My Animation Era

Chapter 952 A must-see for children?

In addition to the animation dubbing in regional dialects, Mr. Qiu also brought another surprising news to Gu Miao.

That is the animation "Bugs Bunny" that was successfully selected into the list of 100 must-see animations for children selected by the national radio and television management department, along with "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", "Bear Bears", "Digimon", and "Dragon Fighter" , "Light Envoy" and a series of animations produced by Wanbao.

You can say that……

Among the first batch of officially announced 100 must-see animations for children, animation IPs owned by Wanbao account for a quarter.

Basically everything that should be selected has been selected. Except for some animations with special properties that were not selected, 80% of Wanbao Animation's works have been selected.

What is animation of a special nature?

In fact, it is easy to understand that animations such as "Tom and Jerry" were not included in the list, and were not even among the candidates.

As for the reason why it was not selected, it is not because these animations are not classic enough or exciting enough. The main reason is that the animations selected for the list have a rigid requirement, that is, the production company must be a Chinese enterprise registered in China.

Although the copyrights of animations such as "Tom and Jerry", "Sailor Moon" and "Dragon Ball" belong to Wanbao, and the animations are produced and distributed by Wanbao's branches, Wanbao's North American branch and Neon branch are not in the Domestic registration.

This is embarrassing!

Even though everyone knows that Wanbao Animation [Neon] Branch and Wanbao Animation [North America] Branch are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Wanbao Group, these two companies are actually domestic enterprises.

However, the rigid standards set by the government do not care about this. As long as it is a company registered abroad, its works will be excluded and will not be included in this must-see list at all.

If you can't get in, you can't get in.

Although animation works that enter this list will receive relatively high social attention and policy support, which can be regarded as a valuable honor, this thing is not a necessity.

Animations such as Tom and Jerry and Dragon Ball are already full of honors. Even if they lose this honor, they will not be affected. The audience who should watch it will still watch it.

However, there are some unpopular animations that are not very famous, and even few people know their names. They need to be included in this list to increase their popularity.

Does Wanbao have such animation?

The answer is yes!

Most of the animations produced by the Puppet Studio under Wanbao Animation are not well-known. Even "The Story of Afanti" which was very popular back then, few people remember it now.

There is also "The Japanese Soldiers of Mao'er Mountain". As an unpopular cartoon with an anti-Japanese theme, its performance was very average when it was broadcast. After such a long time, no one even mentioned it.

It is definitely a good thing for animations like these that have been forgotten or whose broadcast performance is not outstanding enough to be included in the list.

It's absolutely normal for Bugs Bunny to be selected.

Compared with this, the selection of "Hell Girl" is more surprising and unbelievable.

Gu Miao's jaw dropped in shock.

"real or fake?"

It is absolutely reasonable to say that other animations can be selected. With the quality and artistic attainments of Wanbao's animation works, it is strange that they are not selected.

But the selection of the animation "Hell Girl" seems very unscientific!

After all, when it was broadcast, the animation "Hell Girl" caused great controversy on the Internet, and its plot was somewhat adult-oriented and not suitable for children to watch.

The official actually considers such a work to be a "must-see for children"?

Not long ago, Gu Miao learned through Mr. Bear's channel that an animation called "Bingguo" was being broadcast on Neon.

After finding out the contact information of the producer, he immediately asked Seto to contact the other party, hoping to recruit this team. If the acquisition is not possible, then buy out the copyright of the "Bingguo" IP, or poach the team.

Gu Miao's idea is simple.

Since this studio called Kyoani can produce "Hyogo", it means that they are not simple. There must be great talents in the team, and he has always attached great importance to talents.

As the Imperial Envoy, Seto contacted Kyoani Studio on behalf of Wanbao. After a period of negotiation and exchange, a breakthrough was finally made.

According to Seto.

Kyoani has three founders, two of whom are in favor of Wanbao's acquisition and merger plan, but one is more stubborn and does not trust Wanbao's guarantees and promises. In order to convince him, Seto made a lot of efforts.

The founder who resisted Wanbao's acquisition was mainly worried that after Kyoani Studio was acquired by Wanbao Animation, they would not be able to make the animation they wanted to do as they wanted.

This is also the drawback of big companies!

Wanbao is a world-renowned animation company. It is certainly a joy to be invited to join such a company. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a step to the sky.

But everything has two sides.

You can enjoy the shade with a big tree at your back, and you can eat and drink easily by joining Wanbao. You don’t have to worry about production budgets in the future. However, when working in such a large company, your freedom will be greatly restricted.

It used to be a small workshop, although your pocket was cleaner than your face. To make an animation, you had to get sponsorships and investments from all over the place. Life was quite difficult, but the good thing was that you could do whatever you wanted, and no one would care about you since you were responsible for your own profits and losses.

It will be different from now on.

If Kyoani really joins Wanbao and becomes the animation studio under Wanbao's [Neon] branch, will there be an extra person in charge above his head?

When you make animation in the future, can you still do whatever you want? Will company executives get involved in project production and dictate their work?

This is the issue that the founder is more worried about, and it is also the biggest obstacle to Wanbao's acquisition of Kyoani Studio.

In order to solve this problem and dispel the founder's concerns, Seto made a guarantee, clearly stating that after Kyoani Studio joins Wanbao, its independence will not be affected, and the company's senior management will not interfere at will in their project production.

With Seto's unremitting efforts, the die-hard founder finally agreed to the plan to merge Kyoani Studio collectively into Wanbao Animation.

However, after the merger, the founder asked to retain 5% of the shares of Kyoani Studio. Seto did not dare to agree to this condition easily, so he called Gu Miao.

"Promise him."

It was only a mere 5% of the shares, and Gu Miao didn't really care.

Even if he knows that these 5% shares may be valuable in the future, he doesn't feel bad.

Because Seto told him that the founder who insisted on retaining Kyoani's independence was the supervisor and scripter of the animation "Hyouka".

Good guy!

This is the talent Gu Miao needs!

I can't bear to let my child catch a wolf. Kyoani Studio is their hard work, leaving him 5% of the shares, and firmly tying him to the Wanbao chariot. To be honest, it is acceptable.

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