My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 368 Big, Big, Big News

"Okay, everyone, I believe that after a noon break, everyone must have a deeper understanding of the topics discussed before, but before that, please allow me to introduce three new members who joined this meeting—— Ms. Scamander, appointed Acting Head of the Department of Law Enforcement, Professor Twelve Trees, Headmaster of Ilvermorny, and Mr. Daguerre, representative of the... New Salem Mercy."

The wizards here are no strangers to the first two. The former just had a big fuss in the archives. The Aurors who stayed behind were tortured by this old colleague and her husband. The latter is almost everyone's former teacher. , but just as the last participant was named, more than a dozen magic wands and two guns were pointed at his head.

etc? two guns?

The wizards looked at the team of thirty-one people, and the knowledgeable people broke out in a cold sweat. Within this distance, as far as guns are concerned, human beings are all equal.

"I understand your hatred, but I was expelled from Second Salem a long time ago," Daguerre said, holding up his hands. Under the instructions of Mr. Te, to collect the evidence of the Obscure in Second Salem, I have the most direct and true evidence in my hand, gentlemen and ladies, I am here to atone for the crime."

But no one would take his self-report lightly, so the meeting finally started under the vigilance of a dozen magic wands and those two guns.

"Crack!" The newly replaced door was locked from the inside, and no one knew what the people in the meeting room were talking about.


But after that night, documents about the self-reported crimes of the Magical Congress of the United States floated around the world like snowflakes.

This official report did not mention the accident that took place in Salem Town, where nearly half of the officials were involved. It only stated that they were "serving their sentences", and the main content was divided into three parts—the middle part of the Magical Congress of America Manipulation and exploitation of Second Salem's schemes, Second Salem's nearly sixty-year record of the illegal trade in people (both wizards and non-wizards), and the final highlight - a detailed account of Second Salem's illicit business .

When he saw the detailed bill, Nobby Rich, who had just returned to the ministry triumphantly from the United States, and his buttocks were still hot, like the leaders of wizards in many countries, almost passed away with anger. With Daguerre's help, many of Second Salem's products are selling well, and their customers are naturally all over the world. According to Daguerre himself, this list is even bigger than the teachers' time sheets detailed.

Nobby Rich roared angrily, and called back to the secretary who had just left the house, and ordered him to fetch the files of the Knockturn Alley explosion a few months ago and the Muggle trafficking case in the Scottish Highlands not long ago. When the relevant persons in the case were corresponded one by one, he almost fainted, because he himself issued the order to pardon Calactacus Burk a few months ago, and he also made a lot of reports at the time, on the grounds that "the magic Outstanding Contribution of the Department".

"Minister Rich, what shall we do?"

"Catch it back, catch it all..."

Nobby Rich leaned on his forehead, he understood the sinister intentions hidden under the nice guy's appearance of Norton II - I'm feeling uncomfortable, so don't you too.

People who didn't know the inside story were amazed at how the Ministry of Magic suddenly started to settle old accounts, while those who knew the inside story didn't even have time to run away.

Not long after, after those wizards who thought they were safe and secure were arrested, an official statement was sent to every reader's home by the "Daily Prophet".

From the related reports of "The Quibbler", readers can only get a glimpse of the heroic appearance of the two righteous passers-by, but they have little understanding of the whole picture of the incident. At this moment, people are full of shock when they receive such a detailed explanation of the incident , They were shocked by the madness of the criminals, and they were also afraid that their children and even themselves had been shrouded in this danger when they were young.

But all this is too far away from the happy wizards, and their focus is more on the last one - the United States will, as the last country to implement the Muggle segregation policy, explore a new racial openness policy that is in line with the development of the times.

What exactly is open development? Is the United States going to expose the existence of wizards to all Muggles? So what about the UK? Are you forced to participate? These are the things that may directly affect their lives.

Under the call of relevant people, the big discussion that was permanently shelved before the signing of the "International Statute of Secrecy" in 1689 was once again put on the table by wizards—whether wizards should continue to hide in this world .

As the leader of the British newspaper industry, the "Daily Prophet" certainly couldn't give up on this hot topic, so when they received the news that the Magical Congress of America was about to abolish the "Rappaport Law", they also sent reporters to understand the public's views , preparing to launch a special topic, this is a big event, after all, the United States is the last bastion of the Muggle isolation policy in the world, this is a big event for both conservatives and liberals.

In this way, that annoying "Quieter" who always likes to play the anti-tune and expose the shortcomings of others should understand what the pattern is, right?

Reporters with "heavy responsibilities" set out to travel across the country, but what made them feel suffocated was that the vast majority of wizards didn't even know what the "Rappaport Law" was. Is the news so closed now?

The reporter who set off for Diagon Alley was the one who felt the most suffocated.

"Didn't we do that?" said the bald, red-haired interviewee, who appeared to be a Ministry of Magic official, and his answer was extremely formulaic. Seek the advice of the Muggle Prime Minister. The Ministry of Magic adheres to the principle of protecting the rights of Muggles, and conducts regular inspections of officials and Auror teams..."

Nothing nutritious, the reporter scratched his head, glanced at the automatic writing quill, and began to look for the next interviewee.

"I don't feel anything. Our family lives in a remote village in Cornwall. The only neighbors are wizards and those nasty elves," a witch who just emerged from the communal fireplace in Diagon Alley showed blankly to the camera. Looking at the empty basket in her hand, "I use the Floo network to travel. I have never dealt with Muggles in my life. Is there any difference?"

It was quite new, the reporter nodded and polished up the passage.

"I think it is very necessary. When I was still studying at Hogwarts, the other three friends in the dormitory were all Muggle-born. Under their influence, I fell in love with football, which is far more competitive than Quidditch. Odd sport, if wizards make their presence known, can we watch football from the top of the field on broomsticks?"

His answer sparked protests from passing Quidditch fans, and even fans of rival teams such as the Kenmare Kestrels and the Mondros Magpies joined forces and threw dragons they had just bought at the interviewees. Shit, the young interviewee was dressed avant-garde, with a silver necklace with the Deathly Hallows logo hanging on his chest. While answering reporters' questions, he shouted "Quidditch needs to introduce advanced techniques and tactics from modern football." , while avoiding the attacking dragon dung.

When asked about his necklace, he appeared ignorant of wizarding politics, replying blankly: "It's a decoration I bought at Hogsmeade's fair, don't you think it's cool ?"

The reporter was silent. The interviewee was a bit too distracted. He copied this passage exactly as it was, and was looking for his next target surrounded by troublemakers.

"This is crazy! Sir, revealing our existence to Muggles? I will definitely not agree. If the Ministry of Magic really did this, I think I will choose to immigrate to a country that respects the rights of wizards. You may I have never read Muggle literature, and in their perception, wizards are as evil as vampires and werewolves, creatures that must be eliminated!" A bearded old man waved a cane and shouted loudly, "The Prophet The reporter from the Daily obviously didn't interview him, but he still squeezed through the crowd of onlookers, and his loud voice overwhelmed the real interviewees who were organizing their speech.

His ideas are as obstinate as the purest pure-blood nobleman, but his slovenly appearance looks like a squib who can't take care of himself. The old man can yell at the real interviewee that "Hogwarts should be Keep those Mudbloods out", which soon branched out into a plan to kill all Hufflepuffs, because Hufflepuffs had the most Muggle-born students, and by the end, he had lost himself in his own world , proposing to make Slytherins independent, to keep young wizards safe from unclean blood.

The crowd of onlookers said nothing, but the anger in their hearts had been accumulated for a long time. Among other things, some of the passers-by walking on this road were Muggle-born Hufflepuff students.

Soon, a spell shot out from the crowd and hit the old man's buttocks. He dropped his crutches, clutched his buttocks, and howled.

The reporter couldn't stand this kind of atrocity, so he hummed a song and ordered the cameras to turn their backs together. A few seconds later, the curse of "swoosh, swish" resounded over Diagon Alley. Before the Aurors arrived, the crowd had already dispersed Leaving and mingling with the larger crowd, only a pig with four tails was left grunting on the ground.

"Did Hufflepuff eat your bread?!"

The reporter of "Daily Prophet" hummed a song, turned into an alley with the camera, took out the film from the camera, carefully found a negative with a magic wand sticking out from the crowd, wiped it with his hand, and the picture on it It became a mess.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

The Auror who was looking for the assailant quickly rushed to the entrance of the alley, and saw two suspicious people standing inside, yelling loudly.

"Oh? Sir, are you an Auror? Can you accept our interview? About the topic that has become popular recently."

The action of taking pictures is also very fast. Picking up the camera, it is just a photo.

The Auror blinked blankly his eyes blinded by the flash, and did not forget to stroke his hair that was crooked due to the strong wind.

"What topic? Is the Chudley Cannon Seeker accused of modifying broomsticks?"


At the same time, Nelson and Tom finally ended their journey of drifting in the Atlantic Ocean and took Adele off the boat.

Tom's legs were weak when he disembarked, but he was unmoved, and even felt a little sick.

"I don't understand, Gnar, why the sea was fine when we went to America, but the waves are so big when we come back?"

"This may be related to ocean currents and cyclones." As a person who often takes boats, Nelson didn't feel too uncomfortable. Instead, he felt that the refreshing journey after solving Hai Erbo was like a vacation. He rubbed Adele's head and asked said, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"I don't have anything to vomit anymore." Adele tried hard to pretend that she was also seasick, but the concern made Tom even more uncomfortable, and she whispered, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you want to Apparate. "

"It says in the book that apparition is not suitable for children." Tom suppressed his nausea and said with a pursed mouth. Saying this is disgusting and that disgusting, and now I am really disgusted."

"People's physiques cannot be generalized," Nelson smiled and handed Tom a bottle of seasickness potion, and said to Adele, "To become a powerful wizard, one must start with physical exercise."

"Why didn't you take out the medicine earlier?" Tom complained, taking the medicine bottle.

"Tom, I just found this out of your potion bag," Nelson said helplessly, "Do you think I will prepare seasickness medicine?"

"It's's annoying, it's forgotten by nausea."

Tom unscrewed the cork and gulped down the potion. As expected of Professor Slughorn's favorite student, the effect was immediate.

"Are we going to Hogg... Hogg?"

"It's Hogwarts, Adele," said the recovering Tom, taking his suitcase, "but it's still a while before you leave school, you can enjoy your last childhood, and you'll just be like us in the future Looking forward to the holiday when school starts."

"I'm going to rent a few houses in Diagon Alley, and I want to check some things," Nelson planned, "I can help Adele purchase some things for the start of the school, such as magic wands."

There were stars in Adele's eyes, imagining what she would look like when she got the wand. Seeing this scene, Tom and Nelson looked at each other and smiled silently. Once upon a time, they had the same vision, and their Childhood is about to be realized in the little girl.

"Huh huh—"

There was a sound of fluttering wings above his head. Nelson looked up and saw an owl: "Oh, and pets. I think owls are good, at least practical. It's better not to buy strange animals."

"Be careful of strange animals hitting you," Tom curled his lips. "That pet shop is gone, let's look elsewhere... I think the bar-headed owl is pretty good."

The workers on the pier looked up and went to work on their own business. For them, all kinds of strange birds are no surprise.

But the owl didn't pass by. It looked around in the air and jumped straight at Nelson.

This kind of scene is much rarer. Many people tiptoe to look here, but the owl passed by Nelson, and has already flapped its wings and flew away. It seems that it just got tired of flying and turned around.

No one noticed that there was already a thick stack of newspapers in Nelson's hands, and its not-so-serious name was written on the front page-"Quieter".

And the headline on the front page read: "Poll by a certain newspaper? See real public opinion: Interviews with twenty British Muggles"

"It's really big news." Tom looked closely at the headline and said, "What happened while we were at sea?"

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