Chapter 275 The Ghost Festival is coming

Mianmian looked at Ding Song's expression and suddenly became more frightened and a little puzzled.

But she soon stopped paying attention to Ding Song, and listened carefully to the evil ghost's words.

"I heard from my friend that they plan to expand their followers, not just people, but also ghosts." The evil ghost trembled as he recounted all the information he knew.

 The day after tomorrow is the Ghost Festival, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. According to the rules, the ghost gate of the underworld must be opened to let the ghosts come to the earth. Some ghosts come out to visit their relatives, while others are filled with resentment and return to the world just to avenge their enemies. Of course, these include the evil ghosts who were punished in the eighteenth level of hell.

 Ghosts must abide by the rules when they come to the mortal world and cannot be seen by their relatives. Once discovered by relatives, they will be taken back to the underworld by ghost messengers. The same goes for the devils who are already being punished in hell. If they cause chaos, they will also be punished by the shackles on their bodies.

 After the end of July 15th, if the ghosts do not return to the underworld at the last moment, they will be burned to ashes by the sun of July 16th.

Some evil spirits who have been punished for too long and have gone crazy will deliberately not go back on this day so that they can die under the rays of the sun.

On this day, even ghost cultivators who are wandering in the mortal world will hide for fear of being accidentally injured by the sun.

 Ghosts are like this, and people, starting from the night of July 14th, cannot stay out too late. On the one hand, the ghosts from the underworld will come to the human world, and on the other hand, the Yin Qi condenses in advance, and the lonely ghosts wandering in the human world and escaping the capture of ghosts will become more active.

Ordinary people are still out in the middle of the night. It is easy for them to encounter bad things in these days. Those who don’t know the way will only say that they are unlucky. How do they know that they are being haunted by ghosts?

The plan of the New God Sect is to expand a group of ghosts into the sect and become members of the sect when the gate of ghosts is wide open.

These ghosts also have other functions, which is to intimidate ordinary people starting from next month, create ghost-catching achievements for the people in the sect, promote the power of their sect leader Fentian Taoist, and let ordinary people believe in their Fentian Taoism. long.

 After hearing the information about the evil ghost, Mianmian touched her bald head.

 Developing evil ghost believers and mortal believers, and believing in Fentian, isn’t this what she wants?

Seeing that Mianmian was silent, the evil ghost asked anxiously: "How many years can this information reduce my punishment?"

Mianmian looked at Cui Yu: "Uncle Cui, what do you think?"

 Cui Yu stood with his hands behind his hands, and his face with cold white skin showed no emotion or anger: "In 50 years, subduing some ghosts and letting the ghosts scare people is not a big deal."

Cui Yu was so understated because he felt that the ghost in front of him must have other information, and he wanted to see if he could pull off a scam.

Sure enough, after hearing what the judge said, the evil spirit gritted his teeth and said: "There is one more thing that I will tell you. I heard that they plan to start with children and the elderly to reduce the public's love for my sister-in-law, but I don't know how to implement it specifically. I know, you can pay attention. Children and the elderly are more fragile and can be easily killed. This can save an extra hundred years, right? I, I don’t have any other information. Why don’t you let me go as an undercover agent again? Whatnot, my brother is pretty good at telling information."

 After the evil ghost finished speaking, he looked at Cui Yu with pleading eyes, hoping that this would reduce some of the punishment.

Cui Yu saw that the evil ghost really had no other information, and smiled slightly: "This information can save you a hundred years, so I will sentence you to 650 years. In a few days, the door of **** will open. If you If I can help the underworld capture a few more ghosts from the New God Sect, I can give you another reduction."

 In fact, the sentence could not have been so long in the first place, or rather, it was not sentenced in this way. But this is also a rule set by the underworld. How would the evil spirits know?

Anyway, I heard that the time spent in **** can be shortened. The evil ghost is very happy now. He has already begun to count on his fingers: "Old Zhangtou, old Litou, old Yangtou, and the rest of my brothers are all coming down to accompany me. I should be able to lose hundreds of years, right?"

Although he was originally a vicious ghost with no morals, the person he wanted to catch and reduce his sentence turned out to be his own brother.

Cui Yu waved his hand and called the Yin general who was following behind him, asking the Yin general to take the evil spirit away first. He specially marked it to avoid getting the wrong person. The ghosts present all have souls in their hands, so it would be troublesome if they fake it.

The evil ghost knew that he was about to be taken down, so he nodded and bowed to bid farewell to Mianmian and Cui Yu. That was called a dog-leg.

Cui Yu ignored the evil spirit, squatted down and picked up Mianmian with one hand: "Let's go to Uncle Cui's study to discuss it." Mianmian sat on Cui Yu's strong arm and nodded obediently: "Okay~ "

Cui Yu held Ding Song's clothes in one hand and cast a spell to go directly to the study from here.

Mianmian sat on the chair obediently, listening to Cui Yu and Ding Song chatting.

 Xiao Naituanzi didn't understand these management matters, but he still heard a message from Cui Yu's words. Uncle Cui had a lot of questions when chatting with his eldest grandnephew before. Now he seems to know a lot about the world of the world, and he is no longer like he didn't know anything before.

 She lay on the table, holding her chin with her little hand, looking at Cui Yu and blinking.

Uncle Cui must be secretly looking for someone to learn from, hehe! Mom said that people who love to learn are the best. Although Uncle Cui learned a little late, it was still too late.

Out of the corner of his eye, Cui Yu noticed that the little girl with **** and big eyes was blinking, and her baby-fat face had an extra lump of flesh squeezed out by her chubby hands. She was so cute.

The corner of his lips curled up: "If Mianmian is sleepy, go back to sleep first. I will return his soul to the earth in a few days."

Mianmian was very confused: "How did Uncle Cui know that Mianmian was sleepy? Mianmian's soul is out of body now."

Cui Yu looked at the black spots under the corners of Mianmian's eyes and couldn't help laughing: "You will know when you go back."

Xiao Naituanzi doesn’t know she has panda eyes yet.

This kind of soul-out-of-body magic, whatever the body becomes, the soul will also become. The little breasted dumpling's soul is still awake and cannot make up for the sleep, which is really painful for a three-year-old little breasted baby.

“Go back, Ding Song is here with me, everything will be fine.” Cui Yu said again softly.

Mianmian looked at Ding Song, jumped off the chair and put her hands behind her back, and said seriously: "Ding Song, you have to stay with Uncle Cui here. There is a man with a beard. If you see him, stay away." Son, he is very violent. If he punches you, Mian Mian will not be able to see you."

Ding Song couldn't help but shudder when he heard Xiao Nai Tuanzi's words of care and love from his elders.

By what my sister-in-law said, did she mean that the man would be beaten to death with one fist?

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, you must remember what Mianmian said."

Mianmian patted Ding Song's knee, dispelling the spell that caused his soul to leave the body, and returned to his body.

She was indeed too sleepy. After returning to her body, she turned over and snored into sleep.

The brothers of the Su family who were guarding the room saw Mianmian turning over to sleep, and yawned one by one as they walked out of the room.

They were worried that something might happen to their sister-in-law when she went down, so they stayed until now. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and they should go to bed.

Early the next morning, Mianmian opened her eyes. When Chu Ye also woke up, she led Chu Ye to the mirror.

She stood in front of the mirror and scratched her face: "Brother, Uncle Cui said Mianmian looks sleepy, but Mianmian is fine. There is nothing wrong with her."

 (End of this chapter)

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