My Animation Era

Chapter 958 Unscientific SpongeBob

SpongeBob SquarePants, also known as The Adventures of Cotton Ball Cube, Sponge Bobo or Naughty Little Sponge...

Of course, these are translation issues.

As an animation in which both the protagonist and supporting characters are undersea creatures, and the plot also takes place in the underwater world, many people think that "SpongeBob SquarePants" is a work to popularize marine knowledge.

But no.

The background and characters of "SpongeBob SquarePants" are just a layer of the underwater world. If I have to say it, the level of realism is not even as good as "Finding Nemo".

In a strange world where fires are made under the sea, bathing is done under the sea, and hamburgers are sold under the sea, you want to talk to me about scientific knowledge?

Stop being funny!

Science and common sense don't exist on this beach in Bikini Bottom, at least you can't see it in reality. A squirrel in a diving suit gets along with a group of underwater animals, and you can't see a crab in a suit and tie. .

The world view of the animated "SpongeBob SquarePants" is twisted and fantastic. To be more precise, it should be similar to the world of Tom and Jerry, and it is equally unscientific.

Producing such an animation is a great test of the director or screenwriter's brain. If the mind is not wide enough, it will not be done well and it will not be able to create a twisted and weird funny atmosphere.

Dave agreed.

"Boss, you are right. For this type of animation, creating characters has never been a difficult problem. What is really difficult is creating a sense of atmosphere."

What is the sense of atmosphere?

The sense of atmosphere means that when the audience sees an anime character, they will immediately think of the environment and background he is in, as well as a series of events that happened to him.

Take "Tom and Jerry" for example.

The so-called atmosphere is that when the audience sees Jerry appearing on the screen, they will immediately think of the scene of him and Tom fighting and chasing. Even if it gets along well with Tom, the audience will still think of the two fighting and chasing each other.

There is no way, it becomes a habit.

Tom and Jerry's chasing and fighting has formed a stereotype. No matter what the cat and mouse pair are doing, everyone always feels that they will fight in the next second.

Same thing with Spongebob.

How to create this kind of atmosphere for animation requires Dave to think carefully before he can come up with a more feasible solution.

Of course, there is no rush in this matter.

Tom and Jerry are not over yet. Spongebob is just a suggestion made by Gu Miao. Even if it is really done, it will be done in the future.

Wanbao Animation's North American branch actually doesn't have a lot of people, and the office area isn't very big either.

At least not comparable to the Neon Division.

After moving several times, the current office conditions of the Neon Branch are no less than those of the Jiangchuan Headquarters.

On the other hand, the North American branch seems to be a bit of a grassroots team. Not only are the office conditions very average, there is not even a front desk reception. The employee rest area is the so-called reception room.

"Hi guys!"

When Gu Miao arrived at the company, many employees noticed it.

Don't get me wrong, many new employees may not recognize Gu Miao, and even old employees may not recognize her. After all, in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, Asians look too much alike.

But the main reason why they noticed Gu Miao was because of Dave, the general manager. Seeing Dave, the general manager, following behind a Chinese man, anyone who is not stupid would know that this ridiculously young Chinese man is the boss of the parent company.

"He is so young..."

After watching Gu Miao, Dave and others leave the office area, a middle-aged animator wearing glasses said with emotion: "Boss looks about the same age as my son. His family must be very wealthy, right?"

"No! As far as I know, our boss is not from a wealthy family, and he is not even middle class."

"Waterfa? Real or fake?"

"It should be true..."

Listening to the discussion of his colleagues, Jones, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly thought of the cover of a financial magazine that he had accidentally glimpsed at the newsstand.

"The youngest billionaire, the rise of Asia's animation tycoon!" 》

Under this horrifying title, the picture is of Gu Miao smiling while attending the bell-ringing ceremony for the launch of "Wanbao Video" in Hong Kong.

Isn't this kind of person not the rich second generation?

Jones simply couldn't imagine how on earth a young man with a family background that was not even middle-class could do all this?

It's just crazy!

Just when Jones was shocked by his boss's astonishing fortune history, a sudden commotion came from all around, interrupting his thoughts.

When he looked up, it turned out to be Andy, the director of the animation production department, waving to him.

"Jones! Come with me quickly, Boss wants to talk to you..."


Under the surprised gazes of his colleagues around him, Jones stood up from his workstation in a daze, and then, led by his supervisor Andy, walked toward the office deep in the corridor.

Why does Boss see me?

Jones' mind went blank. He had no idea that he would attract the attention of his boss. He was just an ordinary animator. How could he interact with a billionaire and an Asian animation tycoon?

Could it be that……

The moment he was about to step into the office, Jones suddenly thought of the alternative image of "Tom and Jerry" that his son Sanjay had previously drawn.

"Yes, that's exactly why I'm here."

When Jones raised his doubts, he received a positive answer from Gu Miao.

Gu Miao said that he hoped to meet with Sanjie to talk about the image of that version of "Tom and Jerry". If possible, he would even want to sponsor Sanjay's studies and help him enter the top universities in North America.

"Why... why?"

Jones stuttered a little. He really couldn't understand what was so special about his son and why he was appreciated and praised by the big boss?

Wasn't the version of "Tom and Jerry" painted by Sanjay already rejected?

"He's a genius!"

"I think his talent is completely beyond his current age. His painting of Tom and Jerry is very good, but this style of painting is not suitable for "Tom and Jerry"."

Gu Miao explained patiently: "In his drawings, I can see the sharp-edged buildings full of mathematical geometric beauty, and I can also feel an eerie atmosphere."

"This style does not go well with Tom and Jerry, but we can completely tailor an animation around his style..."

This is the truth.

The 63-67 versions of the cat and mouse images drawn by Sanjay are really too abstract. This weird cult style reminded Gu Miao of "SpongeBob SquarePants".

"Tom and Jerry" would look strange if they adopted this style of painting, but the background setting of "SpongeBob SquarePants" itself is very strange. Using this style of painting is a perfect match.

all in all.

Sanjie has already shown his talent. Although limited by his age, Gu Miao cannot hire him to work now, but he can start to train him from now on.

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