My Dungeons Are Popular

Chapter 18 Professional Level

In desperation, Vera jumped to a place she never wanted to jump, that is the C-building, a popular place in the airport.

Before the condemned prisoners started the second battle royale, Qiu Ren gave them a complete map of Jedi Island, and marked out the places where the supplies might be richer.

These condemned prisoners who dared to challenge the death battle royale again were undoubtedly filled with a fierce desire to eat chicken.

When they found that they could bear the damage of death in this nightmare dungeon, and they could still enjoy the joy of killing and the thrill of victory, they signed up for the second battle royale without hesitation.

The C-building where Vera jumped was the place chosen by death-row prisoners who had the strongest desire to eat chicken and were confident in their own abilities.

In front of this group of death-row inmates who love their grandsons just holding the gun at the airport.

Vera is like a little sheep crash-landed among wolves...

"This side is full of people, and this side is also full of people... Floating this way? No, no, someone has already landed on the roof here!"

When Vera opened the paraglider above the C-building, because she jumped too late, she could only watch one after another death row inmates land around the C-building one step ahead of her.

When Vera wanted to control the paraglider to float to a place where no one was around, she found that her altitude was not enough!

In the end, Vera, who hesitated left and right and couldn't make a choice, landed straight in the center of Building C.

The moment her feet landed on the ground, Vera looked around, and found that she was in a place with no cover at all and surrounded by three buildings... for nothing.

what to do? In short, I can't stay here, I have to run and find my teammates!

Now the dot mark representing Xiao Zhou's position in Vera's eyes is her only life-saving straw!

But when she ran to the building where Xiao Zhou was, there were loud gunshots from that building, which was so lively that it was like setting off firecrackers during the New Year.

This burst of gunshots instantly frightened Vera to freeze in place.

‘I just saw that the building on your right is empty! '

‘The buildings in front and behind have the appearance of two teams. I remember that no one jumped on the right hand side. You can take a gamble and see. '

At this moment, a series of bullet screens floated in front of Vera's eyes.

It may be the sense of urgency that was exaggerated when the parachute landed, and the person who landed first would be killed in a second at night.

Or maybe the landing place chosen by Vera was too much food, causing the blood pressure of viewers who had never played before to soar.

In short, the audience watching the live broadcast temporarily forgot to discuss the way of Vera's death, but began to give her advice.

"thank you all!"

Vera thanked the water friends and hurried to the building on the right. She ran into a room in a panic and found a cabinet.

'There are guns on the ground! You don't want to hide, do you? '

Vera's first reaction was indeed to find a cabinet to hide, but the audience in the live broadcast room didn't allow it, they kept urging her to pick up the gun on the ground, hiding would only lead to death or something like that!

Under the 'encouragement' of the barrage, Vera had to cry and picked up the gun on the ground.

‘This gun is an HK416 automatic rifle? One of my favorites to use! The magazine next to it is full of bullets, just load it directly! But can you use it as an anchor? '

'Is that one on the ground a flame arrester? If the anchor can install it, you can install it and try it. '

Among the audience in the live broadcast room were many shooting game experts, and they gave Vera advice on how to use the HK416 automatic rifle.

The problem is that no matter how much they give advice, it will be useless if Vera has never touched a gun.

Fortunately, their worries are unnecessary.

After Vera picked up the HK416 and checked the capacity of the magazine, she finished loading and loading the magazine with an extremely smooth movement, and then skillfully installed the flash hider on it.

After completing this series of tactical moves, Vera showed a smug smile.

Her thousands of hours of dream dungeon matching live broadcasts are not just for cuteness, she has also participated in many serious gun battle dream dungeons.

So of course she would do such a small thing as loading and loading the HK416 with accessories.

Vera's series of skilful movements caused bursts of 'OHHHHHHHHH! ’ ‘Amazing Girl! ’ The exclamation barrage.

She also let out a laugh like hey, it seems that she is very useful to this kind of barrage that touts her as a technical anchor.

'I seem to hear footsteps? '

‘Anchor, stop smirking, there are people outside! '

A bunch of bullet screens reminding Vera of danger instantly appeared in the live broadcast room.

After seeing it, Vera suppressed her smile, held the HK416 in her hand, and leaned against the wall in a posture that felt a bit like a special operation.

There were indeed footsteps, and Vera heard someone approaching from outside the building, and the distance was getting closer little by little.

At this moment, Vera felt her heart beat faster than ever. She usually played a lot of dream dungeon shooting games.

But it is rare that when facing the enemy like this, it will make her nervous to the point where her heart beats faster and her hands shake to the point where she can't help herself.

Perhaps it was because the price to be paid to die here was too heavy. Vera wasn't sure if she could wake up after dying in this S-level nightmare dungeon.

But it was this feeling of betting her life that made her a little excited!

Just raise your gun and aim. Although I'm sorry for you, I also want to live! Please die here!

Vera took a deep breath and was ready to rush out from behind the wall. With a very professional tactical action, she raised the HK416 in her hand and aimed at the condemned prisoner outside the window.

The condemned prisoner was visibly taken aback.

And Vera had already aimed at the condemned prisoner while he was in a daze, pulling the trigger at two points and one line!

The 5.56 bullets in the HK416 magazine poured out of the barrel and shot at the condemned prisoner standing not far away like a rain curtain.

Thirty bullets were all emptied in just two seconds!

Then the bullets ran out, and no one was killed.


Vera looked at the condemned prisoner who was still standing there, and HK416, whose muzzle had already floated into the sky with gunpowder smoke in her hand, and fell into a brief silence.

Not only was she silent, but the barrage in the live broadcast room also fell silent for a short time, and then...

'Woman, what are you doing! ! '

'My HK416 was completely ruined by you! '

‘My grandma is even more accurate than you! '

‘Can this nightmare copy still go in? I really can't help it! '

'If I'm guilty please let the law punish me instead of watching you shoot. '

The blood pressure of the audience in the live broadcast room was full at this moment. At this moment, they really wanted to enter the nightmare dungeon and snatch HK416 from Vera.

Or I can’t wait to start a battle royale by myself... There are already barrages asking 'what is the name and entry code of this nightmare instance'.

Vera couldn't care about these bullet screens anymore, because the condemned prisoner stared at him with extremely fierce eyes.

"Yes... yes... sorry."

Vera held HK416 in her hand and showed a weak, helpless and pitiful expression with tears in her eyes.

"Grandma is a bear!"

But the death row prisoner couldn't understand English, so he picked up the AK47 in his hand and aimed at Vera.

"I said I'm sorry!"

Vera had no choice but to turn around and crawl out of the small room, but the condemned prisoner also chased after him mercilessly.

There was a hail of bullets behind Vera, and she hugged her head and hid all the way into another small room.

There is a cabinet in this small room that can accommodate a whole person. At this moment, Vera couldn't care less, she hid in the iron cabinet with HK416 in her hand, and then tightly covered her mouth with her hand .

Don't find me don't find me!

Vera kept praying, but unfortunately the condemned prisoner was not stupid.

Soon Vera heard footsteps outside the closet getting closer.


The cabinet door was pulled open mercilessly, and Vera was completely exposed in front of the condemned prisoner.

"Little girl, where do you want to go?"

As the condemned prisoner spoke, he aimed his gun at Vera, and Vera closed her eyes in despair. The next second she heard the sound of the gun echoing throughout the room.

But...she didn't feel any pain.


Vera opened her eyes tentatively, and found that the death row prisoner in front of her had turned into a funnel and fell to the ground bleeding profusely.


Vera looked sideways and almost cried out of excitement. Xiao Zhou was standing at the door holding a shotgun.

"If you want to survive, follow me."

Xiao Zhou pulled the pump of the shotgun, loaded a new buckshot and said.

Vera kept nodding her head, she almost turned into a koala bear hanging on Xiao Zhou's body.

PS: I changed it back~

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