"Hogwarts, here we come."

Nelson raised his head. The sound of the train station announcement changed at some point, but it became more and more like the London subway. He took a deep breath, patted the wrinkles on his body, and stood outside the window waiting for Hogsmeade. 's arrival

As the surrounding scene became more and more familiar, various buildings that seemed to be built by wizards came into view. He felt the slight trembling of the magic wand in his arms, and he knew that he was about to arrive.

"Hey! It was really easy for me to find," Slughorn's voice suddenly appeared behind him, and Nelson turned his head. In the empty corridor, the huge body of Professor Walrus occupied almost all the space in the corridor. No, he became fatter and fatter. He walked up to Nelson with a smile on his face, put his hands on his shoulders familiarly, and looked out the window together, "Why didn't I see you in the lounge, you Don't you like going there to warm up?"

"Professor," Nelson laughed, "it's still the end of summer, look outside, the sun is not small."

"It's also good to eat some ice," Professor Slughorn patted his stomach, the thick flesh trembled like waves, and even the floor under Nelson's feet became trembling, "Tom just threw Wei Miss Erttling brought them over. She liked the pudding in the front car very much. She also told me that she would try to become a Hufflepuff prefect because of the pudding. Gryffindor, now he looks more and more like a qualified Hufflepuff."

"Thank you for your attention, Professor."

Nelson thanked earnestly. This sudden behavior made Professor Slughorn a little overwhelmed, and he turned to the side, but Nelson still managed to thank his stomach that could not be packed, Slughorn Squeezing Nelson's shoulders, the flesh on his face piled up, and he said with a smile, "I'm also her Potions teacher. Isn't it natural for a teacher to pay attention to students?"

"You are really the best professor I have ever met at Hogwarts."

"It's awesome, there are many people who teach better than me," Professor Slughorn's expression changed. For six years, he and Nelson, who suffers from color weakness, a terminal illness of potionists, have almost been in a mutual torture. If it wasn't for Nelson's tactful abandonment of Potions in the sixth grade, he might have developed to the point of hating each other. He never thought that Nelson would say such a thing, and he was a little moved for a while. "I thought in your hearts, I was a bad teacher who only cared about good students."

"How could it be? I understand your painstaking efforts." Nelson said sincerely, "Professor, the bus will arrive soon, and I will go to pack my luggage first."

"Don't worry, I just saw Miss Warren and Blake, and Blake saw that you were standing here and didn't respond, so he took your bag to the prefect lounge for you," Professor Slughorn didn't seem to put it down. The meaning of Nelson's leaving, he pressed Nelson's shoulders, lowered his head, and said with a smile, "Let's go together and walk on the road by the way, you shouldn't refuse my poor request, we teachers and students have been together for a long time Haven't spoken like that."

"I wish for it, Professor," Nelson blinked, "I still have a lot of questions about potions that I want to ask you for advice!"

"Hahahaha! Please forgive me," Slughorn patted his stomach vigorously, making it tremble more violently. He looked at Nelson with a bitter face and asked, "Would you like to change?" Colonel robe? I can wait for you outside."

"No, professor," Nelson shook his head, and changed into the little magic trick he just showed, wearing a simple school robe, with blond hair and Slytherin's silver-green emblem shining in the sun, "Speaking of which, I I really have a question about potions to ask you for advice."

"I hope I can answer those wild questions of yours."

As the long whistle sounded from the front of the car alarmed the birds in the fields beside the railroad tracks, the speed of the car gradually slowed down, and it stopped at the end of the trip after a short while. Nelson could already hear Ogg calling for freshmen through the glass Shouting, he followed Slughorn and walked towards the exit of the carriage. The students in the carriage also came out of the compartments one after another. Some of them saw Nelson and were about to greet him, so they noticed The professors around Nelson had no choice but to put away their high spirits after the holiday, and saluted the professor respectfully and politely.

On the platform, many little ones stood scattered among the crowd, and were carried to Ogg one by one by the surrounding prefects and senior students. Their eyes were full of panic and curiosity like deer strayed into the town. , mixed with more complex emotions such as excitement and worry.

"I guess some bastards are scaring them with that weird 'sorting ceremony'," Professor Slughorn said to Nelson, looking at the freshmen around him with interest, "Which students do you think will come to Slytherin?" What about it? I heard from Black that you have the ability to sort schools at a glance."

"Nothing, Professor," Nelson shook his head, "probably a quarter of it."

"Hey," Slughorn let out his signature laugh again, "If you can pretend to be confused like this on weekdays, your life should be much more comfortable."

"I'm very comfortable, Professor," Nelson shook his head, then shook his head again, as Slughorn stared at him suspiciously. "Really, Professor."

"They caught up with the good times," Slughorn sighed, looking at the flustered freshmen in the crowd. At first, she worried for a long time before she made up her mind to set foot on the Hogwarts Express. Now they are doing well. You don’t go out very much recently. You probably don’t know. Students can guide them through their pre-school preparation and even preview some homework in advance.”

"Sixth grader?" Nelson raised his eyes, and didn't pay attention to why Slughorn knew that he hadn't been out much recently. He just looked for a familiar figure in the crowd, and saw the faces of the Gryffindor team at a glance. The worried Christian, who is also in the sixth grade this year, asked the professor curiously, "Will they go?"

"Of course, after all, extracurricular practice is also linked to their grades." Professor Slughorn nodded, "You see, I remember that in the year you entered school, only you and Tom were the Muggle-born freshmen watching They looked calm, but the other children were somewhat scared, and even a little girl almost fell into the water. Looking at them now, they are all as calm as you were back then, but I was a little scared, after all, no Potions professor would want to Take in a whole class of students dedicated to making the cauldron smell bad."

"Professor, I have actually been able to brew some simple potions recently."

"Do you think I'll believe you? You're not going to be taking Potions this semester anyway, unless you submit an application to Albus for... oh shit," Professor Slughorn changed the subject in a panic, "Let's talk about some happy things. What do you want to do after graduation? Have you got any plans?"

"Professor, does this topic really make you happy?" Nelson said quietly. "I don't even know if I'm going to get a job."

"You really know how to joke," Professor Slughorn put his arms around Nelson's shoulders, laughing, "I just met Minister Rich a few days ago, and he told me that you have been eyeing the position of the Ministry of Magic for too long Yes, I heard that it is still an important department, what's the matter?"

"I did submit a request to him before, but now it seems that I don't know if I did the right thing."

"What's wrong with finding a job to earn money? Can you survive without eating and drinking dew? If there is a job that really suits you, you might as well try it. If it doesn't work, Hogwarts has had several in recent years. A professor is about to retire, and with your grades, you can stay in the school no matter what, as long as you don't apply for the positions of professors of potions or astronomy."

"I feel that I may not be suitable to be an educator," Nelson said slowly, with his eyebrows twitched, "I used to think that I was very suitable for educating others, but now it seems that my own ideas may be wrong. Professor, you should know what happened this holiday."

"I don't think so, Nelson," retorted Professor Slughorn, his tone becoming more formal. "If you want to be a mentor, you should think about it. Doesn't your teacher have nothing but the church? Do you know how to teach you how to eat and how to sleep? Will he still tell you how to do this thing and how to do that thing? Is he going to teach you how to be a person and how to do things? Even if it is possible to do so, wouldn’t what he taught be another self? What’s more, what he taught must be correct?”

Listening to Slughorn's teachings, Nelson couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and murmured: "How can people change?"

"It will naturally change at that time, Nelson. In fact, the image I have in most people's minds is that I am indeed a person who is eager for quick success and keen on wealth and power."


"Don't rush to excuse me, you can listen to how I became what I am now," Slughorn looked around, saw that no student dared to approach here, sighed, and told his story many years ago. Daolai said, "Do you still remember the Muggle-born friend I mentioned earlier? If she is still alive, she should be your teacher's wife... It is strange to say that the teachers who entered the school in my class seem to be middle school students. It’s like a curse, everyone is single, and now I’m afraid Felius and Minerva will follow in the same footsteps.”

"In terms of potions, there are many people who are more talented than me. For example, she, a Muggle-born wizard, is not like me who can get in touch with potions all day long in the Slughorn family, but she is very familiar with magic potions." Medicine has a natural sensitivity. At that time, Hogwarts could not provide the materials needed for courses like it is now. All courses, including potions, required students to prepare medicines by themselves. You know, potions and alchemy Same, it’s a very expensive business.” Slughorn sighed, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his black bean-like eyes, “Muggle-born wizards, even if they can enjoy some subsidies, but they are still in the process of learning. In any case, there is only one chance to try, but even under such harsh conditions, she has done much better than someone like me who can squander materials unscrupulously."

The freshmen of the first grade were already lined up, accepting Ogg's roll call anxiously, and Slughorn looked at those children with a hint of envy in his eyes.

"I graduated with her and worked together. She went to a famous potion store in Diagon Alley. I don't know if you have seen it. It used to be a pet store. Because of something happened, the business has not been good. A few years ago, it changed She never opened the door again," Slughorn said with a sense of loss, "She has always kept her previous habits, no matter what potion she would make directly, she never wastes medicine materials to imitate, no potion master can guarantee I can always make no mistakes in my ability, not to mention that it is a particularly dangerous potion blindly."

"Professor, could it be..."

"She blew up the whole store, including herself, and I just got off work from Hogwarts that day, and I went to her with an engagement ring and a gift box in the shape of a slug that she was most afraid of," Sla Professor Ghorn patted Nelson on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I sometimes wonder, if every Muggle-born wizard can enjoy the same resources, will such tragedies be much less likely?"

"So you got Hogwarts' Potions class to start giving materials?"

"I don't have that much ability. I asked the school director, the Ministry of Magic, and even my former student Rich. After so many years, I have even gotten used to begging for help, getting used to being intimidating and haggling, you See, that's how people change."

"Perhaps Professor Dumbledore was right all along..."

"Albus is that kind of person, Nelson," Slughorn patted Nelson on the shoulder, obviously, he knew something, "He always thinks that he does everything for his own good, don't take it personally, After all, you only have one year left to be a student. Who is Dumbledore by then? Unless he is still the headmaster when your child comes to Hogwarts, you don’t have to slap him. Whoo hoo!"

"Professor, you speak like I'm old." Nelson smiled.

"Isn't it?" Professor Slughorn asked back, "Seeing you standing in the carriage with an old face, where did you hide Nelson who traveled more than a hundred nights in the previous semester? "

"Isn't it right in front of you? Professor." Nelson thanked him sincerely. "Thank you, Professor."

"I just think you did a good thing," Professor Slughorn said in a low voice, holding Nelson's hand. "No one praises you, maybe it's because you can't hear their voices, but people are talking about it." Look at it from the sky!"

Professor Slughorn looked up, and a cloud that looked like an exploding slug floated slowly overhead.

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