My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 493 Muggle Research

"is it here?"

"I don't know, I only know that my sister took this class, but I've never been in this classroom."

"Yes, I saw the number on the wall, and it's this classroom."

After dinner on the first day of school, Nelson, Tom, and Alphard, the first unlucky ones to enjoy the confinement this semester, pushed each other to the door of the Muggle Studies classroom. The location of this classroom cannot be said. Is it not good? The light is sufficient, it is quiet enough, and the surrounding environment is also very clean. It is so clean that you can’t even see a few footprints. It is located on the side of the corridor on the west side of the Ravenclaw Tower. The armor that cares about, few people set foot on.

"You guys came so early? It's really helpful! I'm glad that you can come to help me compile the textbooks. This is a hard job from zero to some, and I will count on you from now on," Nelson walked to the door, not yet Before he had time to knock on the door, the door of this classroom was opened from the inside. The person who opened the door controlled his strength so that his nose was not hit by the door. An ordinary-looking professor was wearing a turban while He poked his head out, "Last night, I heard from Professor Dumbledore that three students were willing to come to help in advance. You...uh, you seem to be new faces. Have you never taken this course?"

Professor Rahman has a standard Arab face, so standard that people can't tell the difference between him and other Arabs. The goatee on his chin is combed softly and shiny, and he has a tattoo on his neck below his left ear. A small square tattoo with a distinctive Arabic style, he raised his hand and scratched his neck, his eyes fixed on the faces of Nelson and Tom, then quickly moved away, smiling and looking at the three panting Student: "No wonder I'm so tired, this place is not easy to find."

"Sorry Professor, Tom and I lived in London before we entered school," Nelson nodded slightly, and said, "Alphad is a friend who often hangs out with us, so we feel...uh..."

"That's right, Muggle-born students don't need to take this course," Professor Rahman nodded knowingly, pushed the door open, and asked three students to come in sideways, "just like a French student doesn't need to study in the UK. It's the same as learning French. Of course, if it's for credits, then pretend I didn't say it...Come in, I'm Abdullah Rahman, and I'm your Muggle studies professor. Seeing how tired you are, first Have a sip of hot tea, what would you like to drink?"

"No, professor, we're actually here for confinement."

"How about scented tea? I bought it at the China Pavilion of the World Expo in France during my vacation. It tastes pretty good," Professor Rahman seemed not to have heard Nelson's speech about his "surrogate body", thinking about himself Walking towards the back of the classroom, "Of course, it's not the Wizarding World Expo where something big happened, but the Muggle World Expo next door."

The three of them followed his footsteps into the classroom. Compared with "classroom", this place should be described with words such as "storage room" or "library", except for a few sets of tables and chairs crowded in the pile of debris , most of the space here is occupied by all kinds of strange objects. Although there are many and messy objects, if you observe carefully, you can find that most of them are placed in categories according to geographical location and purpose. It is really the state where when mother complains that the room is messy, she can confidently say "I put it according to my own habits".

Tom picked up the hem of his robe, carefully stepped over a small stone statue on the ground, found an empty seat and sat in, Alphard stood blankly at the door, not knowing how to get down, Nelson picked it up curiously I bought a straw doll, and there were many needle-like holes on its chest, and there were traces of glue left on the back.

"It seems that you are very interested in my collection. After today's work is done, you can pick two gadgets to take back," Professor Rahman said standing on the podium, "There are not many students who choose this course , I also have too many things to study, so this place is messy, and you have to overcome it for a while, but I have already applied to the principal for a larger classroom, and this place can be used exclusively as my office in the future."

Hearing what Professor Rahman said, Nelson hurriedly put the straw doll back in its place.

"The doll you picked up was used by Muggles to curse, although it has no curse effect," Professor Rahman watched Nelson's movements, and said, "There are similar curses in many places in the world, Muggles They think that as long as they know the name and date of birth of the enemy, and then take some of his body tissue such as hair and blood and sew them into the straw doll, it will have a certain metaphysical connection with the enemy. If the doll is pierced with a sharp instrument body, the cursed person will suffer the same damage, I found this doll fifteen years ago when I was traveling in Southeast Asia."

"I remember that there is such a curse, Professor." Listening to Professor Rahman's description, Tom frowned slightly and said, "This should be a very ancient curse. I read it in a book."

"Yes, it is indeed very old, and the conditions are harsh. For wizards who want to harm others, it is far less convenient than a black magic, so it was quickly abandoned by wizards. Perhaps before the Secrecy Act was enacted, Some wizards once used this kind of magic and were seen by Muggles, thus giving birth to this plausible curse method. In some countries where Muggles and wizards have close ties, there used to be many court wizards, or perhaps this ritual originated from It was handed down at that time," Professor Rahman opened the chatterbox, and said enthusiastically, "This is the Muggle's cognition of magic. It is really interesting and worth studying... I am different from you. Hogwarts has never had much contact with Muggles before graduation, so I am full of curiosity about this kind of thing. Muggles may view wizards in a completely different way from what we imagined, so this course is very important in the current environment. There is a need for research."

"Professor, does this doll really have no effect?" Nelson pinched the straw doll, and some magic materials that only wizards can access fell out of it. "It doesn't look like just a handicraft."

"It is indeed effective," Professor Rahman said after thinking for a moment, "When I saw this doll, its owner had already scratched his hand because he poked it with a rusty steel needle, and he suffered from tetanus soon after. In this world, you can't make real things by taking pictures of cats and tigers, just like I saw a car driven by Mr. Malfoy at the school board meeting before the school started. With all due respect, except for the forged steel shell, that thing is a The tent with only the Untraceable Stretching Charm cast was placed on a flying carpet, and four wheels were added at the four corners. The Shafik family has long since put together the Knight Bus and the Hogwarts Express piece by piece. They don't know how Muggle machines work, they blindly think that magic is definitely more efficient than it, and add a flashy shell to the patchwork core. This kind of thing can also be regarded as A representative product after the abolition of the Secrecy Act? Looking back in ten years, Britain will definitely become the laughing stock of the world!"

Noticing the sudden silence in the classroom, Professor Rahman scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "Wouldn't someone of you bought that car at home?"

Nelson and Tom cast their eyes on Alphard in unison. Alphard, who finally found a way among the debris, felt the annotation, and almost tripped over a photo frame piled under the book. Fortunately, Tom used his magic wand to hold it in time. After saving him, avoiding a catastrophe in the messy classroom, Alphard raised his head, looked at Professor Rahman and said: "Nothing, Professor, only fools with money and no place to spend in the Malfoy family would buy that kind of thing .”

"It's wrong to say that about classmates," Professor Rahman shook his head seriously, "although this kind of consumption is really stupid."

There was suppressed laughter in the classroom.

"Okay, tell me your college grades and names," Professor Rahman walked to the desk and picked up a booklet, "I will add a high average score to you as a Your reward for your enthusiastic attitude to matters that matter."

"I'm Alphard Black," Alphard said impatiently, "Professor, will you give me an O?"

"Of course, as long as your grades are sufficient."

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, we are all seventh graders in Slytherin." Tom said flatly, "Professor, but we didn't choose those two electives."

"I remember your name, you are a warrior of the Triwizard Tournament, you performed very well, Riddle, I will help you choose those two courses, as Muggle-born students, of course you can get high marks, "Professor Rahman sketched his name on the roster, raised his head curiously, looked at Tom and said, "Three Slytherins? Sorry, I thought you should be three Gryffindors."

"By chance," Nelson said, pulling out the chair beside him and sitting down, "my name is Nelson Wertling Williams."

"It's you?" Professor Rahman's eyes stayed on Nelson's face for a while, and after a long silence, he said slowly, "You really don't have to take this course, no wonder Professor Dumbledore told me, come A very good teaching assistant."

"Professor Dumbledore praised."

"No, not at all," Professor Rahman shook his head, "I didn't go to see the Triwizard Tournament, but I went to visit the giant this afternoon, as well as Paris... You know their history better than the current Shafik family For everything my fathers have done, I can say that Shafiq’s orthodoxy is not too much for you.”

Nelson raised his eyebrows. Professor Rahman, who didn't know the inside story, just said a big truth.

"What do we need to do, Professor?" Tom looked at the messy classroom, a little irritable, so he closed his eyes and asked.

"The previous content of this class was just to teach students how to hide themselves in Muggle society," Professor Rahman ended the chat, "In fact, as a wizard who grew up under the law of secrecy, I don't know how to do it. Teaching after the abolition of the Secrecy Act, in Muggle terms, this should be called contact of the third kind."

"That should mean aliens, Professor," Nelson corrected.

"For Muggles, aren't we aliens?" Professor Rahman supported the edge of the desk with his hands, sat on it, looked at Nelson, and asked with a smile, "Do you think our teaching should be more What's the content?"

"History?" Nelson said, gesturing with his hands, "I think students need to understand the relationship between wizards and Muggles for thousands of years, so that they can understand the current basis."

"History, good," Professor Rahman waved his wand and placed the word "History" on the upper left corner of the blackboard. "Without the past, everything would be nothingness. As far as I know, many people think that Muggles Separated from wizards from the beginning, we can also find answers to current problems in history, which is a good proposal, worthy of you, Williams, I saw Professor Binns' score book at the teaching conference, You're really invincible."

"And teaching meetings?" Tom couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Of course, Mr. Riddle, when people are with each other, they are either fighting or meeting."

"I think the Muggle economy needs to be included," Alphard replied, raising his hand. "This holiday season, my father often has to worry about the Muggle pound, as well as their banks, stocks, futures and things like that, listen It makes your head big."

"A pertinent suggestion, Mr. Black," Professor Rahman waved his wand, and added Alphard's proposal after "History", "Your father is much smarter than the person who puts a shell on the magic carpet, maybe I should Find a chance to visit him once."

"I think the social structure of muggles also needs to be studied," Tom said, "their social structure is much more complicated than that of wizards, in all fields, not to mention that every country in the world is very different, and military, as As you said, in addition to meetings, we also need to consider the matter of fighting, after all, the secrecy law was born because of this."

"Well, that's right."

"And their scientific research, we need to know what Muggles without magic live on..."

"I have to make a long list of books for the principal," as the sun went down a little bit, the blackboard behind Professor Rahman was densely written with words, and Professor Rahman scratched the tattoo on his neck irritably, Said: "Too much, and too little, I think I need to find some friends to help, and find some real Muggles to understand the situation."

"Professor, there's a Muggle reporter from London at the school," Nelson suggested. "Perhaps you can ask him for help."

"Reporter? Is a reporter worthwhile?"

"Professor, if you are a Muggle in power, will you really only send an ordinary reporter to interview in this kind of 'contact of the third kind'?" Nelson shook his head, "I saw him on the train, He is inquiring about everything here all the time, and he should be shouldering a heavy responsibility."

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