My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 159 The Second Coming of the Dragon Inheritance

After catching the person from the mysterious organization, Chit immediately passed the news to Zhu Lan. Zhu Lan just let him continue to search for this mysterious stop, without asking any more questions. This is just a peripheral member of a mysterious organization, and Zhu Lan didn't expect to get it. what a good lead.

But now Zhu Lan has more important things to do.

In a special room on the fourth basement floor of Canglan Base, Zhu Lan looked at a strange device with joy on his face.

"You said this energy system can supply Canglan Flight for a year?"

"Boss, you are wrong. It's not the energy system, but the energy that the energy ore can provide can make the blue cruising time reach three years, and the maximum speed cruising can reach one year without changing the energy source!"

Zhu Lan didn't care about this, and looked at the energy ore in the middle of the device and frowned, "It's really a good thing!"

"It's a good thing. In human terms, this is a brand new revolution!"

Only this kind of large energy ore can supply the blue armor for three years of normal cruise, and even the maximum cruise can cruise for one year.

"Moreover, this is calculated based on the No. 9 Canglan Armor!"

"What?" Zhu Lan called out directly.

Zhu Lan knew exactly what No. 9 Canglan Armor was.

What I used before was only the No. 3 blue armor, but in the future models, there will be No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 and No. 9 blue armor.

Equip one generation, research one generation, think one generation.

Not only is the aircraft doing this, Zhu Lan is also doing this.

Zhu Lan's goal is space, and the blue armor is now just like the one in "Iron Man". And even the Mark VIII in "Avengers 2" is only a Type VI in Zhu Lan's blue armor.

Canglan armor of type seven or above is no longer an armor device, but a mecha device.

The No. 9 is developed based on the IS power plant, because of energy and material constraints, let alone No. 9. Even number six can't be made now.

And the red queen actually told herself that the energy ore was actually calculated according to the No. 9 Canglan model mecha, which didn't shock Zhu Lan.

"Yes boss,

It is completely calculated according to Canglan Nine! "


The Red Queen did not speak, but gave a report.

The report shows that the energy output of this energy ore is very powerful. Moreover, there is an unknown element in energy, and this element is somewhat similar to the toxic element released by methane, and if it is used inside the planet, this toxic element will directly destroy the balance of the earth. If it takes a long time, the magnetic field of the earth will be Crash because of this element.

But there is no such consideration at all for extraterrestrial use. Because space is in a vacuum environment, there are no toxic substances, etc., and this energy ore has been preliminarily estimated to have a stronger output in a vacuum environment than in an empty environment. Simply put, this energy ore can only It is used in a vacuum environment, that is, in space.

precisely because of this. The output power is completely calculated according to the equipment in the space environment.

The energy ore is too small to be used for large energy sources such as spaceships and space battleships. Only mechas like the Canglan Universe model are the most suitable choice.

Zhu Lan frowned.

The Canglan Nine is a new generation of mecha devices created based on the IS in the Infinite Trust.

But the energy system has always been a pain in the ass, and the emergence of energy ores has turned this matter around.

Originally, according to Zhu Lan's idea, if there is no use of new energy, Zhu Lan will comprehensively and deeply develop the capabilities of the arc reactor to see if the energy output of the arc reactor can be increased to meet the needs of the space environment.

A super battery pack is also in development. But the development is very difficult. Without the injection of new technology, it is difficult to develop a super battery pack. Instead of this, it is better to develop a larger arc reactor.

But there are other problems.

Pushing back and forth, energy has become the most important problem.

And now the No. 9 blue mecha can cruise at maximum speed for a year using energy ore?

You must know that the speed of the No. 9 Canglan Mecha is not calculated by Mach, but by the speed of the universe. According to the current planned speed of the No. 9 Canglan Mecha, it can go back and forth between the earth and the moon in one day.

It only takes one week to go back and forth between Earth and Mars, and it only takes seven months to reach the outermost regions of the solar system.

The No. 9 Canglan Mecha can be said to be a cruise device for micro-galaxies.

"How long can the seven types be developed?"

"Boss, I'm in a hurry. We have only developed the fourth generation now, and we are going to develop the seventh generation..."

Zhu Lan shook her head and said nothing, "Hurry up!"

"You can't go in, I said, you can't go in!"

As soon as the door was closed, the door of the office opened, and a person broke in directly.

Zhu Lan just wanted to scold someone, but when he saw the person coming, he frowned.

After waving Su Qi to leave, Zhu Lan sat down, "What are you doing here?"

It was Long Cheng who came.

Long Cheng was also not polite, he sat down directly, saw the things on the table, picked them up to have a look, and threw them directly into his mouth.

"The young masters don't seem to welcome me?"

Zhu Lan didn't say anything. There was only one possibility for people who could directly enter the office building, and that was state personnel.

If not, no matter how old your background is, it is impossible to pass the test of the gate of fantasy technology.

There are three inspections in the gate of fantasy technology, the first one is artificial inspection.

There are six security guards on duty 24 hours a day at the gate of fantasy science and technology, and a security patrol team of twelve people will pass through every half hour. If there is anything to do, a hundred fully armed security guards can be assembled within two to five minutes , because next to the gate is the building of the security department.

And the people from the military are also with the security department, let alone you breaking in, even if you break into the gate of fantasy technology with full weapons, the normal security can't stop it, and there is a second weapon control system.

The third is the network scanner, which is a special device installed in the wall of the gate, which can directly scan every person passing through the gate, and search for their identity based on a trace of their characteristics.

This scanning device combines a variety of technologies, even if you use the legendary disguise, it is impossible to pass through, because the underground of the wall of the gate is an independent smart device, which can share the work of screening the gate for the Red Queen.

It can be said that people who have not been required or are already prescribed cannot pass through the gate.

Even if Zhu Lan's parents came, the security guard at the front door would notify them instead of breaking in directly.

But there is a category of people who can come in.

That is the people in the army, and the people in the army who pass the intelligent screening of the gate, the higher the level, the easier it is to pass. Of course, every person in the army will know that if you are a new person, unless your level is above the division level, you can pass. Without informing Zhu Lan, he went in directly.

Of course, there is another premise, that is, there are only a few people who come. If it is a team of armed men, Zhu Lan will definitely know it immediately.

It was precisely in this way that Zhu Lan was very surprised that Long Cheng appeared here. It seemed that his identity was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Young Master Long, you have such a great style, it's not easy to come directly to my place!!"

Long Cheng just smiled.

"Zhu Lan, I'm here this time! I want to cooperate with your fantasy technology!"

"Cooperation?" Zhu Lan looked at Long Cheng suspiciously. In Zhu Lan's view, his so-called cooperation was completely unnecessary.

"Don't look at me like that. This time, on behalf of Canglong Group, I'm cooperating with Fantasia Technology normally. No, it should be Fantasia Group, right, Zhu Lan?"

Zhu Lan narrowed his eyes. Zhu Lan became more and more curious about Long Cheng's identity. Although the preparation of the Fantasy Group cannot be said to be absolutely confidential, it is absolutely impossible to know it from the outside world. Long Cheng actually knows it. Zhu Lan had to look at Long Cheng differently.

"Oh? Then I respectfully listen to Long Shao's sincerity!"

Long Cheng was not angry at Zhu Lan's cold words either.

"It's still the same old saying, I want a first-level agent in Asia. As a condition, I will give you enough sincerity. This sincerity is to clear all obstacles for your fantasy technology, including all the problems that fantasy technology is facing now!"

Zhu Lan shook her head, "I'm sorry, Young Master Long, your sincerity can't impress me at all. I don't care about the so-called problems that Fantasy Technology is facing now, whether it's slander in publicity or other aspects, I don't care. Maybe the matter in Chenwen Port is more troublesome, but I believe that someone will help me solve it, so I don't need to worry about it, so I can't see your sincerity at all."

Zhu Lan didn't say he was dead either. Compared with the last time, Long Cheng was a little different this time, and according to the information, Canglong Group obviously underwent a major operation, which was completely different. Most of the board of directors had been replaced. Except for Long Cheng, there are only four people who have not been replaced, and those four people are all from Yanjing and even China's top background. The market has shrunk, and it has lost more than 100 billion in just one week. The direct loss of property alone has reached the total assets of an international company.

There are still five who have withdrawn from the board of directors of Canglong Group automatically for unknown reasons. Now Canglong Group has changed from the original seventeen directors to seven now. No useful information has been found yet, but it can be seen that the newcomers to the Canglong Group are not simple characters, so even the Red Queen cannot find their information.

Moreover, in terms of capital flow, Canglong Group has sold more than 140 shares in companies with great potential this week, and has collected more than 140 billion in huge assets. The funds used have reached at least 200 billion.

But now that Long Cheng came to Fantasy Technology, no matter how you look at it, the comer was not good, but he didn't come with the identity of Canglong Group, but with another identity. Is this to give him power? still......

(To be continued.)

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