Chapter 326 I cried when I became bald

Gu Youyou didn't say the reason why she fell, and Mianmian didn't know why.

 She was standing in line waiting for the game to start, when Situ Zha came over again.

 The little boy looked arrogant: "I will definitely be faster than you in the next game."

Mianmian just looked at Situ Zha, blinking and saying nothing.

Situ Zha frowned: "Are you mute?"

Mianmian shook her head: "I'm not mute. I don't want to compete with you. If you are too competitive, you will suffer a loss."

Situ Zha snorted and said, "You are also a child. Don't talk nonsense like adults. It's really annoying. In short, I will definitely be better than you. Just wait."

 The teacher divided the children into two teams, one on each side.

Situ Zha had to change with others, so he ran and competed with Mianmian. He was capable, but a little more aggressive, and those children were actually willing to give in.

Mianmian had no choice but to compete with Situ Zha.

She felt that she couldn't go too fast, as too fast would be too weird. So she followed Situ Zha's pace and saw how fast Situ Zha was running. She was swinging her two thick legs, keeping a relatively close distance from Situ Zha.

Situ Zha had used all his strength, but when he turned his head, he saw that Mianmian was still running almost as fast as him.

 He is so angry!

He became even more angry when he thought that someone had told him that Su Mianmian was a more powerful child than him. Not only could he pinch and count, but he also had special powers like him. In short, he was much more powerful than him!

I was so angry that I stared at him for a while. I forgot that there were some obstacles placed by the teacher in front of me. I accidentally failed to step over them and fell down with a plop.

By the time he got up again, Mianmian had already run at the same speed all the way out of the tunnel built by the parents and reached the finish line.

Teacher Liao put a small red flower on Mianmian again, indicating that Mianmian had passed the test.

 After Situ Zha ran out, he happened to see Mianmian putting up little red flowers, and his face turned red with anger.

 Parents have a tacit understanding during activities and will not get involved in children’s education issues. This is not only the parents’ avant-garde educational concepts, but also the educational philosophy that this kindergarten has been conveying.

 Parents who don’t let go will only keep their children from growing up.

 In a school environment, leaving children to teachers will make them grow faster.

Even though Situ Zha's mother was distressed that her son had fallen down, she could only hold hands with the other matriarch and stand still.

The nursery nurse is responsible for this aspect. She is very experienced and brought the medical kit to disinfect and spray the wound on Situ Zha’s knee.

Situ Zha directly refused: "I won't complain about this, and I don't want you to worry about it!"

That voice, anyone who heard it knew he was angry.

Teacher Liao suddenly had a headache again.

 When dealing with children, having experience is actually like having no experience. Because every child has a different personality, an educational method that works for one child may not work for another.

 Hence, educational methods need to be constantly adjusted with reality.

 This is also an educational philosophy that came up whenever she was studying this major: teach students in accordance with their aptitude, do not suppress children’s individuality excessively, and respect children’s own ideas.

She then asked Situ Zha about what he was interested in. If he didn't want to play the game, would he like to continue the game?

I originally thought that Situ Zha would be willing to participate in the game, but unexpectedly, Situ Zha fell and his knees were red.

Teacher Liao sighed softly: "Alas."

 If this continues, she probably won't think about finding a man she likes and is good enough to rely on to get married. After all, children are really mentally and physically draining, and she is really tired.

Mianmian heard Teacher Liao sigh and sighed too.


Teacher Liao asked: "Mianmian, why are you sighing?"

Mianmian said like a little adult: "Mianmian is sighing. Mianmian also gave Teacher Liao a headache just now." Teacher Liao smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, the teacher knows you are just having fun."

 After saying this, Teacher Liao called his co-classmate Liu Anan over and explained to Liu Anan that he asked Liu Anan to coax Situ Zha.

 She was the one who asked Situ Zha to compete just now. If she tried to comfort him again, it might have the opposite effect.

Liu An'an heard this, walked to Situ Zha, squatted down and looked at Situ Zha's knees.

Situ Zha frowned and turned away from Liu Anan.

Liu Anan could only say softly: "Zha Zha, it hurts from the fall. Let's put some medicine on it and it will get better faster."

Situ Zha still ignored Liu Anan and asked Liu Anan to follow him around. His eyes were still staring at Mianmian, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Mianmian noticed that Situ Zha was looking at her, and that Situ Zha's knees were really red, as if he had fallen particularly hard, so he thought for a while and walked to Situ Zha.

 “Aren’t you in pain?”

Situ Zha snorted: "It doesn't hurt. I'm not afraid of this little injury. If it were you, you would definitely cry, right?"

Mianmian no longer wanted to compete with Situ Zha, so she nodded seriously: "Well, I will cry. I will cry to my grandnephews."

 She touched her hair: "When I became bald, I cried. The tears were in my eyes."

When Situ Zha heard what Mianmian said, he raised his eyes and glanced at Mianmian's bald head: "Humph, if you are still crying over such a trivial matter, I know you are not good at all."

“Yeah, yeah, Mianmian isn’t that bad.” Mianmian glanced at Situ Zha’s red and swollen knees again, “So you apply the medicine and don’t let your mother worry about you.”

Situ Zha was reminded by Mianmian that today was a parent-child activity.

His mother went to kindergarten with him and watched him all the time.

Situ Zha looked up and looked for his mother. Sure enough, he saw the distress in his mother's eyes, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He can be a great kid. Even if his knee is injured, he can say it doesn’t hurt without applying any medicine. But his mother said that when he doesn’t feel pain, she will make it twice as painful.

Situ Zha didn't want his mother to suffer twice as much. She raised him by herself, worked late every day, and had to drink bitter coffee to stay energetic so that she could continue working the next day.

 This is all for the lives of their two mothers.

 Mom is the best mother in the world!

 Even if someone complains to his mother and accuses him of doing bad things, her mother still believes that he is not that kind of child!

Situ Zha often thinks inexplicably: This mother is his favorite mother, and it is really good not to have a father!

 Then he would be in a daze again because of the thought.

 How can any child in the world have two mothers?

 In short…

Situ Zha ran to the nursery teacher, took the medicine box from the teacher's hand with a strong attitude, and said: "I will give the medicine myself, teacher, please leave me alone."

 Getting the medicine box in hand, he quickly opened it, found the Yunnan Baiyao spray that had been injured from a bruise, sprayed it on his knee, and then rubbed it vigorously.

 The little guy looks very skilled, and it seems that he often does this kind of thing.

 Mianmian won first place in this competition.

 She got a little bunny doll as a reward from the teacher. Seeing that Gu Youyou kept staring at the cute little bunny doll, she gave the doll to Gu Youyou.

 Gu Youyou was still embarrassed: "Mianmian, this is your prize. This rabbit doll is very precious, it is a limited edition toy."

Gu Youyou is right. This rabbit doll is a well-known foreign children's IP derivative peripheral. It can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan on second-hand websites.

 Aristocratic Kindergarten, the prizes are all great.

Mianmian doesn’t care whether the limit is limited or not. She thinks there is no problem if a friend likes to give it to a friend: “Yuyou, take it, Mianmian has other dolls at home.”

 (End of this chapter)

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