My Animation Era

Chapter 974 Nuwa and the Yuanshi Demon

The leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance couldn't understand why he lost to a young boy like Nangong Wentian?

The audience probably can't understand why the boss of the Heaven and Earth Alliance was defeated in the end, but there is no sign of the animation "Shen Weapon Boy" ending at all?

Normally, whether it is a TV animation or a TV series, when it is about to end, there will be an advance notice to tell everyone that the finale is about to happen.

But the animation "The Magic Soldier" did not have any advance notice, it was even the same as usual.

What's going on?

Just when the audience was curious and felt that the number of episodes was a bit small and the TV stations and online platforms did not provide adequate previews, the "Next Episode Preview" appeared at the end of the 26th episode of "The Legend" just aired.

The audience collectively gasped!

What's going on? Isn't it the finale? Haven't you already defeated the final boss, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and successfully saved the Jade Dragon Kingdom? Why is there a preview of the next episode at the end of the film?

Where did the next episode come from?

It turns out that although the story of the animated "Little Magic Soldier" has come to an end, this is just that the problem of the Jade Dragon Kingdom has been solved.

The sister country of the Jade Dragon Kingdom, the Yudao Kingdom, is also facing the same crisis. The ultimate boss behind the scenes, Yuanshi Tianmo, is not satisfied with the puppet of the leader of the heaven and earth alliance, so he sends another capable subordinate-Xuantian Evil Emperor!

The Yudao Kingdom is being invaded by the Evil Emperor Xuantian and the Warcraft Legion, and the head of the Yudao Kingdom is the wife of Nangong Yi and the mother of Nangong Wentian and his sister Wenya.

The young magician strikes again!

Seeing this preview of the next episode, the audience's inner doubts were finally answered.

It turns out that everyone has misunderstood. The number of episodes of the animated "Soldier" is not only 26, and the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is not the final villain Boss.

Saving the Jade Dragon Kingdom is nothing. The young magic soldiers will continue to work hard to save the Yudao Kingdom next door and defeat the more powerful Xuantian Evil Emperor...

【Okay, okay! I just said, "How could "The Magic Soldier" be finished so quickly? It turns out that Nangong Wentian took his sister to open up a new map...]

[Opening a new map is quite exciting, but it is also reasonable. After all, the incident in the Jade Dragon Kingdom is over. According to the rules of the Internet, it is indeed time to open up a new map. 】

[By the way, isn’t Nangong Wentian’s mother from the Jade Dragon Kingdom? Why did you go to Yudao Kingdom to become the head of state? 】

[It’s useless for you to ask me, how do I know so much? You have to ask @Gu Shuishui about this, he will definitely know the answer! 】

You know nothing...

Seeing the discussion posts from netizens, Gu Miao couldn't help but roll her eyes.

What do you mean he definitely knows the answer? It’s true that he is the director and chief screenwriter, but that doesn’t mean that he knows all the secrets in the world of “The Magic Soldier”!

After all, this is not his original work, he is just copying the work of others.

What does the original author think? He is not the roundworm in the other person's stomach, how can he know so much?

You can take a guess!

Nangong Wentian's mother Yuyan, in addition to being a mother and a head of state, also has the status of being a descendant of Nuwa, and has the same ability to learn about elegance.

And Yuyan's sister, the head of state of Yulong Kingdom, also has the same identity.

This is why many people believe that Nangong Wenya will take over from her mother and become a female head of state in the future.

Descendants of Nuwa, special abilities!

The reason why Yuyan and her sister can become the heads of two different countries, Yulong Kingdom and Yudao Kingdom, Gu Miao feels has something to do with this special status.

In other words, only the descendants of Nuwa are qualified to rule the people of the Yulong Kingdom and the Yudao Kingdom. Others, even the husbands of the descendants of Nuwa, are probably not qualified.

After all, the great goddess Nuwa created the mythical beasts and magical beasts to make the world more beautiful and harmonious. Therefore, Nuwa in this world enjoys the highest status. As the successor of Nuwa, she will naturally be supported by all people...

To be honest.

Although this can be understood and explained from a setting perspective, Gu Miao still has a deep-hidden doubt.

Descendants of Nuwa?

If this ancient great god really has a descendant, then why doesn't she help her descendant? Wasn't the Yuanshi Demon suppressed?

This is very strange...

Yuanshi Tianmo is the ultimate behind-the-scenes boss of the animated version of "The Magic Soldier". It can be said that all events are caused by him, and his role runs throughout the entire drama.

But what about Nuwa?

The evil gods show their presence everywhere and turn this originally beautiful world into a mess. What about Nuwa, who is worshiped by all people? Besides selecting successors, what has this great god done?

It’s all because Nangong Wentian is in C, right?

If it weren't for Nangong Wentian, just relying on other people, the world of the young divine soldier would have been ruled by the Yuanshi Demon.

In other words, Nangong Wentian is simply the son of destiny who was born in response to the disaster. Thanks to his efforts to turn the tide, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Then here comes the problem.

Judging from Nangong Wentian’s growth trajectory and experience, did the great god Nuwa provide any help?

Don’t blame Gu Miao for conspiracy theories.

But the great god Nuwa can be said to be equal to the creation god in the world of "The Divine Soldier", and her status is extremely high.

But her sense of existence is simply too thin. If it is not mentioned specifically, many people have even forgotten that it was actually Nuwa who created the mythical beast and the divine weapon beast.

But it is precisely such a great god who did not show his face or exert his strength when the world was in crisis. Moreover, it has been so long since Yuanshi Demon City was born, why is it starting to cause trouble now?

This has to make people wonder whether, in the world of the animation "Little Divine Soldier", the great god Nuwa has fallen in order to suppress the Yuanshi Demon.

If he had not fallen, it stands to reason that he would not have been indifferent, let alone allowed the Yuanshi Demon to behave like this...

So the truth is obvious.

The identity of Nuwa's descendants should be true. Precisely because there are descendants of Nuwa, the true situation of Nuwa is even more worrying. She might have really fallen.

After all, he was living well and no accidents happened. Who would find a successor for him if he had nothing to do?

Don’t the so-called heirs of the mantle start to look for and train them only when they think they are about to die soon, or when they are older?


The above content is purely Gu Miao's speculation and cannot be taken to be true.

After all, everyone knows that "The Divine Weapon Young General" is actually a modified version of the comic "The Divine Weapon Xuanqi", and the origin of the setting is open to question.

Speaking of the comic magic weapon Xuanqi, let alone Nangong Wentian, he is really related to Nuwa. Rounding it all off, this can be regarded as a chess piece introduced by Nuwa to fight against evil.

But it’s boring to talk about comics.

There is no Yuanshi Demon in the comics, he is called Yuanzu Demon.

Why did the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon change to the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon? Probably because Yuanzu Tianmo and Yuanshi Tianzun are complementary characters, one good and one evil, the animation combines these two names.

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