My Attic Connects To Other Worlds

Chapter 167 167: Occupy technological supremacy! Frank's death!

Chapter 167: Occupy technological supremacy! Frank's death!

In fact, even after the press conference of Imperial Technology, there are still a large number of black people on the domestic Internet, and they once again issued a call to boycott.

"First of all, we don't know whether the contents of the Imperial Technology press conference are true, because domestic manufacturers are best at bragging. Secondly, even if it is true, the more powerful the Imperial Technology, the greater the harm it will cause to the entire society. Let’s not forget, Brother Hammer, who was imprisoned innocently, and let’s not forget, the more than one million brothers and sisters on the blacklist.”

"Resisting imperial technology is everyone's responsibility."

"Please remember, everyone, if you don't resist Imperial Technology today, you will be sent to prison by him tomorrow."

A lot of posts like this popped up in an instant.

It even surged out overnight.

Although there are sunspots of imperial technology in it, more of them are sailors invited by other forces.

Especially the foreign giants that have been hit the hardest.

Usually, this kind of black post is very effective and can create momentum.

The first product launched by Empire Technology, Lightning Browser, was used by other Internet giants to smear this crazy method, directly reducing the market share to below 8%.

The second product, Parrot Translator, is definitely a black-tech product, but it only sold 200,000 to 300,000 pieces in total. And many of them have become the carnival of sunspots, directly buying and destroying all kinds of things.

The third product, the two games "Doom" and "Interstellar", ended the most tragically.

Being taken advantage of by other online game giants due to a tragedy, they were taken off the shelves directly.

It also directly pushed the imperial technology to the opposite of countless people.

Of course, the most fundamental reason for this is because of the sentence of Imperial Technology, customers are not God, and we insist on confronting the public. Not only did Wang Huan not admit his mistake, but he directly blocked more than one million people.

Therefore, this tactic of smearing and slandering and arousing public outrage is completely tried and tested.

But this time, these black posts caused a certain response.


Unable to form a trend.

Because this time the imperial technology is too powerful.

Instantly hit the national pride in the hearts of countless people.

Especially at this special moment, the country's top technology industry has been sanctioned and blocked by the United States unprecedentedly.

Extremely aggrieved, even desperate.

Because the gap is so big, it seems impossible to catch up within a few years.

At this time, Imperial Technology came out.

The chip field, operating system, etc., which the Western world is proud of directly, have become scumbags in seconds.

This is the crown of electronic technology.

Imperial Technology directly picked it up, and with its own strength, it directly transformed China from a weak country in semiconductors to a top power.

Turning the so-called blockade of the Western world into a complete joke.

Instantly shatter the western world's sense of superiority in electronic technology.

All of a sudden, China stood at the commanding heights in the field of electronic technology.

Isn't this a hero?

Isn't this contribution big enough?

This is absolute power, and it is strategic.

In the face of this powerful force, all the sunspots, the previous slander, and the previous public anger basically disappeared.

And seriously, if everything at the press conference is true.

If it is on the blacklist of the empire's technology, it may cause substantial harm.

It's not like it used to be.

Parrot translator, I don't need it.

"Doomsday" game, I can not play. "Interstellar" online game, I don't even have to play. Aren't pirated and free online games good?

So being on the blacklist is completely harmless, not ashamed, but proud.

However, you don't have to play the "Doomsday" game, and you have to watch it, it's what countless men just need.

That's right, we are going to boycott you crazily, because there is no price to pay.

However, as long as you poke at our pain points and needs, we will immediately let go of our resistance. When necessary, kneeling and licking is not out of the question.

The key now is to confirm whether everything in the press conference is true?

Is Imperial Technology really so powerful?

Still bragging?

Countless kneeling and licking evaluations from abroad swept the world like a storm.

The domestic evaluation agency delayed it by more than ten days.

But soon, they started too.

All the evaluation content is almost the same.

Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Worship, worship, worship.

Kneel to evaluate.

The domestic evaluations are also full of fanatical admiration.

Use all the words to describe the greatness and awesomeness of the empire's technology.

The whole world has been changed, the whole world has been subverted, and such words have been repeated countless times.

Because Imperial Technology has also released a word, if you want to hack our products, there is no problem at all, but you must tell the truth.

If you dare to slander?

So sorry, you will also be blacklisted and banned forever.

It's that overbearing.

Because the integrity of the reviewers is very low, and they can say anything for money.

Imperial Technology does not need any flattery from them, but it cannot discredit and slander it either.

In fact, there is no need for Imperial Technology to make such harsh words.

Because, now all the Internet giants in China have taken the lead in becoming the licking dogs of Imperial Technology.

Before, many giants regarded Imperial Technology as an enemy.

Worried that Imperial Technology will take away their online game market, free antivirus market, browser market, etc., because of the conflict of interests.

But now, they are dying of shame.

Not to mention these markets, even e-commerce platforms and social platforms are regarded as strategically important places, and Imperial Technology has completely ignored them.

What Imperial Science and Technology needs to do is to set the highest rules.

He is not at all interested in the jobs of those giants in the country.

What he is going to grab is the supreme power of Bone Song, Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Apple and other super giants.

He wants to block all the entrances on the hardware and operating system, and control the top of the highest food chain of the entire world's technology.

There is no conflict between Imperial Technology and the domestic giants.

And these domestic giants, whether they are from the Internet or hardware manufacturing, all want to kneel and lick Imperial Technology.

These Internet giants, whether they are engaged in online games, e-commerce platforms, or social platforms.

Everyone can see clearly.

The chip and galaxy system of Imperial Technology will rule the entire world.

The virtual reality of Imperial Technology will subvert the whole world.

No matter what giant you are, you will have to beg for food under the territory of Imperial Technology in the next few years.

No matter how many users you have now, how powerful your revenue is, or what is irreplaceable.

In the next few years, as long as Imperial Technology says it wants to block you, you will be finished immediately, and then replaced by another similar platform.

In this world, nothing is irreplaceable.

Only absolute power is irreplaceable.

All of these displayed by the technology of the empire are absolute power.

Therefore, the entire Internet giant turned around in an instant.

Directly from an enemy to a licking dog.

From slander and slander to praise.

All the posts of Hei Wang Huan and Hei Empire Technology, these Internet giants almost didn't need to say hello, so they deleted them themselves.

So ah, the benefits are eternal.

Because not only does the imperial technology have no conflict of interest with them, on the contrary, they can also expand their territories and conquer the world under the protection of the imperial technology.

A very simple example.

In the Galaxy system of Imperial Technology, wechat is slightly emphasized and Facebook/Book is weakened, and many users around the world will use prestige.

Because, soon, no one will be able to leave the galaxy, especially in the virtual reality environment. Imperial Technology will become the sole overlord of virtual reality, and what is built is not a moat, but an interstellar shield. No one can challenge Imperial Technology in this field.

In fact, within days of the launch.

Countless giants from all over the world have come to pay respects to Imperial Technology.

Several mobile phone giants even said directly: "I want as many mobile phone chips as Imperial Technology has."

And those Internet giants patted their chests and said that we will develop a dedicated software solution for the Galaxy system, and it will be the highest priority for all platforms.

The purpose is very simple, that is, to occupy a place in the galaxy system.

So, will the technology giants in the Western world sit still?

of course not!

A few days after the press conference of Imperial Technology.

The technology giants in the Western world, as well as the government/government/giant, held a very high-level secret meeting.

There is only one topic for discussion.

Completely block the imperial technology!

The chip of Imperial Technology is indeed powerful, the operating system is also powerful, virtual reality, battery technology, screen technology, etc., are many years ahead of the world's top level, and more than two generations.

But... the entire western world can be completely useless.

direct trade barriers.

What is China belongs to China, and what belongs to the West belongs to the West.

No matter how awesome your empire's technology is, we will directly ban it by law, and no one will be allowed to use it.

The reason is very simple. The chips and operating systems of Imperial Technology will illegally monitor our citizens, affecting national security and so on.

You can find thousands of reasons and block them directly.

But what are the consequences of such a ban?

That is to completely lose China, the largest market.

Don't even think about selling everything in Imperial Technology to the Western world. And everything from the Western world can never enter China.

Complete cessation of trade.

So who is hurt more?

It's really hard to say.

And in the final analysis, imperial technology is more advanced.

Especially with regard to virtual reality, it is nearly ten years ahead of the entire Western world.

If it is blocked, it will cause huge public resentment in the Western world.

There will be countless Westerners who will try their best to quietly buy virtual reality equipment from Imperial Technology.

The most important thing is that this is a closed country.

The laggards, to block the advanced ones, have never had a good end.

Moreover, Imperial Technology will support other technological companies in the country. Other countries in the world are not blind, they will choose advanced ones instead of backward ones.

If Imperial Technology is blocked this time, it will cause the markets of other third-party countries to be completely occupied by Chinese technology companies.

People all over the world cannot refuse a single lithium-sulfur battery technology.

Any video instantly becomes ultra-high-definition 4K, and people all over the world can't refuse it. Men all over the world like to watch Miss Sister.

Even the giants who came to the meeting and claimed to block the empire's technology would rebel at any time.

In fact, many giants have already bet on both ends.

Here, high-level officials are sent here for a meeting to discuss the banning of imperial technology.

On the other side, another high-level person was sent to secretly visit Imperial Technology for negotiations.

Samsung, Apple, Bone Song and more.


"Samsung Electronics can of course buy our chips, use our operating system, and use our cameras." Imperial Technology said: "Your purchase price is at the second-level superior level in the world, second only to Chinese manufacturers. "

"PDP screen technology transfer? I think you really underestimate us. Do you think we will occupy the PDP technology and make money desperately? I have said that Imperial Technology has never bothered to make money. We are going to license the world's four Manufacturers, contract manufacturers of Imperial Technology’s advanced PDP flexible screens, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce occupies two places, and I am personally very optimistic about Samsung Electronics in the world.”

"Battery production line? I'm very sorry, I just checked, we will indeed authorize four battery foundries around the world, but there is no Samsung in the list."

"Cpu OEM? I'm even more sorry, I think even if we authorize it, it will be difficult for you to produce it."

Samsung Group breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the conditions of Imperial Technology are not harsh at all.

Samsung Electronics can directly purchase Imperial Technology's advanced chips, camera modules, advanced batteries and other components to produce advanced mobile phones.

It can use Imperial Technology's Galaxy OS, but it needs to be paid for, not free like Android, which costs $15 per device.

But there is a huge piece of good news, it can manufacture the PDP screen of Imperial Technology.

Therefore, their interests have not been greatly damaged.

Negotiations with the Apple Group also went very smoothly.

"Galaxy system using imperial technology, but redesigned and packaged as IOS? The app store of your mobile phone is still handed over to you?" Wang Xin said: "Of course there is no problem. We have no interest in the app store. We have never thought of relying on it." This makes money. But in this case, the operating system of each device will cost $20 each.”

"Regarding hardware, do you want the highest priority procurement qualification and price? This is completely impossible, and there is no room for negotiation!"

In the end, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

A lot of benefits will definitely be lost, and the bargaining power and discourse power in the entire market will also be lost.

However, there is no problem making money.

Imperial Technology does not have much interest in the production of electronic products, they only produce things at the top of the pyramid, and most of the remaining market will still be handed over to other manufacturers.

At least Imperial Technology did not directly shout, I want to block you.

In fact, Imperial Technology is still very non-discriminatory.

There is a little preferential treatment for domestic manufacturers, but there are not many preferential treatment.

This was deliberately done by Wang Huan, because they should not be treated too preferentially. If they can make money lying down, these domestic manufacturers will lose their fighting spirit.

Only in a relatively level playing field can the entire industry become truly powerful.


Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Nvidia and other giants also came to negotiate.

"We don't have any interest in desktop computers." Wang Xindao: "Of course we will produce chips suitable for desktop computers, but we only produce the highest-end CPUs and graphics cards suitable for virtual reality. For the CPU and graphics card market of ordinary computers , no interest, and our stuff will sell very, very expensive."

Hearing this answer, several giants breathed a sigh of relief.

At least within a few years, they will not die violently.

Imperial Technology disdains to compete for their market.

But this technological revolution will eventually eliminate many things.

"We don't want to monopolize the global chip market. In fact, we will look for four chip foundries around the world, two in China, and two in the world. Our Imperial Technology will only produce the most top-notch chips. "

All giants in the world have discovered that Imperial Technology is not too interested in making profits.

Even less interested in the market.

It is willing to share the cake and share the benefits.

The only thing it cares about is technological hegemony.

Cooperation is greater than competition.

What it wants to master is the highest rule-making of the entire industry.

In this way!

The alliance to block the empire's technology has completely disbanded before it was formally formed.

Despite the shock, there will be losses.

But at least there is still profit, and it is a huge profit, and there is still money to be made, isn't it?

You can have trouble with anyone, but absolutely not with money?

Blocking the empire's technology means life and death, and it means a terrible technological war.

And at this moment, Wang Xin said a word.

"My brother once told me that he went to the White House twice, and Frank was there both times. Frank framed my brother several times, but he was not punished as he should be. The most important thing is that he was in our Pretentious in front of my brother, and my brother hates other people's pretentiousness the most."

The other side's negotiator was silent for a moment, and then said: "There is a saying in the West called late justice, but it is not justice. But after this saying arrives in China, it becomes that justice may be late, but it will not be absent. Here is China, so I want to risk this sentence to the respected Mr. Wang Huan."


Inside the estate of the Frank family.

There is a giant who is talking to him.

"Imperial Technology has mastered the strongest technology, but it has not killed them all. Instead, it has also maintained cooperation with the technology giants in the Western world. In our opinion, this is completely lured into the house."

"There is a saying in China that is very good, it is hard work to taste courage. Imperial Science and Technology lived on fire and tasted courage for 12 years, and then became famous in one fell swoop."

"That's why our company has to take risks and enter the technological hegemony camp formed by Imperial Technology. We will soon learn its technology, catch up, and surpass it."

"Maybe five years, maybe eight years, we will catch up again and occupy the commanding heights of technological hegemony again!"

"At that time, we will ruthlessly throw away Imperial Technology, and even shoot it to death. We will tell it, what a ridiculous mistake you made when you didn't drive us to extinction. There are countless such examples in history. "

"Wang Huan will definitely pay a huge price, even a devastating price, for his underestimation of the enemy."

"But now, we have to play tricks on him. Wow, I find Chinese idioms, sometimes really amazing."

"So, Mr. Frank, you may need to die!"

This chaebol's son had framed Wang Huan several times, but he was completely safe.

During the two meetings at the White House, this Frank acted aggressively in front of Wang Huan.

He asked Zhang Enci to frame Wang Huan, and then he murdered Zhang Enci.

He exposed the secret relationship between Wang Huan and Lin Bing, exposed Wang Huan's foot on three boats, and almost ruined Wang Huan's reputation.

He was arrested several times and went to court several times, but he was not punished in any way. Still at ease, still living a heavenly life, holding huge power and capital.

Now, twelve years have passed.

At that time, Wang Huan tried every means and tried his best, but he couldn't hurt Frank.

But now, just a single word can become a mountain that crushes him to death.

Therefore, in this world, power is everything.

Frank smoked his cigar desperately, and tremblingly said: "I, I can arrange a substitute, and I guarantee that there will be no flaws."

The giant on the other side shook his head and said, "I'm very sorry, no!"

Frank trembled: "I, do I have to die?"

The other giant said: "Yes, you must die. This is the will of many people."

Frank fought back desperately, but kept shaking.

He really didn't expect that the enemy he inadvertently established more than ten years ago would ruin his life.

Moreover, he could be killed easily if he was thousands of miles away.

Frank said slowly: "Then, can I kill myself?"

The giant on the other side shook his head and said: "No, Wang Xin, the vice president of Imperial Technology, said that you will be punished with justice, so you need to be arrested, then sentenced to death, and sent to the electric chair."

In fact, Wang Xin only guessed that his elder brother Wang Huan might want to see Frank executed publicly, which would be more enjoyable.

When you were weak, your serious words would be taken as a joke and fell on deaf ears.

When you are strong, any raving or joke you make will be regarded as an imperial decree.


Frank yelled loudly: "Bullshit justice, shit justice, how can there be justice in this world?"

The other giant said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Frank, this may be fate!"

Then, he waved his hand lightly.

Several militants stepped forward and directly arrested Frank, and even removed his jaw to prevent him from committing suicide.

During the whole process, Frank's father and his wife watched all this silently.

No stop, no sound.

Then, a beautiful and graceful figure entered step by step.

It was the former superstar Lin Bing, who is now one of the hostesses of Imperial Technology.

She is really old now, and she is already a mother of two children, but she is still young and beautiful.

Even ten years ago, there is not much difference.

The biological department of Imperial Technology also has black technology.

"Be safe, Mr. Frank." Lin Bing said slowly: "Actually, from my personal point of view, I would like to thank you for exposing my relationship with Wang Huan, otherwise we would not have come to this happy dead end. But My husband is going to kill you, and he is very strong-willed, so I came to the United States to witness this scene."

Frank was trembling all over, tears and snot gushing out of his nose.

He wanted to plead, but couldn't speak.

He wanted to kneel down, but couldn't because his whole body was forcibly controlled.

He really doesn't want to die.

His life is so beautiful, rich and powerful, with countless beauties.

The whole world is like heaven to him.

Why do you have to die?

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." Frank's throat growled, begging any god.

But it was useless, he was ruthlessly dragged into a car and sent to prison!

He was arrested many times before and entered the detention center many times, but he talked and laughed every time because he knew he would come out every time.

And once you get in, you can't get out again.


Two days later, the court officially opened.

This time the trial was held in Texas, because there is the death penalty here.

If it is in New York, the death penalty cannot be imposed.

The prosecution found enough evidence to prosecute Frank for murdering Zhang Enci, framing Wang Huan and other crimes.

There are nine counts of murder alone.

More than nineteen people were murdered by him.

The tragedy is that no evidence was found for more than ten years ago.

And now, it seems that all the evidence is emerging.

There are witnesses, physical evidence, murder weapons, etc., and the ironclad evidence is like a mountain.

There are several boxes of evidence in court.

Various written materials, various audio recordings, and various video materials.

There were even more than a dozen witnesses who appeared in court.

Frank's case, in fact, has not been paid attention to, but many media still deliberately make it uproarious, and everyone knows it.

arouse unlimited public outrage.

Tried several times.

It lasted for a whole month, in order to show the ultimate justice.

Then, the judge blocked the face of many media and sentenced Frank to death in public!

At this moment, all the people cheered.

Countless people feel that they have finally waited for justice.

However, countless people have discovered that this justice is too just!

Because, the process of Frank's execution will also be played.

This can't help but remind people of Saddam more than ten years ago. The entire execution process was also made public to the world.

Under the witness of countless people.

Frank had his head shaved and went to the electric chair.

Even though he had gone to the toilet beforehand, before the execution, he was still shaking and lost control of his body.

This chaebol son who was once extremely arrogant, full of superiority and elegance all the time, is now like a frightened animal.

Of all the famous friends he had made before, none of them came out to speak for him now.

He wanted to howl desperately, but found that his throat could hardly make a sound, and his throat was completely blocked by fear.

I want to vomit, but it seems that I don't even have the strength to vomit.

All procedures are completed.

The executive hit the switch.

Frank twitched violently and let out a roar.


He died terribly!


Note: The second update is here. I wrote it in the hotel, but I still can’t think of a monthly ticket. Everyone is beautiful.

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