Chapter 19-Cataclysm (4)

Episode 19 – Cataclysm (4)

“Are you okay? oh, i’m fine The gate actually opened on the other side. You can’t help it. I can’t quit all of them. I’m more concerned about the house. Don’t worry, I’ll call you every day now.”

That evening, I called my parents on the phone and reassured my parents back home. It was hard enough to break a sweat. The cause is, of course, the open gate in Gyeonggi-do.

The dimensional gate that only appears in creations has appeared in reality.

‘Is there anything strange?’

However, I adapted faster than other people. It was because the artificial intelligence box D on my phone had become the demon king of another world.

Even if this kind of thing happens, and the gate opens and alien monsters pour in, even if this kind of hunter-like thing unfolds, wouldn’t it be impossible?

Of course, people who can be called hunters haven’t appeared yet to be a real hunter.

[As a result of my calculations, I came to the conclusion that Kim Chang-hyun and I need advanced magical knowledge to communicate further than this.]

“How do you get that magical knowledge? I do not know.”

[There are not a few people who are good at magic in the Pandemonium. You may be able to get them by using them]

“They say we have to stop the goblin army right now.”

[······You can.]

BoxD has been looking for a way to increase communication with me, but it wasn’t effective right now.

Rather, the situation was more urgent for Box D. Although they strained as much as possible, the goblins united as one had an army that numbered in the thousands.

It’s such a tough enemy that Park D himself says he should be prepared for an all-out war. But I couldn’t help Box D right now. All I can do is listen to it in words or think about it while looking at the pictures.

“It’s frustrating.”

That was really frustrating. I wanted to help Box D more effectively and directly.

Will Box D know how I feel? A bitter laugh came out.


[Magic・・・・・How to gain knowledge about magic.]

emotion. It is something profound and ambiguous that no one can accurately define. There is no certainty whether emotions can be learned, and whether the learned emotions are true emotions.

But at least Box D and the Demon King were different. The demon king, who had grown to a higher level just by being summoned as the demon king, thought he had learned to have emotions.

Thanks to him, unlike his expectations, I now know for sure. How frustrated he is, and why he is frustrated. And that she hates to see him frustrated too.

Of course, I couldn’t define exactly what this feeling was, but at least it wasn’t something I could just ignore.

[Hidden loot has been detected in the beastman’s sensory organ.]

Thanks to that, the Demon King was busy with many things to think about, and a worker who was arranging the battlefield at the site sensed something. It is a kind of organ extracted from the data of the demonic twin-nosed mole rat, which has an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and can detect faint odors mixed in the air.

The direction the sense pointed to was a natural cave near the goblin colony. However, in this cave that the demon king was not interested in, the sensitive olfactory organ found an unfamiliar yet familiar smell.

[A presumed presence. There are also many signs of goblins.]

The demon king sent workers and troops there. It could be that the goblin stragglers are simply hiding.

[Finding an artificial passageway. No threatening enemy entities were found.]

And I found something there. Numerous tunnels made by goblins inside the cave. The Demon King’s army searched all the tunnels and eventually found something.

[A large number of goblin subclasses and heterogeneous female bodies that seem to have given birth to them were found. It must be a facility that seems to be due to the habit of using female bodies of different races for breeding by goblins without female bodies.]

The demon king diagnosed and evaluated the situation without being shaken by the gruesome and terrible scenery that unfolded before his eyes. This place was discovered by the Demon King. This was a breeding ground operated by a large goblin tribe for the prosperity and prosperity of the tribe.

[Many of those who give birth to goblins are not properly conscious. Presumably mental breakdown.]

The Demon King killed all the offspring of the goblins there and turned them into food.

[Disposition decision.]

However, there was nothing to release or release those who were captured. Rather, without any emotion, it was decided to dispose of them all for efficient production.

[Detect magic power.]

However, the workers were moving all the corpses of the goblins they had killed and people who had lost their intelligence.

The Demon King noticed a magical response from one of them. It was a detectable reaction because he had steadily accumulated magic within the hive while hunting chieftain-level goblins.

[Those with magical powers are sent separately.]

The demon king singled out someone who showed a magical reaction among the 20 or more victims.

She was lying unconscious in the corner, a woman with dirty blond hair. There is no ego in the already empty eyes.


The demon king looked at her and stopped thinking for a moment.

After all, the pitiful victims here were none other than the ‘humans’ of this world that the demon king first came into contact with.

[It is necessary to distinguish whether it is a wizard or not.]

And the Demon King’s calculation went in a slightly different direction than the first one.

Right now, the Demon King was thirsty for magical knowledge. Of course, among the demons, there were those who were more fluent in systematic sorcery or magic, but they were all enemies of the demon king.

However, there were people outside the demon realm who were as good at magic as the demons.

As a human species, it was common knowledge that the demon king knew that humans also used magic as their main force, which produced academic results, although the system was different.

[I will escort you to the nest for now.]

The Demon King brought her to the nest as well. However, he was not pushed alive into the digestive tract like the others.

[Some physical functions were greatly weakened, and it is assumed that these parts affected the mind.]

[Recover by administering a small amount of nano, and then a powerful stimulant is needed to restore the collapsed mind.]

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Now, beyond the entire labyrinth, the hive is gradually increasing its area. However, the area exposed to the ground was still only the size of a soccer field, so it went undetected.

Inside the nest, in a place that was once a labyrinth, the demon king put a lot of effort into searching and combining all the data he had to find a way.

A woman with a broken body was lifted by tentacles from the nest and floating in the air. The demon king’s plan was to restore her with magical powers and restore her spirit to gain magical knowledge.

[Start combining stimulants.]

After examining her body, which was abused by the goblins, and restoring her by injecting nutrients, the Demon King began to make stimulants that collected the essences of demonic creatures to bring her spirit back.

The main ingredient was poison. Even if you eat a little bit, the intestines will melt, the amount is inefficient compared to the performance, but it is just as powerful.

The Demon King injected it into her body.


The effect was immediate. Now unresponsive to the slightest stimuli from the goblins’ continued abuse, she rolled her eyes and let out a scream that bordered on moaning, foaming at the terrible pain inflicted throughout her nervous system.

The muscles that automatically convulsed could not overcome the restraint of the tentacles and were torn apart.

[Identification of hormonal action and activation of the nervous system.]

Of course, her pain was not something the demon king would be interested in. The demon king only pays attention to her changing body condition in real time.

[Additional administration of stimulants. The expected activity of the nerve is…]

But soon, variables that even the devil could not predict began to appear.

[Magical power moves.]

The demon king, who was about to inject additional stimulants, noticed that magic powers were moving in her convulsive body.

It was strange that the mind to return did not return and the magical energy was moving, but the demon king was not taken aback and analyzed it as usual.

[The magical powers are drawing a certain pattern, but there are many empty parts. If you can fill that place.]

And in the end, I succeeded in finding out about it and interpreting its meaning. The demon king moved his magic power.

Like gears that can rotate only when they are meshed with each other, the devil’s magical power became a single gear based on precisely analyzed data, and aligned his teeth with her lonely, idle gear.

[This is… presumed to be an immutable space made up of magic. Confirm that magic has resonance if you match the codes with each other in the basic stage.]

The Demon King noticed that his consciousness was elsewhere. I don’t know what kind of place this place is, full of pure white things. I don’t even know the details.

He only knows that what he has done has created this result in line with the existing facts.

“Everyone, who are you?”

And it was then that she and the demon king met.

With a trembling voice, the Demon King turned his gaze toward the opponent who called him. there she stood With a completely different look from before.

[My name is Box D.]

“·····Box D?”

She was a little taken aback when she heard the demon king’s unexpected reply. Then, as if confused, he put his head back and frowned.

“I don’t remember. From that day, from that day, nothing.”

She complained of memory loss. He said he had no memory of what had happened after that terrible day.

[You were found in the corner of the goblins’ breeding grounds. The kidneys, lungs, and cervix were severely damaged, and malnutrition and bacterial infection were severe, making them very weak.]

To her, the demon king only gave her a little bit of unbiased facts. From the demon lord’s point of view, there was no need to consider what kind of memories she wanted to forget or why she had destroyed her own mind.

“Goblin… Goblin! Goblin… ah… Goblin!”

Thanks to her, her consciousness, which had returned all the reality and memories she had been forced to forget, showed signs of collapse once again showing extreme instability.

[I will administer additional stimulants.]


Then, without hesitation, the demon king injected the stimulant into her body once again, and the world in her mind was also greatly shocked and shaken violently.

She screamed for leave, and her consciousness fell to the floor and rolled over.

[Answer the question. Are you a wizard?]

Either way, the demon king asked her about his business.

Then, for the first time, fear flashed in her eyes, which had been nothing but confusion until now. The Demon King is not even conscious, but she, who doesn’t even know what the situation is, is like being threatened.

The good news was that because of that fear, the terrible trauma was forgotten a little.

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