At the beginning of the battle, Nelson crossed his two wands on his chest, bent slightly, and performed a wizard salute popular in the Scottish Highlands. This unexpected politeness made Isabel a little happy. She always had a heart that belonged to a wizard.

"I will still give you a chance, and I can help you with everything you want, even including the wealth of Bojin Bok," Isabel said sincerely, and she smelled her appreciation in Nelson, "You may Living in misery and not understanding the true meaning of happiness, I can help you."

"I've been offered more attractive terms, but I'd say they're not for me."

"I may know who you are talking about, but unlike him, my gift has no price," Isabel decided to end the conversation, "Hurry up, those little things have about half an hour to escape, if you If you don’t know how to repent, I can only use more brutal methods to convince you.”

"No, you look at it, you can't use it."

Feeling the sound of the furnace coming from his ears, Nelson lowered his head and said to himself. When the last Muggle was taken away by four wizards, his eyes were completely clear again. The tremor was subsided again, the collapsed high-rise rose up again, Alexander was hidden in the mist, only the gaze cast from the crimson one-eye spanned time and space, paying attention to the lone master, rushing briefly After Isabel nodded, Nelson disappeared in place, replaced by a cluster of white and flawless light, which quickly expanded and filled into a white mist covering half of the village, gently moving towards the green poisonous mist that was close at hand like a tide go.

Soon, the lost mist and the poisonous mist met. Isabel raised the cane in her hand and prepared for Nelson's attack, but the imaginary explosion or collision did not happen, and it just drifted into the poisonous mist lightly. In the picture, white and green seem to exist in two dimensions that are not connected to each other. Isabel looked at the gradually thinning poisonous fog around her, picked up a smear with her fingers and put it in her mouth. She blinked and said strangely, "I think Your magic may have failed, but my baby doesn't seem to be weakened in the slightest."

Nelson remained silent in the fog of confusion, and a chain shot towards Isabel replaced his answer. Isabel's body, which had been eroded by black magic and was dying of illness, could not respond at all. She did not make any effective resistance, and was soon imprisoned. Locked securely, like a regular old lady.

"Heh...heh," the chains on her body tightened, the air in her lungs was squeezed out of her body little by little, and even the sternum and ribs groaned, but she didn't care about the pain, just squeezed With his last breath, remembering his youth, "When I was playing Quidditch at Hogwarts, your spell would not be able to hit me."

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The Disarming Curse, Stunning Curse and Petrifying Curse were shot at her from three directions in no particular order, as if three wizards had been rehearsing this move for a long time. The red light was directed at her as a hood, and the petrification spell hit her legs precisely, holding her firmly in place.

These three spells were like three slaps that said "you are old", and they were slapped heavily on her face. When the stun spell hit her, Isabel closed her eyes, but the tightened chains and petrification The curse did not allow her to fall.

The cane spun into the sky and fell into the hands of Nelson in the mist.

Even though the opponent seemed to have completely lost the ability to resist, Nelson did not easily get out of the fog. How could McGonagall's mother be such a character who fell down so easily? The poisonous fog that is still expanding is the most powerful evidence.

"Okay." Isabel's cheeks twitched, and she opened her eyes again. Nelson swore that this way of self-awakening is absolutely unique in the wizarding world - using the pain caused by the poisonous mist released by her own hands to corrode the skin. To get rid of the stun spell, this method may not be possible for anyone except Isabel. Nelson just held the cane she threw, and the suspended water film on the surface of the palm was quickly rendered emerald green. Come the burning pain.

This kind of pain penetrated into the bone marrow, and it also made Nelson pay more respect to the witch who had been in the poisonous fog in front of him.

Isabel's eyes were full of vigilance. She thought that Nelson should also hide somewhere to mediate with her.

In reality, however, a heated discussion was taking place not far behind her.

The emerald golden beetle cane was inserted into the ground in front of Nelson, shining like a layer of metal coating. Most of the cane went deep into the ground, revealing only the beetle waving its mouthparts and small feet. The poisonous mist was being sprayed, and the ground with a radius of one meter around the cane had turned dark green.

A transparent barrier stood around Nelson, sealing him off from the outside world.

He waved his wand, and a dung beetle that was diligently digging holes in the ground pierced the soil and flew out. Nelson placed it next to the green ground, and it dazedly touched the ground with its tentacles in a new environment.

"Huh? Green?"

It was his last thought before turning to ashes.

"People who love dung beetles express strong protest." At his feet, there was a burst of teasing from the double-sided mirror facing the cane, followed by a serious evaluation: "It's so poisonous! What's this made of? Eight eyes A poisonous spider?"

"I would like to use penguins, but the conditions are limited. There are only dung beetles around here. If you really like it, I can dig some for you when I go back. There is nothing on the grassland, just a lot of dung beetles," Nelson shrugged. , "As for what kind of poison it really think too highly of me if you ask me this kind of question."

"No, aren't you the first student to lock the 'O' in Potions class this year?" Tom laughed, "How can it be difficult for you to be so venomous?"

"You can make two more jokes, but Minerva's mother will probably poison herself with two of your jokes."

"Okay, well, I would have followed if I knew it earlier," Tom's tone returned to seriousness, "Why don't you just knock her down? I think this kind of thing should be easy for you."

"Of course, and then beat her to death along the way and make Minerva cry every day?" Nelson said. "A binding spell can break her ribs, and I don't think she can withstand a punch from Alexander. "

"What about apparition? The tactic we tried in the secret room before, is the one that flashes around?" Tom suggested, "You start from the front—"

"Tried it," Nelson interrupted her, "but she has been standing in the poisonous fog, do you know what is the way she breaks free from the stun spell? It hurts, I can't imagine that it can be used How severe the pain of the spell for the operation is, she may be really strong inside, but her body is also much more fragile than you imagine."

Nelson was silent for a moment, and then continued, "She seems to know me very well. When sharing her memories, she even deliberately included all her thoughts after her death. Although I don't understand why, I think she already has death in her heart. Zhi."

"You might as well just resign yourself to fate and just cast two spells to see the effect."

Tom gave up thinking. As far as spells are concerned, he is more attracted to powerful magic than Nelson. In these aspects, the two are almost equal.

"If it is true as you said, she has committed a serious crime, then even if you accidentally beat her to death, no one will say anything, including Minerva."

"But I think it should be her choice."

"Minerva?" Tom laughed. "You're a pervert."

"Stop the boring temptation," Isabel's voice spread from the green poisonous mist, "I read in the newspaper that you should have a powerful and incomparably giant follower."

Tom in the mirror shrugged. "Let's just leave it to fate."

"Let's resign ourselves to fate." Nelson stood up, took the double-sided mirror back into his arms, removed the surrounding barriers, and returned to the battlefield. The white mist of loss suddenly became more active, and they burst out much stronger than the beginning. Imposing, ruthlessly besieging the diluted poisonous mist, as the green color faded, Isabel understood that she had made a big mistake at the beginning, not to mention the legendary giant follower, she had long since lost her youth and youth. The capital against which people fight.

Poisons might kill everything, but in seawater they don't even have the resources to make waves.

"You are Minerva's mother, and I am not qualified to make decisions for her."

"I remember that you tampered with the oath that Shafik told you when you accepted the Order of the Garter Order," Isabel's tone softened when she heard Mag's name, "You said you were willing to protect everyone? Could it be that Scotland Don't these innocent Muggles in the Highlands deserve protection?"

"Do you think they are innocent too?"

"I don't think so, but don't you think so too?"

Isabel let out a heart-piercing roar, and the corners of her eyes, mouth, nostrils, and ears overflowed with dark green blood. The blood was so viscous that it could hardly flow. Her body was already full of her own blood. "Medicine", perhaps for Karaktakus Bok, Isabel's medicine does not produce the dependence he expected, but for Isabel herself, she has long been infected with an inescapable addiction.

"Come on! Let me see your skills!"

The venom burst out from her body, tearing out small wounds dripping with venom on her body surface. Isabel, who had lost her wand, drove the magic power with the purest emotion, allowing them to mix with the venom in her body to form a continuous A monster that exerts its own will, a green pus flowing all over its body, like a monster that just crawled out of a swamp, with despair written all over its body, this reminds Nelson of the Obscure that he had just confronted not long ago, Isabel hit Xiao Xiao is a normal wizard, but the pain caused by her stubbornness still distorts the magic power after she gets old.

This is different from Obscure, but very similar.

The undiluted venom routed out of the village and returned to the body of their owner. Isabel's final form surprised Nelson. Except for the color, she was almost exactly the same as Salem.

Before he had time to think about the relationship, the jets of water sprayed with venom had already hit in all directions, including Nelson's direction naturally.

Having rich experience in this kind of thing, he understood that Isabel's collapse was inevitable, so he dodged out of the village helplessly, looking at the dancing green in the white mist with complicated eyes.

He still didn't understand why Isabel made such a choice, what the emotions and memories mixed in her conveyed to him wanted to explain, and what kind of secrets were hidden in her tacit eyes.

Nelson sighed, looking at the empty village that had been vandalized. He feared that he would never know the answers to these questions.

This is the biggest failure Nelson has tasted so far - he wants to keep a damned person alive, but he can't interfere with her own will at all.

Isabel in the mist stopped for a while. She felt that the village was empty. She knew that her opponent had withdrawn, but instead, she erupted with stronger magic power, destroying the empty buildings in the village as if venting her anger.

Suddenly, a hand was on Nelson's shoulder.

He turned his head, it was Mag.

"sorry, I--"

"You have nothing to apologize for," McGonagall shook her head and said, "I already know what she did, and even if you don't stop her, I will report it to the Ministry of Magic."

"But she... oh." Nelson took a deep breath and did not speak again.

"Let me give her a ride." There were tears in McGonagall's eyes, but his tone was extremely firm. "She should have disappeared under the dementor's kiss."

At this moment, Isabel's last madness had come to an end, and she, who looked like an ordinary woman, fell weakly into the poison pool, and the surrounding fog quietly dissipated.

Isabel, who fell on the ground, heard her daughter's final conclusion about her coffin, a trace of misery and incomprehensible loneliness flashed across her face, but her eyes were soon relieved, and the hand that was deeply pressed into the ground relaxed, letting go. Green venom spewed out of the dirt and devoured itself.

Mag couldn't bear to turn around. She had been practicing her own justice all her life, but she never thought that her mother would do such an outrageous thing.

Isabel's mouth opened and closed, but her broken vocal cords could no longer make any sound. Her body was completely destroyed by her own poison. Even if no one did it, her life had already come to an end.

"She is wishing you happiness." Nelson sighed, but Mag could no longer see the last words on her lips. Hearing Nelson's reminder, she turned around, tears flowing wantonly, dyeing her light makeup An ugly mass of flowers, all that can be seen is a green swamp, and her mother has disappeared.


The venom exploded, but none of the splatter flew out of the village except for the one that landed on Nelson's face.

Nelson wiped his face, the cold venom did not burn him, but had a sweet smell.

His eyes widened suddenly, the venom from his fingertips quickly evaporated into silver steam and poured into his temples.

"Remember my appearance, watch out for the eyes behind me!"

He turned around suddenly, and behind him was the endless grassland.

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