My Dear Lady Boss

Chapter -1 - Side Characters, may contained spoiler

- William's family,

+ Nicola Max, William's grandpa, state deceased.

+ Berino Max, William's father, state deceased.

+ Angela Max, William's grandma, state alive. She plotted her grandson to meet with her senior brother, and to make him hate Merico.

- Merico Max, William's big brother, who toke the role of heartless brother.

+ Sharkeroze, Merico Max's right-hand man.

+ Dula, Azzab, Banazak, Daza, little bro role, appeared in chapter 1,

- Lisa Daniel toke the role of William betrayal fiancée.

- Jack Nav, friend by chance, help him to leave the old factory in chapter 2.

- The mysterious old man (I called him Mad man) who appeared in chapter 2. A senior brother of Nicola Max, and his wife.

A team of three special buddies,

- Nacorn Maque, appeared in chapter 10 as adventurer.

+ Benak, appeared in chapter 13, as Nacorn friend

+ Carone, appeared in chapter 13, as Nacorn friend

- Rosa Diana's clan currently appeared characters,

+ Mazaque Diana, Rosa Diana grandpa appeared in chapter 10.

+ Marado Diana, appeared in chapter 10 as Rosa Diana little brother.

+ Second, Third, and Fourth, don't have much role to begin with, so they will be 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

+ The fifth elder, and sixth elder disappear soon. So, don't want to name them 😂.

- The Black Bear Clan appeared characters,

+ The third master, who toke the role of the current villain. Two mysterious clans join hands with him. Will know later on, don't tried to pry any more detail than this. 👂

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