Chapter 648 Don’t care about this embarrassment

 Few people study Chinese medicine, and only one person has taken the exam.

 Mianmian sat on the chair, her hands a little unable to touch the paper.

The desks and chairs for the exam are for adults. Wen Dajiang is not the kind of person who treats other people specially, so he did not change Mianmian's desks and chairs for children at all.

Noticing that the tables and chairs were not suitable, Mr. Su frowned: "Why, even the great Chinese Medicine Association can't get children's tables and chairs?"

Wen Dajiang said: "Oh, just because your aunt is a special person, our Traditional Chinese Medicine Association has to spend such an extra amount?"

Mr. Su still wanted to speak, but Mrs. Su spoke up: "It's not because of our sister-in-law. As the president of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, shouldn't you be more foresighted? In the future, people like my sister-in-law will have real abilities at a young age. There may be many children.”

"Qinglu, what you said is wrong." Wen Dajiang didn't even give face to his first love, and directly criticized others, "Not everyone is willing to use their own children to create a topic. After the exam, we will go out. , there will be reporters surrounding the Chinese Medicine Association, right? Don’t I understand the nature of a businessman?”

Mrs. Su suddenly didn’t want to talk anymore.

 In fact, judging from the current heights and facial contours of Wen Dajiang and Mr. Su, we know that their conditions were very good when they were young. Even though they are older now, Wen Dajiang and Mr. Su are both handsome old men, not much better than the short and fat Hong Jinshui.

Under the same external conditions, Mrs. Su is not the kind of person who despises poverty and loves wealth. What else could be the reason for not choosing Wen Dajiang?


 Wen Dajiang had a bad mouth when he was young. He would quarrel with anyone he spoke, even if the person he liked was someone he liked, he would only restrain himself a little bit.

Which little girl who wants to fall in love can stand such a man? At least, Mrs. Su couldn't bear it.

At this moment, Wen Dajiang was scolding her again. Mrs. Su's expression was still gentle, but she took the initiative to hold Mr. Su's hand, and the two walked to the rest chair intimately.

“Old man, let’s sit and wait, it’s just tables and chairs. My aunt is really capable and doesn’t care about this embarrassment.”

 She spoke with a gentle tone and a smile on her face. Even if there are some wrinkles, they won't affect the top-notch beauty's temperament.

Wen Dajiang looked straight at it, never expecting that the older his first love was, the more feminine he would become!

Your first love is good everywhere, but you have bad eyesight. Why did you choose Mr. Su, a guy who smells like copper? You should be in the scholarly world of Chinese medicine like him, so as not to waste the temperament of a classical beauty!

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became. Wen Dajiang sat directly next to Mrs. Su.

“I’m talking about Qinglu. Nowadays, the elderly like to go to square dances and so on. Do you have any other hobbies?”

Mr. Su frowned after hearing this.

 Is Wen Dajiang sick? Are you treating him as a living person as if he doesn't exist and flirting with his wife?! How can a normal person do such a thing?

 This old boy Wen Dajiang is just restless!

Without saying a word, Mr. Su stood up and sat down between Mrs. Su and Wen Dajiang to avoid close contact between the two.

Mrs. Su was naturally on Mr. Su's side. She moved so that Mr. Su could sit better, and she sat there with a smile and stopped talking.

There are some things that do not require women to take action, and men should be allowed to fight with men.

 She sat calmly with a smile on her lips.

“Just ask me what my old lady’s hobbies are.” Mr. Su had already replied to Wen Dajiang, “She likes to play chess with me and raise small animals. Do you play chess?”

Wen Dajiang really can’t play chess!

His mind is not bad, but he just can't master the skill of playing chess. Mr. Su knew this when he was young.

Now that Mr. Su asked this question again, Wen Dajiang felt that Mr. Su did it 100% on purpose. He said angrily: "I don't play chess, but I do have some small animals at home. Do you know about the colorful macaw? There is one at home, and now it can do arithmetic problems within ten under my training."

Mr. Su: "Oh, you also have parrots? We also have parrots and Xuanwu at home."

As soon as he said these words, Mr. Su’s arm was pinched by Mrs. Su.

Ancestor Xuanwu, can that be used as a joke? They should respect the fact that they have helped my sister-in-law so much and should not use it to start a war of words.

"Xuanwu?" Wen Dajiang was confused by what Mr. Su said. "Isn't Xuanwu a creature in mythology? Not long ago, the juniors in my family kept saying they were watching Xuanwu's videos. Today's young people don't understand."

Mr. Su knew immediately that Wen Dajiang was a 2G network. He didn’t even look at the Internet and didn’t know that the world was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

 He immediately didn't bother to argue with Wen Dajiang.

 Such people have extremely narrow vision and have their own set of logic that makes no sense at all. If you want him to change, you have to give him a slap in the face in the area where he is good at.

Then it’s up to my sister-in-law to do this, and they can just wait and see!

Mr. Su smiled and said, "Haha, you are right."

 Then he motioned to Mrs. Su to sit on another chair.

Mrs. Su also got up and changed her position.

Vice President Hong Jinshui happened to be sitting behind this chair. He was a chubby old man with darting eyes. It was obvious that he was listening to gossip attentively.

Seeing that the couple was sitting in front of him, he leaned forward, trying to eavesdrop on something private.

As soon as I got closer, I heard Mr. Su say: "Forget it, let's not argue with the fool. Let him go. Anyway, he will be slapped in the face by my aunt later."

"Well." Mrs. Su said gently, "We will have a grandson later. According to the tradition of our Su family, shouldn't we give him some greeting gifts?"

Hearing this, Hong Jinshui couldn't help but smile.

His smile let Mr. Su and Mrs. Su know that he was listening.

 The two of them turned back together and stared at Hong Jinshui.

Hong Jinshui can get into the position of vice president, he is also a person who has been through the wind and waves. He quickly said with a smile on his face: "I am my sister-in-law's biggest fan, look at my phone!"

 Mianmian's live broadcast room cannot buy gifts, but relies on the length of watching the live broadcast to increase the number of fans. The fan with the longest duration right now is level 8, and it has to be broadcast live for a long time.

Hong Jinshui’s fan level is level eight.

 Seeing this proof, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su believed that Hong Jinshui belonged to their family.

“Yesterday, my sister-in-law went to save the entire people on the plane, right? Now it’s gone viral on the Internet.”

 Hong Jinshui clicked on a piece of news.

 (End of this chapter)

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