My Card Has Mutated and Evolved Again

Chapter 322 Breaking Precepts Card Group

Li Yan also showed surprise at this time.

He knew that the prize platform in the first round was quite far and high.

But with the footsteps of a card master of this rank, he should be able to arrive within a few breaths.

These guys probably slowed down on purpose for image sake.

In this way, I, who had just passed the place of trial, became the first one to arrive.

"Look at the prize!"

Li Yan was not polite, and immediately set off, scanning the 50 platforms around him.

Each of these platforms has a purple card source card group.

This is the first round of rewards, no one can choose one.

After Li Yan glanced around, he was immediately attracted by the name of a deck.

Li Yan ignored the shocked voices outside the arena, walked straight to the first platform, and picked up the deck on the first platform.

Seeing Li Yan's actions, the third of the ten old men in the sky immediately showed surprise.

Outside the arena, within the area of ​​summoning the Holy Land, a middle-aged man also said in surprise:

"This kid actually chose the breaking ring deck!?"

Hearing his voice, behind the middle-aged man, another woman said in surprise:


"You actually used the breaking card group as the prize for the first round!?"

"Isn't this card group one of the collection card groups in the Holy Land!?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said calmly:

"The reason why the collection card group is a collection card group is because no one can control it, so it becomes a collection card group for people to watch."

"You must know the real purpose of the card's existence, not for people to watch."

"They deserve to find their own home."

Behind the middle-aged man, upon hearing their chat, the five members of the Summoning Holy Land who retired from the ring earlier,

At this time, they also whispered.

The other strong card masters who summoned the holy land around also heard their discussions.

Many card masters who don't know the relapse card group know the effect and ability of the relapse card group.

A card master who heard the effect of breaking the ring for the first time even yelled loudly:


"This deck can play damage that ignores damage reduction!!?"

Hearing his words, the passers-by and audience around were also surprised.

At their level, I know that many lives stuck in the late stage will more or less have the ability to reduce damage.

Even if they don't have the ability to reduce damage, for the survival of their life cards, many summoners will also add a series of blessing cards to strengthen the defense of their life cards.

However, at this time, the effect of the prize card group selected by the man can actually deal damage that ignores damage reduction!

"In other words, if someone can control this deck."

"Does it mean that that person can kill without defense!?"

Outside the arena, some spectators have already made a sound in a daze, expressing their own doubts.

When everyone outside the arena was wondering, Li Yan also unexpectedly sensed the deck in his hand.

He unexpectedly had a kind feeling towards this deck.

This sense of intimacy shows his suitability for this deck, which may be very appropriate.

Li Yan perceives with his spiritual sense that there are 30 cards of the breaking ring series with different names in the card box of this deck.

Among them, the highest star is a 9-star black equipment card.

Li Yan pulled out this equipment card and whispered its name at the same time.

"The Divine Soldier of Breaking Precepts..., Dragon Slaying Sword?"

Equipment cards are rare.

This is the first time Li Yan has seen a 9-star black equipment card.

Looking at the 9-star black card in his hand, Li Yan finally showed surprise in his eyes.

In his opinion, this trip to the Holy City may not yield much.

However unexpected.

In the first round alone, he got a deck with 9-star black cards.

Li Yan continued to perceive that in the entire deck, apart from this nine-star black equipment card, there were dozens of life cards ranging from 2 to 8 stars.

Among them was a macho life card, which Li Yan admired quite a lot.

In addition to these life cards, the remaining cards in the entire deck are the power card and two equipment cards.

While Li Yan was admiring the prizes he had found, everyone in the audience finally couldn't hold back anymore and rushed forward almost at the same time, wanting to choose the prizes first.

They didn't pay much attention to these prizes before, thinking that some fools got the prizes.

Who would have thought that the First Holy City would be so generous, that only the first round of prize decks included black cards.

After everyone rushed up, they also chose their favorite decks, and even several card masters fought for the deck.

The elders of the major holy places in the sky didn't care about these small fights.

The others obtained the card groups, and after opening the box to check, Li Yan discovered that many of their card groups only had purple cards and no black cards.

Li Yan couldn't help but rejoice that he chose this deck.

When Li Yan was secretly rejoicing, some field staff had already come on stage and said to everyone in the field:

"After everyone has selected the prize card group, please end the game and rest."

"Two days at most, this preliminary trial should determine the top 20 card masters."

Seeing a staff member appear, a card master from the outer city who had chosen the prize immediately asked:

"My friend, after the qualifiers, will there be a one-on-one singles match?"

After hearing his question, many other card masters who didn't know the rules of the duel also looked at the staff member.

Even Li Yan looked at it after hearing the words.

Although he knew that the Duel King Competition was a grand ceremony.

But he doesn't know how to play.

The staff member bowed to everyone after hearing this, without concealing it, and said slowly:

"After the preliminary selection, a total of 100 card masters will remain."

"These 100 card masters will be randomly divided into 20 arenas."

"For each arena, there are 5 people participating."

"The one who survives to the end will be regarded as the winner of this ring and can enter the next round of duel."

When the staff member said this, he seemed to think of something, and said again:

"The duel will be divided into 40 days."

"After the current 20 card masters are determined, these 20 card masters can choose a holy place to practice, and the next round of duel will be a year later. After you are cultivated by the holy land and get the new power from the holy land, you will continue to fight .”

The staff member finally said the competition system.

After hearing about the competition system, Li Yan also gradually showed surprise.

The second round of the competition is obviously equivalent to the audition.

The rule is that there are 5 people in a ring.

In other words, a person may face up to 4 enemies.

If 4 people kill one person together, then it may become a 2v2 or 1v3 situation.

The intent of this duel mode is obvious.

It is for the strong.

In this battlefield, what the strong need is not to defeat one person.

Instead, defeat 4 people at the same time!

That is to say, only by defeating 4 decision masters at the same time, is it eligible to be awarded the title of Duel King! ?

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