffy Duck, but Daffy Duck says he needs Bugs Bunny's help and is willing to do anything to win the big prize.


Seeing how sincere he was, Bugs Bunny decided to help him once.

But trying to get Daffy Duck to remember his own things is even harder than climbing to the sky. Bugs Bunny said he couldn't remember the real thing, so he casually made up a story about how he was born in the green grassland and his name was Rabbit, Sheep and Sheep, but he couldn't remember it. Living.


Now that Daffy Duck has signed up and Bugs Bunny has decided to accompany him, there is no way out.

Soon, this pair of strange friends came to the recording site of the "Friends Guess" program hand in hand. Their opponents were a pair of gophers who worked well together.

As soon as they took the stage, the combination of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck made a joke. The host asked them how long they had known each other. One answered seventeen years and the other five years, which made the audience in front of the TV laugh.

The answers to the next questions were even more difficult than the last.

“My friend’s favorite vegetable?”

Bugs Bunny crunched the carrot in his hand and barely wrote the correct answer on his face, but Daffy Duck still gave the answer "Spinach".

【Hahaha! 】

[One of the funniest animations I’ve seen this year! How can this rabbit and this black duck be so funny? 】

[Help, I laughed so loud that I woke up my parents! Now they are laughing with me, what should I do if the neighbor downstairs is swearing? 】

[Deduct 1 Buddha laughs with you! 】

It must be admitted that the animated "Bugs Bunny" is definitely an animation with a lot of laughs and a humorous plot. Even people with high laugh points can't help but smile when watching the animation.

And smiles are contagious.

This means that when you see an animation that is so funny that it makes you laugh until your stomach hurts, you will definitely share it with your good friends so that they can also experience this happiness.

The animation is still going through a Q\u0026A session.

"Next question, what's your friend's name?"

"Oh! This question is easy!"

This time it was Bugs Bunny's turn to answer the question, and he said confidently: "Daffy Duck, there is no way this question is wrong!"


The host decisively made a mistake, which shocked Bugs Bunny and quickly turned to look at his partner Daffy Duck.

"Isn't your name Daffy Duck?"

"That's the name, but you know, I think the cock-billed duck is cooler..."


My family couldn’t live without laughing.

The continuous high-energy animation plot and the endless laughter made many viewers who watched "Bugs Bunny" for the first time feel the relaxation and happiness they had not seen for a long time.

It’s not just the kids.

At this point, many adults were still awake. After accidentally seeing this episode on TV, they also laughed so hard that they almost shed tears.

After continuously answering wrong questions and seeing the score falling far behind his opponent, the clever Bugs Bunny quickly thought of a way to break the game.

He asked Daffy Duck to answer everything in irony, that is to say, answer the opposite of what he was thinking.

This trick worked as expected, and soon the combination of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck caught up with their opponents, leaving only the last question.

Daffy Duck got this question wrong.

What is the catchphrase of a good friend? This question is easy to answer, but Daffy Duck didn't expect it after thinking about it for a long time. In the end, he was unfortunately eliminated and lost the grand prize.

This is something that many viewers did not expect, because according to the rules of other animations, the protagonist group should win at this time.

But the most charming thing about why "Bugs Bunny" has become a classic is that the plot never follows the routine...

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