"John, want a drink after get off work?"

A brisk shout sounded in a castle-like factory on the outskirts of London, which was out of place with the surrounding factories with black smoking chimneys.

Like Jack, the most common name on the sea, on the land of the British Isles, as long as you walk on a street with more people and shout "John!", there may be a few faces flushed by the sea breeze The young man turned his head.

But this John is not as ordinary as his name. As the only wizard in the factory, he has the privilege of sitting on the top of the spinning machine while everyone else is hard at work. Apparently, this job was not easy. He looked around the factory from time to time, using magic spells to keep the spinning wheel running.

There are square windows on the towering gray walls, and a few bright chandeliers hanging on the curved roof, illuminating the huge workshop brightly. A huge yarn wheel like a waterwheel stands in the center of the workshop, The surrounding people are extremely small, and countless silk threads of different materials connect the hands of workers in all directions. After sorting these rough threads, they gather on the huge yarn wheel like a stream flowing into a river. The threads of the material are woven together - the hard leather rope tanned by dragon tendon leather is woven into the frame, the strong and soft linen is filled into the empty frame, and the soft and bright brocade is used as patterns and patterns, and they are connected in series by silver threads , fell from the spinning wheel like a roll of paper, was rolled together by several capable workers, and then carried into the guillotine beside it, where it was cut into squares the size of carpets.

In fact, what is produced in this factory is carpet, but the kind that can fly.

The blazing flames scorched the section of the carpet, and the severed tendons and skins were coupled together as if they were alive, and the final seam work was being done. The freshly baked carpets were neatly piled up, and John, who was sitting on the top of the spinning wheel, was He picked up a handful of bright yellow dust from the small basket beside him and threw it down. He skillfully waved his magic wand, and the scattered dust was evenly sprinkled on the pile of carpets under the control of magic. Suddenly, it was hidden among the patterns. The silver wires lit up, outlining the frame used to fill the runes. Under the effect of the Levitating Charm, they flew to John one by one, and after inspection, they fell back neatly to their original positions.

John nodded in satisfaction, and stamped the bottom row of the form beside him. Such a stamp has almost covered the entire page. He couldn't help but sigh a little. At this time last year, he was just the weaving workshop of the Malfoy family. For an ordinary employee, every wizard needs to complete the selection of wire materials, weaving and finally endowing magic power by himself, and it takes him three days to make such a flying carpet, even though the flying carpet in front of him is still It's just a semi-finished product that doesn't have magic power, but its efficiency has exceeded what it didn't know before.

The moment the stamp fell, the flying carpet had been loaded onto a flatbed truck and was about to be transported to the other corner of the factory, where many ingenious embroiderers were ready to draw finalized pictures on it. John remembered the one he had once made. The flying carpet with the theme of "Caesar at the Battle of Zela" was ruthlessly evaluated by old Malfoy as "Napoleon 538th Waterloo", and he couldn't help covering his face.

Those embroiderers earn a higher piece rate salary than him, but their work can be said to be the most valuable in this factory. After embroidering the patterns, the semi-finished products of these flying carpets will be sent to Diagon Alley In the other factory, the ability to fly is endowed by alchemists, and this link is the most restrictive shortcoming of production capacity, but John heard the news that Miss Black has signed a contract with Nurmengard's magic factory , in March, they will obtain the technique of recreating the movements of an alchemist by an alchemist doll. At that time, an alchemist can process at least three flying carpets at the same time. , I don't believe it, and I am fascinated by the Nurmengard magic factory. It is said that such a production method has been adopted there as early as four years ago.

The workers in the factory just looked up. They have seen this kind of efficient and fantastic scene too much, and they have already become used to it from the initial surprise.

After the batch of flying carpets were sent away, John took a break for a while. He patted the big guy under his buttocks, shook the heavy pockets full of Galleons, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

This huge spinning wheel is the real source of change in this factory. After receiving the news that the old Malfoy had transferred the flying carpet workshop to Mr. Borcus Black, John, who was frightened by the risk of unemployment Seeing the three carriages parked in front of the factory building, he was the last wizard who was still panicking here. Walburga led the wizards of the Black family to the factory building, and after using the whirlwind to clear everything here , Only then did I notice that there was one last piece of "sundries" left in the clean factory building.

"May I have your name?"


"Someone will come and teach you what to do in the future."

This was the short and only conversation between the two, and John didn't even have time to see what Miss Blake looked like before he was overwhelmed by the little silver balls that fell from the carriage and poured into the factory building. When the small silver balls were split in two, deformed and reassembled without the wizard's control, some became sliders, and some became bearings. Soon, a huge waterwheel rose from the ground like this. The building is even more magnificent. Walburga's entourage told him that this waterwheel is called a spinning wheel, and it is a tool used by Muggles for weaving.

"Do Muggles... all use something this big?" John asked blankly.

"Of course not, it's much smaller than this, and it's in a row," the wizard who has studied this deeply and is about to be in charge of the alchemy workshop showed off his newly acquired knowledge, "I'll give you a manual later. , if you don’t understand anything, just ask me, starting next week, about a hundred Muggle workers will be recruited here.”

"Muggle... workers?"

"Yes, insider information," the wizard blinked, "The Ministry of Magic is ready to issue a notice by next Saturday at the latest, but our recruitment started a month ago, work hard, this factory will Leave it to you, Miss Black has already settled your parents and family, if you perform well, you will be on the rise."

"I..." John didn't have the consciousness that his family was under control, he had never been so important, he just asked worriedly, "Can I do it?"

"Are you a Squib?"


"Are you a dummy?"


"That's no problem." The wizard patted his arm, nodded and said, "Miss Black likes your flying carpet with the theme of 'Caesar at the Battle of Zela' very much, we all think you have this ability. "

"Isn't that flying carpet... remade? Because it's too ugly."

"What are you talking about? Miss Black spent one hundred and twenty Galleons to buy it for her friend. You may be deceived by old Malfoy, but don't worry, in the Black family, this kind of thing will not happen. The situation, we just want you to do better," the wizard smiled, "this spinning wheel is a gift from her friend, and you will know how wonderful it is then! I will make up for you sixty galleons later , after all, the bond of this workshop is also under our management."

The loud chants of the workers moving the flying carpet called John back to reality. His expression was a little dazed. After a few months, he had gotten used to this kind of work and life that he had never dared to think about before.

He patted the spinning wheel that changed his destiny under his butt again, and called "Jenny" affectionately.

Jenny is the name of his younger sister who died young, and staying with "Jenny" every day is like being accompanied by family members. Coincidentally, his Muggle colleagues told him that the most popular spinning machine used by Muggles was called "Jenny Machine".

"Aren't you unmarried? My sister is very curious about you, a wizard." The man who sent the invitation raised his head and said, "You have seen her, remember? She looks nothing like me, with lush hair and good-looking , can read and write, and can shoot a bird flying in the sky... By the way, by the way, if you marry a wizard, will the chance of your child becoming a wizard be much higher?"

"Bernard," John on the top of the spinning wheel blushed, and changed the subject in a panic, "you have to put on both the mask and the hood so that your hair doesn't fall into the fabric, and today you have dragon tendons , you must be more careful."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bernard who sent out the invitation raised his head, rolled his eyes, and revealed a big shiny bald head from under the spinning wheel, "Do you think I have any hair to lose?" go in?"

"..." John choked, "You are right, but please be more serious."

"Well, by the way, I think this tanning process can be improved. Since the strength of the dragon skin is so high, can you try some more radical methods from time to time?"

"We can talk after get off work."

John said seriously that he didn't think much of Muggles at first, but after seeing how powerful "Jenny" is, the last bit of conceit in his heart has long since disappeared. Almost all the workers in the factory are veteran weavers who lost their jobs for different reasons. , their suggestions have helped this plant a lot.

"So I invite you to have a drink, shall I? You've always been the one who buys us wizard's wine, and it's time for you to try the Londoner's wine. After you're done, you can come to our house for dinner. My wife heard I have A friend is coming and baked a super big pie," Bernard said expectantly, "My son is interested in wizard stories, maybe you can help me see if he has the potential to become a wizard. "

"I heard that there are vampires in London bars, who specialize in people with waists." John is a young man who has no experience in the world, and he doesn't know where he heard the rumors in the market. He licked his lips and said, "I'm still young, I don't want to Live with one kidney missing...how about we go straight to your house, what kind of pie? Apple pie?"

"What are you doing with the kidney? There is no blood in the kidney, only..." Bernard shrugged his shoulders, showing a "you understand" expression, and said, "Speaking of which, I used to go to a bar a few years ago, and the owner Troka is said to be a vampire, but I think it should be a kind of... er, how should I put it? Literary modification, just like we often say that the boss is Grandet, this does not mean that she is called Eugenie Grandet is still a fat and miserly man."

"Miss Black doesn't like people talking about him behind his back." John raised his eyebrows, "Troka..."

"What's the matter? Do you know him?"

"I don't know," John shook his head. "I'm just curious. You said this is the bar you used to go to a few years ago. Don't you go now?"

"Yes," Bernard nodded and said, "A few years ago I went to the sea for a while, and when I came back, I heard that someone died in that bar. The police said it was due to excessive drinking, but it looked like someone was killed. People were tortured to death, so that when I go there again, I always have a bloody smell in my nose."

"But it could also be because the boss is really a vampire."

Bernard can't stop talking, but his hands can't stop fiddling with skill.

"Yo! What is this? How hard is it?" Bernard picked out a piece of impurity from the dragon tendon skin in front of him. He wiped it with his sleeve, and was surprised to see that it was clean and bright enough to reflect his own face. The mirror surface, breaking it with fingers, exclaimed, "Why is it so hard!"

"What?" John hung his head from the top of the spinning wheel, looked at the hard sheet in Bernard's hand, and cursed casually, "These guys who supply the goods are too careless, if this thing gets mixed into the fabric by accident But what should I do? How should I explain to Miss Black that customers who buy a magic carpet can put a piece of dragon scale under their buttocks."

"Dragon... dragon scales?" Bernard exclaimed, "Is it really a dragon scale?"

He held the dragon scale tremblingly in his hand, and the legendary stories he heard in his childhood echoed in his ears again - the armor forged with dragon scales and the hero who resisted the devil, pulled out and was guarded by the banshee in the lake. The sword in the stone...

"What are you thinking about?" John looked at his unpredictable expression and smiled, "You don't think this thing will be something good, do you? Woolen cloth."

"Is...really?" Bernard lowered his voice a little, as if he was afraid that if he raised his voice, the dragon scale would be snatched away by the workers who rushed over after hearing the news, he asked in a low voice, "If you don't want it , can this dragon scale—”

"Take it," John retracted his head, which was flushed and dizzy because of hanging upside down, and said lightly, "Be quick, bro, I'm off work with fifteen magic carpets left, I'm in a hurry to eat pie Woolen cloth."

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