Episode 32-Disruption of Balance (2)

Episode 32 – Disruption of Balance (2)

‘It’s a lot of numbers. Roach, who led only one knights, gathered the local villagers and fought. It’s worth losing.’

Goblin commander-in-chief Nielg. Wearing a fancy robe, he sat on a palanquin and smiled as he looked ahead. This is because the enemies appeared openly in front of them as they marched.

He nodded his head at the number of enemies who seemed to be tens of thousands, although it was difficult to measure due to the mixture of various types of soldiers. With that number, Roach and the like were a great force.

Of course, Nielg didn’t know that the Demon King’s army at the time of dealing with Rochi was only a few thousand, and that the number of Demon King’s army had increased by that much in just a few days after they were dispatched and came here.

“But what the hell are these guys doing? I heard that thousands of beasts that seemed to be part of them attacked the rear from all directions, and half of our main force had to fall to defend them.”

“They appear to be monsters who have grown in power in the northern forest during the Great War.”

“The Witchbeast…?”

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Nielg clicked his tongue at the words of his subordinate. Those bizarre appearances that look like witch beasts but are twisted, no matter how you look at them, are definitely different from the beasts in common sense.

Of course, it was also true that monsters were completely unpredictable.

“It won’t matter. Because we can’t lose to those guys.”

Shaking his head, he looked around. Numerous troops covered the area. It wasn’t even a mere troop. Even the lowest soldiers are the most elite soldiers armed with heavy armor made of steel, and the core, including Nielg, were special people who fought alongside Andras in the Great War.

[Goblin Commander Nielgㆍ1st Awakeningㆍlv 60]

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Nielg’s level, which was 10 levels different from Andras’, proved that.

“Am I wrong? we are strong These are the ones who directly participated in the Great War, defeated the Demon King’s army, and won victory.”

Faced with enemies in a vast wasteland, he murmured leisurely. That composure was a composure that only those who had already experienced numerous battlefields could have.

“Raise the great goblin banner. Our little feet are ground-breaking steps, our short swords become slashes to cut down enemies, and our rush together becomes a wave that will shake the world!”

Banners were raised on all sides as his horse rose from the palanquin. Gorgeous and tall flags with goblin crests made by Andras.

“Tell those brutes. Who is the owner of this land?”

“Blow the trumpet.”

When Nielg’s command was given, the low sound of horns rang out from all directions. The sound of the beating that resonated with the fluttering flag energized the goblins’ morale.

“Let’s show the goblin power. Full force charge!”

Although not all goblins in existence truly followed Andras, many goblins with different appearances resonated with the flag when they saw it.

Cooperation and unification of goblins that had never existed before. The unified goblins under Andras’ command showed their explosive power for the first time since the Great War.

“They will not dare to fight back. You don’t even know how we fight.”

“Sweep it away!”

As the foot soldiers in the lead lowered their stance in unison, the intervening earth shaman lifted the very bedrock they were standing on.

And the bedrock, carrying hundreds of goblins, began to rush forward, rolling across the ground like a surfer’s surfboard riding a wave.

There are dozens of such rocks. If it was necessary, it could have been crushed with this huge land mass.

[Your testimony was true, Yuria. If you do that, it will be a kind of siege against the goblins on the bedrock immediately after the collision.]

“Yeah, but it wasn’t that big and many before…!”

[The goblin generation cycle is fast and the population has exploded.

The goblin legion recharged their morale and attacked head-on. Upon seeing this, the Demon King calmly commanded the Demon King’s army, ignoring YuRia’s surprise.

Unlike the goblins, there was no reason to boost morale or encourage each other. The demon king always, as always, moves like a program with input values.

[Don’t fight with force, jump on the bedrock and attack the enemy shamans who control the land.]

The Demon King himself took the lead in finding and trying tactics to be used in battle. It is said that the strategic part of seeing a wide board is helped, but it is thanks to the confidence that now you can make enough decisions and tactics that occur in the battle process.

[Yuria, you confuse them with the squadron of flying species.]


Yuria also made a sortie. After all, it is the sorcerers who jointly perform magic that moves those huge rocks. If only those shamans bothered, the bedrock would not move.

“Kit! The bastards are coming!”


The goblins engaged in a fierce battle with the demon king’s army trying to infiltrate the moving bedrock by any means. Among them, Yuria is aiming for those in the forefront.

She quickly descended with a few flying species, spread her huge wings covered in skin, and pointed her hand at the goblins.

“Human, human?!”

“Are you not human…?”

Seeing her face, the goblins were taken aback. The beautiful face with her blonde hair fluttering in the strong wind was still the same, but the body of a monster was covered in black armor and leather from the neck down.

“Pour it out.”

She poured the magic she had cast on them. Dozens of fireballs, which he poured out his magic power with extreme efficiency, fell directly on the frightened goblins’ heads.


The shamans who had neglected anti-aircraft defense because they were afraid to use magic attacks were also caught up in it. Thanks to this, the bedrock, which was sliding like a surfboard, tilted and came to a standstill, colliding with the ground and splitting in half.

Many of the goblins on top of it fell, killing each other and crushing them to death.

[The enemy’s charge has lost its power. 2nd stroke, charge.]

Immediately after the goblins, who were charging on the bedrock, got entangled with each other and were stopped, the Demon King sent out those who had prepared in advance.

Soon, the shocking soldiers of the Demon King’s army ran like crazy with their unique heavy bodies.

“Have a seat… take a seat!”

The goblins, whose assault on the rock had failed, hurriedly prepared for the next operation. To prevent the monsters from rushing in, he used earth magic to build a wall of earth, and used wind and fire to shoot a hot flame wind toward the Demon King’s army.

[The carapace of Lee Gak-soo has considerable fire resistance. I will ignore the flame attack and rush.]

However, the charging soldiers of the Demon King’s army did not slow down. Triangular rhinoceros Beta, which used the triangular rhinoceros as its base, aimed the three horns on its large head like a spear and crashed into the goblin’s earth wall.


“The earth wall…”

The hastily built earth wall was destroyed at once, and the two-headed tiger and Beta followed after the triangular rhinoceros, brandishing the tails of scorpions that Alpha did not have, and broke into the interior.


At the command of the frightened shamans, warriors and knights rushed at the demon army.

However, the moment they couldn’t find a proper defense line, the goblins who were already in the lead were surrounded and sunk by attacks from all sides.

Obviously, the heavy armor the goblins wore was sturdy. However, the Devil’s teeth, claws, and poison needles, which remodeled Lee Gak-soo’s jaw, which could even scrape off the armor of a tank, broke or pierced the heavy armor.


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Nielg, who watched the whole scene, grabbed the handle of the palanquin. If we go on like this, the end is obvious.

“We have to join. Hurry up!”

[Their remaining units move as planned. Third stroke, ready.]

In line with Nielg’s urgent support for the main force, the Demon King also unraveled the war step by step.

After using large assault troops such as triangular horns to break the battle line and putting in small and medium-sized assault troops such as wolves and tigers to engage in a melee, it is now the next turn.

“Hey, what are these again!”

A goblin knight who had decapitated a giant spider gritted his teeth and retrieved the sword he wielded.

Following the Assault Soldiers were special forces based on bipedal orcs and goblins.

In particular, the goblin knight, who was greatly embarrassed by the attack of Orc and Beta, who began to wield a sword from each of his four arms, was eventually split in half and died.

Although Orc Beta also suffered a deep cut on one arm, it was an injury that was not worth considering losing a limb to the Demon Lord’s army.

“Water, don’t back down. fight! Show your pride!”

[Estimated loss rate is 89% while the battle continues, but the probability of enemy annihilation is also 90%.]

The judgments and decisions of the two commanders, Nielg and the Demon King, collided. Nielg had to do whatever it took to hold on to his faltering ally and make him hold on. But the Demon King is different. It only focused on efficient combat, such as quickly analyzing the current situation, deploying additional troops in vulnerable areas, and diverting firepower from over-concentrated areas to other places.

“If we keep going, doesn’t that mean both sides will eventually be annihilated?!”

[According to the data collected, it will take more than 5 years for the goblin species to regain this much power, but 10 days is enough for us with a little leeway.]

As he watched the terrible battle of death and death continue, he was surprised by the calculation results, but the demon king did not back down. It was thanks to the calculation that even if they annihilated each other, they would recover faster.

[The main unit will be annihilated here.]

The Demon King calmly gave orders to his soldiers to fight to the end and die.

An order that would not have worked properly under normal circumstances.

However, the gods and demons are different. No fear, no hesitation. Soulless monsters are just mechanical parts that move on command.

‘This is the new demon king!’

The same goes for Yuria, who is almost the only individual with a higher ego. She broke into a cold sweat at the command of the demon king who controlled her body.

The brain is the same, so it has an ego, but each cell is the body of a demon controlled by the demon king. She seemed to know why the 72 lords of the Demon World of the Constitutional Court betrayed the former demon king and tried to break away from control.

Even the power of the current demon lord is not at the level of an ancient spell that makes it impossible to defy, but a kind of absolute law that works at the cellular level of the whole body.

The cell unit demon nano, which could not even maintain its shape without the rule of the demon king, was a powerful means to block the act of betrayal from the root.

“This, this… how dare these guys!”

The goblin commander, Nielg, was astonished at the spirit of the Demon King’s army, ready to die. Radicality and breakthrough power as if facing an undead army.

But, like the undead, they didn’t show weakness to fire or divinity, so it was already too late. The goblins got caught up in the choice between either annihilating each other while fighting like this, or taking one-sided losses and running away.

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