My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 840 Mr. Li's Ambition

A few years ago, the fisherman in Yanlong Village who was stung by an eel and catfish on his finger was sent to the hospital forcibly because his wound had not been treated in time. There was no hot water, so he rowed the boat for an hour and returned to Qinglong Bend by himself, and then he applied hot water casually, and the toxin spread in his body.

After being stung by an eel catfish, if you can immediately wash the wound with salt water and apply hot water on it, as long as there is no poisonous eel catfish stinger left in the wound, in Xiang Yang's view, there is actually no need to go to the hospital.

If it were Xiang Yang himself, Xiang Yang was cleaning the wound and didn't even bother to apply hot water after getting rid of the toxins.

But Zhang Qicheng's identity is different. He is one of the main investors in Qinglong Bend and the God of Wealth.

After Xiang Yang thought for a while, he said, "Mr. Zhang, why don't you go to the hospital to have a look and have the doctor check it, so that people can rest assured."

"Don't worry, I'm not as delicate as you think. I'm still very familiar with seafood such as eel and catfish." Zhang Qicheng said with a smile.

Xiang Yang nodded, "Since Brother Zhang said you're fine, then do as you please, but if you feel uncomfortable later, you must tell it in advance, and you must not hide it."

Zhang Qicheng nodded, indicating that he knew the seriousness of the matter.

After soaking in hot water for more than ten minutes, Zhang Qicheng stood up and changed his wet diving suit.

"How do you feel?" Xiang Yang asked Zhang Qicheng.

Zhang Qicheng smiled and lit a cigarette for himself, and then said: "It's all right, except for a little pain in the wound, there is nothing unusual."

Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "It's normal for the wound to hurt. After all, there is a wound. As long as there are no other uncomfortable symptoms, there should be no major problem."

Zhang Qicheng nodded, "Unfortunately, the eel and catfish were not caught, otherwise I would have to stew it into soup."

Xiang Yang smiled, eel catfish is just a common food, not very precious, and because of the venomous thorns, it is extremely inconvenient to handle, so few people would like to eat eel catfish.

When Zhang Qicheng said that he was going to stew the eel and catfish, he was obviously just angry.

Soon, the yacht docked at the Qinglongwan Wharf, which was requested by Zhang Qicheng, and they were too lazy to take a detour from the lake port to the Qinglongwan Wharf.

On the edge of the pier, Li Chao was waiting anxiously.

As soon as Zhang Qicheng and Xiang Yang got off the boat, Li Chao quickly ran over and asked, "Old Zhang, what's the matter, you were bitten by an eel?"

Zhang Qicheng smiled embarrassedly, "Hey, I hunt geese all day long, but I didn't expect to be pecked by geese."

Li Chao was startled, "Did you really get bitten? How did you get bitten? Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Zhang Qicheng shook his head and told Li Chao the whole process.

Li Chao breathed a sigh of relief after listening to it, and then thoughtfully said: "It seems that our diving program is still not perfect."

Hearing Li Chao's words, both Xiang Yang and Zhang Qicheng became serious.

Those who work in the tourism industry are most afraid of safety accidents.

The tourism industry is a long-term development process. Once a safety accident occurs, not only will the accumulated reputation be ruined overnight, but it will also be questioned by the outside world. It must also carry out a large amount of compensation and rectification.

"The diving equipment on my fishing boat is very safe. Basically, as long as you don't encounter great white sharks or swordfish moving at high speed underwater, there will be no safety accidents. But the diving equipment on my boat is not It is not suitable for popularization." Xiang Yang said.

Both Zhang Qicheng and Li Chao nodded. Judging from the current domestic consumption level, it is obvious that Xiang Yang's diving equipment cannot be used.

"It seems that our plan has to be advanced." Li Chao said.

Xiang Yang knew what Li Chao's so-called plan was.

Li Chao has long wanted to set aside a separate area in the sea area of ​​Qinglong Bend, place cages and isolation cages, and use it as a diving area for yachts.

But Xiang Yang said: "Brother Chao, I think it's better to postpone this plan a little bit. If you dive on the shore, it won't attract tourists, and it's not necessary. Set up a fence to isolate sharks in the deep sea of ​​Qinglong Bend. In fact, it is quite a big project, judging from the current number of tourists at Qinglong Bend, it will definitely not be able to pay back the cost.”

"The money that should be invested still needs to be invested. Now that we have decided to develop Qinglong Bend, we cannot let Qinglong Bend fall into a vicious circle." Li Chao said.

At present, there are many tourist areas in the country, because the number of tourists is small, so the investment is reduced.

Once the investment is reduced, the replacement speed of equipment cannot keep up.

If the equipment cannot keep up with the times, there will be fewer tourists. This is a vicious circle.

So no matter whether it is foreign or domestic, all tourist areas have a characteristic, either the business is getting more and more prosperous, the construction speed is getting faster and faster, or it is half dead, and there is no new building construction at all.

"The current level of equipment in Qinglong Bend is not bad, and it also has unique tourism resources. Look at the weather, how comfortable it is. You can stay in this romantic environment for one night and listen to the sound of the sea. I don’t know how many people dream of it, what we need now is to spread our reputation, don’t worry about the money invested now, it will be doubled in the future.” Li Chao said calmly.

Xiang Yang looked around, the blue sky and white clouds, the boundless sea, the sound of waves and the endless silver-white sandy beach. Being in this environment is a kind of enjoyment for the human spirit. This is a picture that can make people yearn for dream scroll.

"The money that should be invested must be invested, especially the money for guaranteeing safety. It must not be saved, but Brother Chao, have you thought about how to promote Qinglong Bend?" Xiang Yang said calmly.

Xiang Yang feels that the most important thing to do at Qinglong Bend is publicity.

The development of any tourist area is inseparable from vigorous efforts to build momentum.

"There is no shortcut to publicity. It is to put out all kinds of advertisements vigorously. These are all paid for by real money. I am now discussing with other partners whether to launch advertisements for this year's Spring Festival Gala." Li Chao said .

Xiang Yang was shocked by Li Chao's words, and then he shook his head abruptly and said, "This is not possible. To advertise in the Spring Festival Gala, it costs 100 million yuan to show up."

"But this is the biggest stage. If you don't vote, others will rush to vote. Moreover, the Spring Festival Gala itself has a very mature advertising system, and its publicity effect is irreplaceable by other stages." Li Chao said seriously.

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