My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect

Chapter 186: Join the glorious evolution!

My future diary can't be the one hundred and eighty-sixth chapter of the ultimate pen. Join the glorious evolution!

"Legion, Witch, Nioh, Wanderer, Blossom, True Vision. A total of six special commissioners have all rushed to the scene not long ago."

Halo Building, Jingwei Division Mingguang City Branch.

Just as Nightmare City and Mingguang City were gradually becoming compatible, the Halo Building immediately discovered the change in the situation, and then an emergency meeting was held.

There are not many participants in the meeting.

Apart from a few ministers of the clerical work department, the only special commissioner who stayed outside was the ghost fairy Ye Chao, as well as Wu Mian and Qing Si.

"How is the situation now?"

"Can't stop it."

As the strongest commissioner present, Ye Chao, who was hung in the air with his feet in the air, said bluntly: "I don't have that ability. The city-scale supernatural place meets reality. Even if I release the kingdom at any cost, I can only save it at most. One block. Useless for the big picture."


Everyone here trusts Ye Chao's ability very much, so after hearing his answer, many people suddenly showed angry expressions.

Not Air Leaf Ultra.

but angry with yourself.

"Why didn't we find out in advance... Such a hidden danger, a threat comparable to a nuclear bomb, is buried in Mingguang City, and there is no record in the library?"


"And there are six special commissioners who have entered it, but there is still no way to prevent the supernatural from getting out of control. What else can be done?"

small book booth

Everyone looked at each other.

Before the meeting started, everyone had read all the information about the Da Ai Wu Bian Lunatic Asylum that had been temporarily recorded. However, the deeper the understanding, the heavier the fear in people's hearts. A magical place covering a city is already the highest level in their cognition.

Except Jing Mosi can do it.

Even if it is a few other special-level civil forces, not counting the original supernatural power, few people's supernatural power can affect the entire city.

"It's probably not that bad yet."

At this moment, Ye Chao spoke again: "Although the supernatural place begins to intersect with reality, the people affected did not die on the spot."

"They are just mentally dragged into the supernatural place."

"And there, King Nio is still there."

"I believe Niwang will take action. Niwang's kingdom can cover a city. As long as Niwang has not fallen, there is still room for recovery."


Speaking of this, Ye Chao also said with a serious look: ".... King Niu also has a limit. For ordinary people, 100,000 people may be the limit that she can bear. So we must increase the number of missing persons to 100,000 people. Before, try to solve this sudden supernatural incident."

"How to deal with it?"

Someone said: "The six special commissioners are in that magical place, and they haven't solved it. What can we do here?"

"I suggest contacting headquarters immediately."

"Let Zhu Guo come over."

When it came to Tu Su, everyone's faces suddenly filled with hope again: "As long as Commissioner Zhu Guo is willing to dispatch, I believe everything will be fine."


I saw Ye Chao shook his head and said: "Zhu Guo, she obviously knew the existence of this magical place for a long time, I believe she must also know its danger. However, in this case, she did not come over in person. It can be seen that, There is probably something she is taboo about in this supernatural place."


Ye Chao's concerns sounded very reasonable. Besides, since Tu Su didn't want to come, no matter what they said, 80% of them would be useless.

But the problem goes back to the beginning.

"...What should we do then?"

"You can't just sit there and ignore it. Are we here to watch and wait for the six super-classes who entered that magical place to find a way?"


Ye Chao heard the words and shook his head, while on the other side, Wu Mian sighed deeply. But because he had no face, everyone didn't see his ugly face until he opened his mouth and said, "...what else do I need to do? This supernatural incident is clearly man-made."

"And the target is obviously Mingguang City."

Although Wu Mian is weak, he is not stupid. He has long recognized the reality like Ye Chao: "In this case, who do you think is most likely to be unlucky?"

"The sky is falling, and the tall one has to bear it."

"And the tallest building in Mingguang City is this halo building."

As soon as Wu Mian's words fell, everyone immediately reacted: "You mean... the mastermind behind this incident is likely to attack the Halo Building!?"

"Not possible."

"It must be."

As soon as Wu Mian finished speaking, on the children's chair in the corner of the conference table, Qing Si, who had always remained silent, opened his eyes and looked at the crowd.

"There are bad guys invading!"

A crisp voice echoed in the conference room. In the next second, everyone saw that the scenery outside the window suddenly changed. The originally clear sky was dyed with a layer of blood, and the sun in the sky was like an eye, blinking. Staring at the people in the building.

"how is this possible....!"

"Didn't you say that the Halo Building is absolutely safe? Isn't Qing Si's barrier useless!?"

"Dan fixed point."

Wu Mian patted his clothes, got up and said, "It's because the Halo Building is safe, so the supernatural beings outside didn't invade the building."

"The other party did not affect the building."

"Instead, the entire space around the building was moved in."

This is a tricky way to deal with the Qingsi enchantment.

Although the enchantment of Qing Si claims to be able to exclude all supernatural beings, it is only aimed at the inside of the enchantment, and it is not so strong against external supernatural beings.

In addition, Qing Si's enchantment has a weakness.

"Although my enchantment can exclude the 'spirits that are in operation', but if it's something that has been changed by the spirits, it can't do anything about it."

Here's a simple example: if there was a supernatural being capable of turning other things into monsters. So, although the enchantment of Qing Si can prevent this spirit from entering the area she protects, it has no way to prevent the monsters that have been transformed by this spirit from entering it.

"Report, report!"

At this moment, a staff member of Jingwei Division suddenly burst open the door and ran in in a hurry: "The lobby on the first floor was attacked!"

"The attackers are a bunch of monsters!"

"...As expected."

Ye Chao and Wu Mian were not surprised. After all, the other party was able to pull the Halo Building into a magical place, and obviously had a deep understanding of the enchantment of Qing Si.

So it is normal to prescribe the right medicine.

"Don't worry." Wu Mian comforted everyone: "It's not without benefits."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because they were in real and magical places before, the connection between the library was also cut off. But now, the library can be reconnected again."

"In other words."

Speaking of which, Wu Mian showed a "I'm good at this" expression: "At least we can call for help from other special commissioners."

As soon as Wu Mian's voice fell, a female voice with an electronic voice that everyone was familiar with rang in everyone's ears: "Although I have cut off contact with the main body, the library has already enabled the Please rest assured, the library Will be operating as normal and attempts are being made to contact several other special commissioners."

"One has been connected."

"So fast!" Wu Mian was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly asked the library to transfer the call. Then, a familiar voice sounded in the conference room.


"team leader!"

Wu Mian immediately recognized the owner of the voice: after splitting up with Xun Xi, they fought fires around Nightmare City and gathered the refugees' Hua Jing resentment!

If it is someone else, Wu Mian may still be a little bit sensible, and choose to let Ye Chao be responsible for the communication.

But since it was his old captain, Hua Jing complained.

The ignorance is no longer concealed.

"team leader."

"help me!"

Hua Jing complained: "..."

"Don't worry, I'm rushing over. So are the other special commissioners. The sight of the Halo Building being pulled in here is so spectacular that everyone saw it."


Wu Mian heard the words and said subconsciously: "Then Xun Xi...I mean the Legion? When will he come?"

After saying that, he added a superfluous sentence: "It's not that I don't believe in you, Captain, it's just that if the legion can also come over, it will be more stable..."

"no need."

At this moment, suddenly, the staff member who just came in to report the letter suddenly opened his mouth, and the bright red tongue suddenly bloomed like a flower.

Then a new mouth grew out of it.

Like a flower.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that mouth opened up and closed, and said slowly: "Why resist glorious evolution? Join us and go to Earth together!"+Add bookmark +

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