My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 65: Deathmatch (on) (three shifts)

"I will fight with you for life and death! Can you dare?" Kong Fei was indignant and invited Bai Yu to fight.

Sun Erniang saw that Kong Fei had already spoken repeatedly, and she couldn't help being deeply disappointed with the person she entrusted, so she wanted to leave, but with so many people present, what excuse could he find? At this time, I heard that Kong Fei was about to fight Bai Yu life and death, but my heart moved. If I can get back a round here, maybe there is still a chance to redeem things. It's really because: The little bald head is only 12 years old. Years old, even if he is talented, he can build a foundation at this age, but the time for foundation is short, and according to the rules of the Tiangongmen, a disciple who has no creatures in his life must have no experience and wants to come to Kong Fei. The winning percentage is not small! After that little bald head lost, it must be impossible to say something with a brazen face...

"If I stiff you with words, I'm afraid someone will tell me something to instigate Tiangongmen to fight the puppet door. It's just a battle of life and death... Is this necessary?" Bai Yu shook his head again and again, in the same realm, he experienced three perfect changes. Muscles, bones, flesh, blood vessels, meridians and even bone marrow viscera far exceed those of ordinary foundation-building monks. Even the late foundation-building monks, he dared to fight with them. The question is, what hatred does Kong Fei have with him, and he has to die? Bai Yu is quite confident that he will not lose, but at first glance, this Kong Fei was spoiled by the stars holding the moon, so he looks like a handsome young man, but he is actually narrow-minded. If he really does it, it is indeed true. Need to cut the weeds and roots, so as not to be wary of him day and night.

"Xiao Baiyu, promise him, my descendants of Tiangongmen are never afraid of challenges, not to mention that he is the young master of a small sect, it is Kong Yuanpeng who dares to ask me to bet on a life-and-death fight, and I dare to respond! This young man Sect Master wants to die with all his heart, and he is perfect!" Situ Jinsong's voice came from Bai Yu's ears, the voice was kind, but the content was full of blood.

"Since Young Sect Master is so pressing, then according to Shao Zong's words, it's just that Young Sect Master's eyes are ill, so I might as well stay for two more days. After recuperating, I will definitely accompany you!"

"There is no need to rest! You and I will write a word!" Kong Fei sneered.

Bai Yu shook his head, secretly sighing that Kong Fei thought he had no life creation, and after the foundation was built, he thought he had no fighting power...

The agreement document similar to the ratio of life and death is something that has already rotten on the street. The monks in the main hall have such agreement documents, and someone immediately came up with a set.

Fill in the year, month and day for each, exchange each other, a total of three copies, one of which must be handed over to the Chinese as proof.

During the interview, Fan Yingjun rushed over. He heard that Bai Yu had already built the foundation some time ago, so he stopped talking. He walked to the side and prepared to work hard to cultivate, and he could not be thrown too far by Bai Yu. , I closed a small hurdle, consciously made a lot of progress, I have to apply for the third change, a little bit of consolidation can seek to build a foundation, but I don’t want to hear that Sun Qiaoyin has escaped to Tiangongmen, and hurriedly rushed to meet Bai Yu. Fight with Kong Fei in life and death.

"Bai Yu, if you are not his opponent, you must survive, I haven't beaten you yet!" He glanced at Kong Fei, who was a little further away, with an ugly face.

"Okay, wait for you to beat me..." Bai Yu saw that this guy suddenly felt a headache. Isn't this the most arrogant partner next to the protagonist in the novel?

"Hmph, I don't know which school it came from, I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth! Ah, Young Master! Worrying about me, Junior Brother Bai Yu, I have never met with the Young Master, it is really rude!" Fan Yingjun felt a lot of hatred, and he clearly came. When I thought about it, I would meet with the young hall master first. Whoever wanted to enter the hall would see Bai Yu's bright bald head. He was so focused that he had forgotten his plan and came to talk to Bai Yu directly.

But I was also relieved in my heart: "If I hadn't seen me here, how could the young palace master come to your little bald head! I think the little girl is shallow, and if I don't, I will meet alone!"

Various brain holes on his side were wide open, Sun Qiaoyin glanced at him, and whispered to Bai Yu: "If...If you lose, don't be aggressive."

Fan Yingjun praised: "The Young Master and I have thought of it together. As the saying goes, I have a green hill, I am not afraid that there is no firewood! I really have a heart..."

"Daddy once gave me a body protection treasure, even if the monk Yuan Ying makes a full blow, he can still stop it." Then he pulled out a necklace from his neck, on which was hung a thumb-sized jade tortoise shell. .

"This...I'm afraid it is, I'm afraid it's not good?" Bai Yu saw that Sun Qiaoyin had handed it such a close thing to himself, and his face was a little red.

"You are better alive than anything!" Sun Qiaoyin bit her lower lip, grabbed Bai Yu's hand, and stuffed the jade tortoiseshell necklace into Bai Yu's hand.

"Unfortunately, the jade tortoise spirit armor was exhausted a few days ago, but it hasn't recovered much yet..."

"Hang it up!"

The white feather was awkward, holding the jade tortoise shell that was still warm in his hand, but he was a little moved in his heart.

"Bow your head!" Sun Qiaoyin grabbed the jade tortoise spirit chain from Bai Yu's hand again, stood on tiptoe, and hung the chain on Bai Yu's collar.

With bursts of young girl's fragrance lingering at the end of her nose, Bai Yu only felt like she didn’t know it, but she didn’t prevent her soft hand touching the top of her head. After a random stroke, she listened to Sun Qiaoyin’s "card" laugh, then turned and ran. , For a while, I don’t know why.

Sun Qiaoyin's face blushed, not knowing why she was so bold, but the little bald head touched it...hehe, it's really light!

Fan Yingjun's face was as gray as death: "It must be because he was afraid that his junior brother would miss his hand. That's right, it must be like this!"

As he comforted himself, he patted Bai Yu on the shoulder: "Junior brother! Be careful!"

Turning around, I just wanted to hide in a place where no one was there, but I was worried about that shadow. I just looked for a remote corner with dementia in my eyes. I didn’t know what I was thinking. When I got back to my senses, I found that the temple was empty. .

He hurriedly rushed out of the hall, only to realize that these hundreds of people had already gone to the martial arts field.

Each courtyard and each peak has its own martial arts field, and the Liuqi courtyard is no exception. It is inevitable that visitors from the foreign affairs hall will be stunned by each other. The martial arts field is even more generous and strong. Ordinary Jindan monks don’t even think about blessing spells. What damage the patterned bluestone ground causes, let alone other foundation-building monks.

Elder Yu and Erniang Sun of the Foreign Affairs Hall arbitrate for a death fight between the two. In fact, it is called a death fight. However, Elders Sun Erniang and Yu know that the top of the Tiangongmen must have been hidden from the side to look after them. How can they let other sect heirs die casually? Inside the door? Although Battle Puppet Sect was only a younger brother than Tiangongmen in all aspects, Tiangongmen did not have the habit of being aggressive and overbearing, and only needed to get rid of Kong Fei's arrogance.

The battle of life and death will naturally not be hello. Hello, everyone. There is no seriousness in the shot, but the solid performance of the martial arts field can be tossed by Baiyu and Kong Fei. Forgive the two little cultivators at the beginning of the foundation for not much damage. force.

The two stood still in the martial arts field, while Elder Sun Erniang and Elder Yu stood watching them.

Elder Yu said: "The battle between life and death is not trivial, but you two have made up your mind? If you regret it, it is still too late at this time."

In fact, after walking from the Foreign Affairs Hall to the martial arts venue for a while, Kong Fei gradually calmed down and regretted somewhat. If Tiangongmen intervened in the marriage with Sun Qiaoyin, his own sect master could come to negotiate and yell at himself. Jumping out roaring, what's the picture at the bottom? Looking at the little bald head with the old god, resentment recurred in my heart, my marriage with Sun Qiaoyin, is it a bald **** to you? It is clear that you and Sun Qiaoyin are unclear whether it is not clear, it is really maddening!

Just now, Sun Qiaoyin put the personal utensils on Bai Yu, and his eyes were clear. If he said that the two of them had nothing to do with each other, it would mean that they didn't believe it, no wonder this little bald head was so directed towards me!

At this time, Kong Fei heard Elder Yu's words, and his heart was full of anger: "Now that I have arrived at the martial arts field, is there any reason to repent? Let me two fight for life and death!"

Kong Fei threw an object and crashed to the ground. He squeezed the formula in his hand and said something in his mouth. The object was long in the wind. It was a humanoid creature with all facial features and limbs. He also held a spear in his hand, and the humanoid creature bounced off. At the entrance, Kong Fei got in, and Bai Yu said in his heart: This is a bit like a mecha.

"My battle puppet sect uses driving battle puppets as a way of fighting. Don’t blame me for deceiving you with battle puppets! My battle puppet is tailor-made for me by the elders of the Bailian Hall of this sect. Dalong, Zixing Copper Crystal..."

"Ah, Kong Shaozong, there is no need to say anything, let's start now!" Sun Erniang almost had smoke in her nostrils. Does this Shaozong read too much about the world? The monk's tricks are inherently hidden, do you want to show off or do you want to turn your cards upside down?

"I have not yet started to create a foundation, and I can only fight against Shao Zong with physical skills. Fortunately, I have learned some sword principles from my teacher recently, so I can fight with the sword."

Bai Yu opened his mouth, and a little bright light came out of his mouth. The foundation has been built, and the pubic area is open. If there are good treasures, it is also common to put it in the store. Originally, the flying sword belongs to the mind of the purple mansion. It is nourished by the soul, and it is easier to fit with the person who uses it. It can be used as a finger, but the purple mansion is open, at least it is after the Yuan Ying, and it can only be placed in the dantian at this time.

Bai Yu's hand was stolen by Bai Yu, and it turned into a dazzling sword in the blink of an eye.

Elder Yu sighed and stepped away from Sun Erniang.

Kong Fei stopped talking, and drove up the battle puppet. The battle puppet sect is capable of manufacturing and manipulating battle puppets. He is not familiar with other creation abilities, and some concepts about the battle puppets he made are somewhat similar to those of the Kitkat Hall. , Is to maximize the combat power of the puppet, except for the combat power, everything else is empty.

The battle puppet stepped up a few steps and rushed up. The thing driven by agency news is not a flesh and blood body, so naturally there is no momentum to say, but when the battle puppet is moving forward, the sound of the machine inside the body is continuous, and two phantom rains The eyeballs polished by Hongjing flashed frequently, and they also did not have a powerful effect.

The distance to Baiyu was not more than ten feet away, and the battle puppet shot a shot with one hand, facing Baiyu's chest. There was a vague edge on the tip of the gun, which increased the attack distance. Obviously, the material of this long spear was not ordinary.

Bai Yu raised his right hand over his head and held the long sword upside down. The spine of the sword leaned on the head of the spear and pushed to the left. The spear was immediately opened. Bai Yu took a step and entered the inner circle beyond the best attack range of the spear. An inch long is strong, but the spear is extremely difficult to use after being close.

However, the battle puppet itself is not flesh and blood, and the mere foundation building cultivators rushed forward. For the battle puppet, it could be said that it was not a threat. Kong Fei triumphantly drove the empty left hand of the battle puppet to blast out.

Bai Yu also had an empty hand, fist-to-fist, with a bang, it was because the body of flesh and blood was not as powerful as it was. When the two fists met, Bai Yu fell to the ground upside down, supporting the ground with his left hand, and piercing the ground shallowly with the sword in his right hand, sparks In all the splashes, Bai Yu landed on one knee and slid seven or eight meters away.

"What a hard and big guy!" Bai Yu tried his best to unload, stood up, shook his left hand, it was a bit painful.

Kong Fei was a little surprised. Is this little bald head really a buddha? How dare to fight against the war puppets with the flesh, and it seems that they are still fighting for nothing? The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 65 Deathmatch (Part 1) (three changes)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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