My Card Has Mutated and Evolved Again

Chapter 183 Wasteland Duel Competition

Chapter 185 Wasteland Duel Competition

On the way to the 52nd city, Li Yan just passed the 51st city.

The two giant cities are adjacent to each other, and the 51st city is the Body Refining City. In this huge Kashi city, the Body Refining Sect is prevalent.

Moreover, the 51st City pays attention to nature. Most of the buildings in their city are relatively old-fashioned, and they are built on various hills. If you don't know, you may think that you have come to some otherworldly place.

My own body training card is from the Tiangang Sect in this city.

At present, Li Yan didn't want to make troubles, so he directly crossed the 51st city and arrived at the 52nd city Wasteland City the next day.

After arriving in Wasteland City, standing on the street, Li Yan realized that the wasteland outfit he carefully matched seemed to be pretty good.

Although this wasteland city is ranked 52nd, there is no doubt that it is also a powerful card master city.

Here is also prosperous, with high-rise buildings, clean streets, and gray projection advertising panels of various colors covering the sky.

Although the city is relatively prosperous, wasteland culture is also prevalent here.

On the street, there are all kinds of strong men with mohawk hairstyles, and all kinds of wasteland tough guy outfits. Worn goggles and gas masks are the basic outfits here.

Of course, apart from them, about half of the card masters kept their normal attire.

Maybe it seems to them that it is shameful to go out in wasteland style.

"Hey, brother, it looks like you're here to make a pilgrimage to Wasteland City! How about it, why don't you try our Wasteland Lizard deck!"

While Li Yan was observing, a voice suddenly sounded beside him and stopped him.

Li Yan looked back and saw that he was a big man with a wasteland style, and then Li Yan politely refused:

"No, there's no need, I have a waste soil card group."

After Li Yan answered, another man on the side of the street looked at the big man who greeted Li Yan earlier and laughed:

"You guys still have such poor eyesight. This friend is from Wasteland City, and he came back to participate in the Wasteland Duel Competition."

"You can tell by looking at his pure outfit, okay, this is the decent wasteland style."

Hearing the complaints from the enemy next door, the big man who was stuck in the waste soil lizard pavilion suddenly realized:

"That's right, the Wasteland Duel Tournament is about a week away from the preliminary round."

While they were complaining to each other, Li Yan had already walked away silently.

He already knew when the Wasteland Duel Tournament would start.

That's why he arrived early.

Li Yan arrived ahead of time just to make up a Wasteland deck for the competition.

To do this, he needs to go to the wasteland trading market in this giant city.

Because of the special wasteland culture of this giant city, source card transactions are also relatively popular.

Recently, because the wasteland duel competition is about to start, the wasteland source card market is extremely hot.

Li Yan left the main street and went to the source card trading market in the center of Jucheng.

After arriving at the trading market, Li Yan registered the name Knight of the End, and then entered the trading market.

"Wasteland Lone Wolf deck! Only the last three cards left! Those who want it, hurry up!!"

"Wasteland Thief Tool Deck! Popular Thief Deck, Hurry up, I'm Running!!"

All kinds of cries are endless.

Many card masters are selling cards here, preparing to accumulate the best three cards to participate in the wasteland duel competition, using cards to fight cards.

Li Yan's attire made him unremarkable.

After wandering around the trading market, Li Yan bought a box of unpopular equipment cards for wasteland survival weapons, and then bought a wasteland survivor alliance card set and a wasteland red man card set. Three decks.

After that, Li Yan went to sign up for the Wasteland Duel Competition, and then disappeared again.

A few days later, when Li Yan returned, it was already the day when the preliminary round of the Wasteland Duel Competition started.

The venue for this preliminary competition is the dedicated duel arena in the center of Wasteland City. This duel arena can accommodate 20 arenas for competitions at the same time.

Because today is the first day of the preliminaries, the auditorium outside the stadium, which can accommodate 200,000 people, is already full.

There are even more than a dozen broadcast airships in every corner of the sky.

After all, for Wasteland City, this is a grand ceremony.

High above the sky, the commentator of this game is also a strong man. He is wearing a pink jacket, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, and combing a cool airplane hair.

After confirming that the players are all here, he looked down at the players' seats below, and said in a serious voice:

"Everyone! Today is the first day of the wasteland duel! We have completely disrupted the order of all applicants."

"Your opponents are all random opponents!"

"In the qualifiers! No matter what card master it is! Cards can only be activated after the competition starts!"

"Before entering the ring, it is allowed to abstain and admit defeat. To admit defeat in this way, you only need to give the opponent a source card!"

"If you are on the stage and have already fought, no matter whether you admit defeat or are defeated, the 3 or 3 wasteland cards you used in this field will belong to the opponent!!"

"This is the order of the wasteland!"

"Survive! Fight! Loot! It's the main tone of the wasteland!"

At the end, the strong man explaining the head of the plane became more and more emotional. He raised his hands and said excitedly:

"Do your best to survive! Everyone who is about to face the frenzy of the apocalyptic wasteland!!"

As the last sentence of the commentary fell, countless audiences outside the stadium cheered wildly.

Li Yan was on the player bench at the moment, rubbing his forehead helplessly.

Not far in front of him, Li Yan actually spotted the two brothers Liu Xiangdong.

These two gamblers actually came to compete?

While Li Yan was observing, the commentator had already begun to read the number of the first round of duels high in the sky, and Li Yan heard his name not long after.

"Group Nine! The knight of the end of the enchanted wasteland, confronting the wasteland looter of the wasteland city, the strongest contemporary Guan Heng!"

After Li Yan heard his name, he stepped up and walked towards the ninth ring.

Because the first 8 groups have already appeared, so at this moment, the eyes of the audience outside the stadium are all focused on the ninth ring.

Seeing Li Yan walking out of the crowd, they finally started talking.

"Hey, this guy doesn't look like he's more than twenty years old, but his wasteland clothes are already extraordinary and refined, with such a style!?"

"That's right, just by wearing the clothes, the sense of the end of the world emerges spontaneously."

"This is already an original personal style. This guy is from the enchanted wasteland. It really is not simple."

"It seems that he realized this wasteland outfit after he realized it in that hell?"

Contrary to Li Yan's expectations, the local residents of Wasteland City outside the venue cared more about their wasteland clothing than their strength.

It's outrageous.

It wasn't until his opponent stepped onto the stage that the audience outside the arena finally commented:

"It's a pity that this kid's opponent is that Guan Heng."

"The opponent is that man. Even if this kid comes from the enchanted wasteland and has a superb wasteland style, he is probably not an opponent."

"That's right, that's the Wasteland Raider deck. I conservatively estimate that it can at least make it into the top 100 in this wasteland duel."

"You are wrong brother. There are more people from the outside world coming to participate this time. Maybe he will be ranked in the top few hundred."

The audience on the sidelines said nothing to each other, and they unanimously looked down on Li Yan.

At the same time, Li Yan's opponent for this challenge has also appeared.

The other party was a middle-aged man with a strong physique, greedy and aggressive eyes.

As soon as he took the stage, he looked at Li Yan and said with a confident smile:

"Boy, in the face of me, you still haven't surrendered? Obediently hand over your card?"

Li Yan shook his head, drew out two cards, and responded calmly:

"You've missed your chance to surrender."

The dialogue between the two sides was tit-for-tat, and it wasn't until after all the card masters in the 20 arenas had entered the stage that the commentator, who was wearing a pink jacket at the highest altitude, finally gave a loud shout.

"Wasteland duel contest! Official start!!"

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