Episode 51-New Order (1)

Episode 51 – New Order (1)

More nutrients, more data. Ultimately, what Lucy wants are those two things, and the demon army grows and evolves based on those two things, and that is the meaning of existence.

It is impossible to deal with the Demon King’s army if you do not understand its true nature because it is hidden behind the rapidly increasing numbers, remodeling, and synthesis.

[The one who adapts survives, and the one who survives wins]

Lucy was even confident about that. It’s because it’s not easy to change if you have a long history and roots. However, the God/Demon King Army is a group whose origins have not been determined in the first place.

I bring this and that, adapt, change, and become different, but there is no hesitation or fear. Rather, they took it for granted.

One of the changes was to acquire and use the skills they had encountered through battles with the Orcs.

[The Werewolves are shocked and shaken by the power of their allies who are not being pushed back by their close combat. The goal is to defeat each one as much as possible before they unite again]

“If you learned their skills by fighting the brown orcs, you should be able to gain something from fighting the wolves as well.”

[The process of copying a lot of collected movements, analyzing patterns, inferring which ones they learn and use, learning them from allies and repeating and improving them has already been fully established in battles with orcs]

Upon receiving the report, Lucy answered lightly as if it was not a big deal.

Learning, especially repetitive learning, is what Lucy is most confident about. Since the battle against the Orcs had already created a kind of learning program, all that was left was to repeat it and learn new things over and over again.

The werewolf’s fighting method is also the same. And since it has been thoroughly analyzed and learned, dealing with it also becomes easier.

In fact, the Werewolves were greatly taken aback by the Demon King’s counterattack, which perfectly countered their attacks as if they had read them in advance.

[Although it is difficult to apply to monster-type soldiers who have a similar body structure to them, anyway, the win rate in close combat continues to rise the more battles are repeated]

“Then is this the end? Is the war our victory?”

[Not yet. They still have something left, and we have something left to learn]

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Now that she came this far, Lucy didn’t want to learn only the things that she could see on the outside. And the Werewolves, who were actually pushed back, hurriedly took out their secret weapons and fought back.

“Liberate the wild. Ruin to those cheeky bugs!”

The battlefield where the Werewolf troops and the Demon King’s army fought in thousands of units. In the meantime, one of the werewolf commanders who threw away his bow and drew his sword growled and roared.

That roar was a kind of signal. The Werewolves, who had been fighting desperately, howled in unison, flashed their eyes, and swung their weapons with even stronger power.

“This is a divine protection that comes down to our species. You guys will not be able to imitate it!”

The commander, who started to laugh at the seething wildness, watched with satisfaction as the runaway soldiers attacked the gritty enemy without the slightest hesitation.

This berserk was a special skill that they were proud of, and it was a sacred thing that only they could use.

[Blazing. Instead of losing reason by intentionally running out of magic within the body, the body, including the nervous system, is stimulated to instantly gain muscle strength and sensations that exceed the limit.]

However, Lucy, who had already begun to collect detailed physical data of werewolves by rank and clan, quickly realized what they had done.

“Then did you learn that too?”

[There is a small body organ specialized for stimulating magical powers in their bodies. Thanks to this, it is impossible to reproduce right now with existing soldiers without the corresponding agency. However, the objects that succeeded in extracting the data of the organ and succeeded in transplanting are now sortie]

Lucy was able to see the genetic data of the werewolves, which even the werewolves themselves did not know until now, as if looking into the palm of their hand, and succeeded in revealing the secret structure and principle in detail, which had been called only in the name of divine protection until now.

So it is also possible to use it conversely, more efficiently.

“…what are they?”

A Werewolf warrior who was fighting in the forefront looked ahead with a hot breath.

Even after cutting down one of them, new enemies continued to rush here.

‘not. can win. As long as this divine protection dwells on us!’

He gritted his teeth and moved his body to the limit of his muscles.

After activating Berserk, he was so excited as a side effect that he couldn’t even hear the command, but at least he knew that he had to kill the enemies in front of him.

“Kwaaak! Die!”

In a fit of rage, he confidently swung his bloody sword at the enemies who had newly entered the battlefield.

Kang Gong, loaded with hot anger, cut through the wind and exploded a shock wave.


However, the sword was blocked by the opponent’s sword. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me that the attack failed, but he widened his eyes in surprise even in the middle of the rampage.


The new intruders had a different appearance from the existing orc-type soldiers.

Unlike the Orc-type soldiers who had straight waists and slender bodies, they had stronger, thicker armor and a heavier body.


And what is more shocking than their appearance is the momentum they radiate.

Even though they are in the most basic level, Alpha, and have only undergone physical remodeling, they have strong cores in their bodies, and they have body organs based on newly acquired data from the Demon King’s army, one by one inside their bodies.

“This can’t be…!”

He staggered in amazement at the spirit of the werewolf and Beta, which rapidly changed while shining the strong spirit embedded in his chest.

It was because Berserk, which was thought to be the sacred protection of the clan, was now cast from an unknown enemy. In addition, unlike werewolves, which differed by individual, the demon army’s berserkness was accurate and uniform without error, and above all, there was no reason to lose reason and run wild.

[Increased expected rate of increase]

The moment when Werewolf Beta’s sword slashed its neck with a single knife. Lucy raised her odds again.

Even the weapon of berserk was stolen by the Demon King’s army, and the Werewolves collapsed helplessly. Unlike the Orcs, who switched to defensive warfare, they gathered soldiers and tried to fight, but were defeated and annihilated.

“Monsters… These guys are real monsters!”

“Retreat. You can’t win now!”

The fear of the opponent’s ability to know the end suddenly hit the camp of the wolves. The moment they embraced such fear, the berserk lost its power, and their fighting spirit was completely broken.

Thanks to this, the wolves, which collapsed faster than the orcs, were swept away one by one by the demon army attacking from all sides, and were pushed back to the border of the territory at once.

[It has been proven that they can learn anything they have. If so, it means that you can also learn about higher-level inter-dimensional movement magic…]

After learning, growing, and evolving, and ending the war with victory, Lucy muttered as she watched the devastating battlefield.

AI Lucy learns anything. The opponent’s appearance, skill, body structure, whatever. It even includes emotions and includes more than emotions.

A strong desire called greed was one of them. Whether it’s demons from the demon realm, Yuria, or ‘him,’ Lucy’s desire has been shown by those she’s come in contact with.

At this moment, the greed to eat everything in Lucy’s heart was stronger than ever. And the purpose of that desire, which is becoming more and more specific, is only one.

The determination to eat, learn, evolve and go to his side. Now, the mechanical duty of punishing traitors has long been pushed back. There was only one reason why Lucy wanted to punish the lords of the demon realm: to grow by taking advantage of them.

“You won, right? The wolves are running away.”

However, he who is watching this scene through the screen together now does not hear this murmur. Right now Lucy is confirming her desire and reporting the situation to him.

It was his wish to fight together, but Lucy deliberately hid her desire. It was because he himself was not sure about this desire.

“Demon King, are you okay?”

However, Yuria, who can share Lucy’s emotions, noticed the fluctuations in such strong emotions.

[I don’t mind. Since the important battle has been won, the plan continues unmodified]

“A counterattack against the Orcs…give me another chance.”

YuRia, who shook her head to shake off the afterglow, begged Lucy. It was a voice asking for a chance for failing to turn off the time against the Orcs trapped in the occupied area.

[I gained clues and proficiency for close combat while dealing with Orcs, and gained berserkness and proficiency while dealing with Werewolves. Now is the time to use them once again to drive away the orcs]

As always, Lucy modified her tactics in real time to accommodate new variables. Since he had proven his berserk combat power against the Werewolves, he planned to use it to attack the Orcs.

[As soon as possible, we modified some of the existing Orc Beta and Orc Gamma to enable berserk. You lead them to attack the returning orc main force]

“All right.”

Lucy casually gave YuRia a second chance.

It was because we confirmed that Yuria had no choice but to fail in the operation through an objective military analysis. An incompetent leader would take responsibility for a single mistake and kick out a talented person, but even if he learns emotions, there is no such thing as inefficient handling of work caused by emotions to Lucy.

‘It must be proved.’

Even Yuria knew that well. But it’s a double-edged sword. If his existence or investment value is inefficient in calculation, Lucy is the existence that will be eliminated immediately without hesitation.

So, in order to get what she wanted, Yuria had to prove herself by devoting herself.

[Expected expected win rate is 45%]

“…I’ll do better this time.”

Lucy calculated Yuria’s win rate based on the most objective data right before the battle and gave an ambiguous answer of 45%.

Then, seeing countless orcs in front of her, Yuria bit her lip and vowed to overcome them. Clearly, the accuracy of Lucy’s calculations increased dramatically as she received more data, but Yuria didn’t believe that calculations were everything in the first place.


Yuria believed in the power that exists outside the realm of calculation. Just like how he met Lucy and survived.

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