My Animation Era

Chapter 965 2K 4K Animation

When did Gu Miao start to condense the divine personality, or the golden halo?

Probably two years ago.

When an animation producer succeeds in making every work a hit and is loved by countless audiences, he will naturally condense the prototype of his godhead.

But this belongs to the realm of "demigods".

The godhead that has just been condensed is very fragile and has a shallow foundation. It is easy to fall off the altar due to an accidental failure.

Gu Miao has been a demi-god for a long time. On the premise that he has continuously released new works and has not experienced a decline in reputation or performance so far, his fan base has accumulated to a terrifying level.

In this case, it can be said that he left the realm of demigods and completely became a true god.

For such a true god, when he releases a new work, the audience's expectations will be infinitely higher, and they will book this masterpiece before they even start watching it.

After all, how could an animation made by a real god not be a masterpiece? Are you questioning Gu Sanshui's business ability?

This is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.

The good thing is that Gu Miao's new work naturally has "exposure" and popularity. Even if it is not promoted, countless people are aware of it and are interested in it, which means it has its own traffic.

The disadvantage is that the audience's high expectations may lead to anger or backlash due to failed expectations.

Everyone treats you as a real god and trusts you so much, but then you show everyone a mediocre animation? You are God, how can God’s works be mediocre?

"God is fake..."

Gu Miao, who unknowingly sang a tune from her hometown, decided to give the audience a shot of vaccination first when faced with this situation.

Champagne can be opened, but the method and time of opening it are open to question.

"The Magic Soldier" is definitely a good animation, and it is also an animation that lives up to the high expectations of the audience. However, if it is made nonsense before it is broadcast, it is really a bit of a "praising".

Cool down, must cool down.

Audiences like to say that "The Magic Soldier" must be very exciting and interesting? Then he decided to play devil's advocate and tell everyone that it was actually not that exciting and good-looking, and his performance was even mediocre.

The main thing is sincerity, so sincere that even if the audience feels dissatisfied after watching it, they are embarrassed to criticize and abuse it.

After all, Gu Sanshui said before the broadcast that the animation is not as good as everyone thinks. He is so honest and self-deprecating, so we can't blame him anymore, right?

Gu Miao originally thought that his self-deprecation would reduce the popularity of the animation "The Magic Soldier", but if it doesn't work, it can at least lower the expectations of the audience.

But he never expected it.

Not only did his coquettish operation not have the desired effect, it even had the opposite effect, arousing the rebellious psychology of many people.

This is the set, right?

You say it's just average? Who are you? What is your identity? Do you think that because you are a director, you can talk nonsense here?

Gu Maggot likes to play this kind of "play hard to get" trick. This kind of rhetoric can also deceive children. They are all old fans, how can they be confused by his words?

Whether the animation "The Magic Soldier" is good or not, you will know at a glance when it premieres.

After all, it’s Gu Sanshui’s new work. How could the owner of such titles as Shepherd of the Green Grassland, Conductor of Chuangjie Mountain, Sailor Black Hole Warrior, King of Speed ​​​​Driving, and Maggot-type Pokémon have crotch extensions?

Late December.

College students and middle school students may still be studying intensely, but children in kindergarten and primary school are already thinking about how to play during the winter vacation.

Do not misunderstand!

Winter vacation hasn't officially started yet, but kindergartens and primary schools in some places have already reached the end of the semester and are preparing to take final tests or exams.


There is no final exam in kindergarten?

Then you are too naive, and I don’t know where this evil trend started. Anyway, in the past two years, even kindergartens have begun to issue test papers for children.

Can’t we let our children lose at the starting line? Involution begins in kindergarten...

Liu Zida was not very clear as to why this was the case. In his impression, the preschool classes he attended when he was a child did not seem to be so complicated.

But that's not important. Anyway, he doesn't have any nieces or nephews who are in kindergarten at home. The upcoming winter vacation and New Year's Eve concert have nothing to do with him.

Since his last blind date, Liu Zida politely chose to delete each other's friends because he disliked his low education and height. Liu Zida's social activities have been completely cut off. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, he only watches animations and edits videos.

There haven’t been any new anime lately.

He almost vomited when watching "Bear Bears 2" that was broadcast on TV in a loop every day. He finally waited until Gu Sanshui released a new work, so naturally he wanted to see it.

I won’t watch the TV version.

Liu Zida prefers to watch animations on a computer. On the one hand, there are issues with screen size and picture clarity, and on the other hand, it is convenient to drag the progress bar.

Unless it is an animation that cannot be viewed on a computer and can only be watched on TV, he will always follow it through a computer or tablet.

Open Wanbao Video, renew your VIP membership for one year first, then click on the playback page of "Shen Wenjun" and select Blu-ray 1080P resolution...

Why isn't there a higher resolution?

Liu Zida once asked the person in charge of the Wanbao Video website this question, and the answer he got was that 1080P for 2D animation is enough, and most film sources do not support 2K and higher resolutions.

Unless they are some large-scale 3D animated movies, 99% of 2D animations are only available in 1080P. This is not a problem with the website, but with the source of the animation.

But 1080P is enough.

If you only consider the resolution and not the quality of the painting, 1080P is sufficient for most 2D animations. The launch of the so-called 2K and 4K versions is "possible but not necessary."

Speaking of this, Liu Zida thought of an unpopular foreign street animation.

Starting from the painting step, native 4K resolution, HDR, full hand-painting, BT.2020 color gamut...a long list of technical indicators gives people a dazzling feeling. It sounds like a very interesting animation?

However, the fact is that 99.99% of the audience does not have a 4K monitor. This kind of animation that purely challenges the peak of hand-drawing cannot be enjoyed by most people. It can only be reduced to a niche topic and cannot become mainstream.

"Maybe... Wanbao can?"

As if he had thought of something, Liu Zida suddenly felt moved. He wanted to pick up his phone and give a suggestion to a noble person in his contact list, asking Wanbao Animation to try to make a 2K purely hand-painted animation.

Let’s not talk about whether it makes sense to do this, and whether we can make money by doing this...

Native 2K and 4K hand-drawn animation, this is very gimmick and topical! There seems to be no such precedent for domestic animation. As the leading brother, how can Wanbao give up occupying this high ground?

Native 2K and 4K are not the kind of converted output formats. The pseudo 2K or 4K animations are reproduced and amplified later. The resolution given by the video website is not necessarily the real one (such as the record of unusual creatures)...

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