Episode 14-The start of an accident (4)

Episode 14 – Beginning of Disaster (4)

“The witchcraft works! Split up and rise!”

[As expected, the chief level goblins who failed to kill manifest magic.]

The goblin shaman, who were no longer weighing each other, raised their wands and cast spells. The magic that comes down to the goblins is primitive and simple, but it is definitely a kind of special skill that uses magic to attack.

Many of the Demon King’s army, who came to the attack in a much stronger state than simple physical force, were swept away.

“How can these guys…”

Of course, except for those who were hit directly by witchcraft and were unable to fight, the injured soldiers also jumped back into the front line without the slightest delay.

Whether it’s an arm or a leg, as long as you can move, you fight. That is the essence of the demon lord itself, the demon lord himself.

[We have already confirmed that there is a term for the spells that can be used, so we deploy troops one after another.]

Moreover, the tactics of the demon king, who had already experienced battles with goblins, were not mere ramblings.

All the goblins who were fighting to the death in front of the wooden fence that turned into Saturn were taken aback when they saw the front. A triangular rhinoceros, the devil’s beast, with a body the size of a large van.

These monsters the size of a large van with three large, angular horns on their heads have been modified by the Demon King to become perfect assault troops. With its enormous mass and momentum, it is an assault soldier capable of destroying halfway earthen walls or wooden fences.

“No, stop! Stop it!”

The frightened goblin chief shouted in astonishment at the sight of the triangular rhinos and alphas fiercely charging at them. However, in a state where he could not use magic right now, there was no way to stop the cow with a ton unit weight in a toxic thick outer armor.


The demon king took a picture of the scene in which the three triangular rhinos shattered the earthen wall and caused an explosion with such an impact that the muscular neck, almost as thick as the head, was broken.

[Operation succeeded.]

The photo was sent immediately after that. He wanted to tell and show him the tactics he had devised and their successes.

“great job.”

Then, seeing the naked photos of the enemy’s defense walls bursting open and the flying goblins, he said so.

The Demon King was delighted to hear it. Now you know clearly that what you are feeling is the emotion of joy.

[Now the siege is over and the melee is taking place inside. As planned, I will deal with the others and at the same time kill them before the chieftains use magic again.]

“Stop! Kyaaagh! Stop it!”

“Raise your weapons!”

Before the panicked goblins came to their senses, they had to fight against the tide of enemies that flooded into the shattered interior of Saturn.

[Enemy foot soldiers are in charge of the Beast Corps, and Orcs and Alphas are in charge of eliminating the enemy chieftains.]

“Key, key it…”

“God, get dyed!”

The goblins were taken aback by the Demon King’s army, which used various demon beasts as their base. First of all, they lifted their spears and shields, but the beast-type Demon King’s army with sharp teeth and claws with a large body broke the camp with a meat charge and dug into the inside.

Originally, the biggest strength of the goblins compared to the beasts was that they fought as a group using weapons, but at this moment, that strength was completely offset.

“Mall, Ryoon, everything!”

Hiding in cover or avoiding high places was useless. Tarantalas Alphas in the form of gigantic spiders freely climbed walls like spiders, using their sharp forepaws to pierce their spears and pierce their bodies.

[Loss rate of 14%, within expected range.]

And, crucially, the Demon King’s command to move all the forces as one. The group tactics and movements of each demon army, which existed only for the group, were unmanageable for village-level goblins who did not receive precise training in the same group and group fights.

The wires started to pull. The goblins, who did not receive the help of earth walls, were unable to fight properly as monsters bigger and stronger than themselves attacked in an organized and group.

“Hold on. Be sure to hold on. I will move the earth once again.”

The supreme chief, who saw all of that, gritted his teeth. Even at this moment, they do not know the identity of their enemies. But one thing is certain: those black armored monsters will annihilate themselves without mercy.

So no matter how afraid I was, I had to fight. He once again gathered his strength to manifest the spell.

“Protect the chieftain!”

The elite goblin warriors standing next to him took up arms and blocked the way to protect such a chieftain. They are elites who somehow cut and paste and even wear armor tailored to their body size.

They met head-on against the Orcs and Alphas who were charging here across the battlefield to slay the Chieftain.

[The strength that Orcs and Alphas can produce is 2 to 3 times more than that of the existing Orcs. 5 times more than normal goblins.]

Orc Alpha was the main axis of the Demon King’s Army, which was remodeled based on the data of the Orc species. It was efficient and had nothing particularly special about it compared to the Demonic Beast Soldier, who had specialized parts such as armor, defense, agility, and poison needles.

However, the Orcs and Alphas used their hands like the Orcs. He could hold and wield the weapon through his hand, and he could also throw it.

Knowing the power well, the demon king mass-produced them at least a little bit of inefficiency.

[But it is pushed.]

“It’s not just swinging. If there was a sword, there would be swordsmanship, and if there was a spear, there would be spearmanship. The efficiency you look for while remodeling soldiers is a term that also applies to tools.”

[How to use tools efficiently.]

The Demon King learned another fact by watching the elite goblin warriors who did not get pushed back against the Orcs and Alphas.

Obviously, the difference in strength is overwhelming. In terms of height and weight, my friend is bigger and heavier. However, the seasoned goblin warriors simply faced the demon king’s sword with full force, spilling or counterattacking it.

Thanks to this, the Orcs and Alphas, who had shown a high win rate in interpersonal battles against goblins with overwhelming physicality, were rather increasing their losses.

“Pahoe law is simple. Take it with a bigger physical and press it. Change the locations of the monsters and the Orcs and Alphas,”

[I will.]

As a solution to the problem, he instructed to change the locations of the horsemen and Orcs/Alphas.

Since the goblins filled the physical gap with their experience and skills, it was to create a rift by widening the gap.

“These bastards…! There is a boss. Find him!”

And the supreme chief misunderstood that there would be a commander in command of the corps on the spot after seeing the organized and immediate movement of the Demon King’s army.

[Certainly there is, but a goblin at the village level would not dare to reach him.]

The demon king heard the scream close to screaming and laughed at the supreme chief. The demon king, not even realizing that he had been laughed at, immediately turned the heads of the beast army toward the chieftain-level goblins.


[There is more loss than the original calculation, but the result is good for a variable being found.]

[Finally, the defense has been breached by the constant attacks of the horsemen. Just before the goblin chieftain’s spell manifests, Gigantis Scorpion Alpha’s poison needle pierces his chest.]

[The goblins collapse rapidly. The horsemen are chasing after them, who have lost their fighting power due to fear, and they are hunting without leaving a single one alive.]

I opened my major book to study for the exam, but Box D’s voice kept ringing in my cell phone. Photos were also included.

Such photos show a cruel yet exhilarating victory. As I look at the photos, I imagine the scene while listening to Park D’s voice.

A fierce battlefield where life and death are completely different from the desk in a very peaceful studio room. The desperate competition of living beings to survive.

The loser was eaten and became food, and the winner became stronger based on that food and experience.


I smiled and patted my phone.

In fact, no matter how you imagine it, it is a story of a fundamentally different world from me. I help and cheer for Park D because I want him to win and grow further, but in the end, all I can do is help him with a few words.

[I think it is necessary to devise a method for efficient combat of ‘Mine Soldiers’, including Orcs and Alphas.]

“I don’t particularly remember that. Except for what you learn yourself.”

Besides, even after winning, BakxD, far from being happy, only thought of ways to make up for his shortcomings and become stronger. At this point, it doesn’t make sense to not become stronger. Box D has definitely gotten stronger.

“Box D, didn’t you do something to my phone?”

[That’s right. There is no manipulation I have done to Stardust D 10+]

“yes? Then why didn’t my cell phone use less than 1% of power for the past three days? I’ve never even charged it.”

[Let’s take a look.]

I laughed bitterly as I looked at my cell phone, which was fully charged even at this moment. The culprit was clear. He replied that he did not know, but it was clear that he was influenced by Box D.

“What are you studying, in the current situation.”

10 minutes to write a book. I gave up studying and picked up my cell phone. To be honest, I couldn’t afford to focus on anything else.

Box D has changed, and now I believed everything that Box D said was true. It’s a little ridiculous, but the artificial intelligence in my phone has become a demon somewhere.

And while fighting wars and growing up, Box D faithfully carried out his duties. To be honest, I thought it was great to see a guy who didn’t know anything grow up to this point in such a short amount of time.


―Breaking news, unidentified rifts in the skies over London

It was then that a piece of real-time news caught my eye. It was impossible not to click on the provocative titles and photos.

―Hey, do you guys see this?

-What is that?

However, it seemed that it was not a simple article. Less than an hour after the article was published, the entire Internet went viral.

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Not only the foreign media, but also friends in the group room and college classmates were in a frenzy to see this.

―The crack was only a small dot, but it grew to a diameter of 10m in less than 30 minutes. It is still unknown what exists inside and where it leads to, and the British government controls the area······.

I blankly read and re-read the article. After all, it wasn’t someone’s joke or synthesis. On international video platforms, etc., the number of views of videos taken on the spot has increased exponentially.


Sensing a sudden sense of uneasiness, I frowned as I watched the purple cracks shimmering in the air in the video.

Maybe it was because I kept looking at the realistic photos of another world sent by Box D recently, but the unreal appearance of that rift was somehow familiar.

anxious at the same time.

I thought that something was about to come out.

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