My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 150: Qin officials and the empire share weal and woe!

National concept!

In this era, the people of the country have not yet given birth to this concept. It can also be said that the emperor is equal to the country. In the eyes of the world, this country belongs to the emperor alone.

It has nothing to do with them!

Just as in "Mencius: King Hui of Liang": "The king said: How can I benefit my country? The doctor said: How can I benefit my family?"

In the eyes of people of this era, the family and the country are the same, the country belongs to the emperor alone, and the family belongs to the owner of the family alone. Therefore, there is a lack of a sense of honor and disgrace that the country is responsible for the rise and fall of the country.

This time, the biggest reason why Ying Zheng personally served as a teacher is because of this.

He wants to integrate the concept of the world with the country, so that the two become one, and from then on, the Great Qin Empire can be boundless and last for hundreds of years.

The concept must be formed from the beginning, otherwise, it will definitely affect the future. Now that he has seen a corner of the future, he has the obligation and responsibility to improve it.

Ying Zheng knew very well that on this piece of land, the big feudal lords were called states, and the smaller ones were called states. The concept of a state had not yet been formed at this time.

The people of the Central Plains have no concept of the state. Even in later generations, the people's concept of the state is actually very weak.

Most people in the Central Plains only know that there is a court, not a country. In later generations, a famous person once said that the Central Plains nation has only had the concept of the world since ancient times, but not the concept of the state.

This is so general!

In this special culture, the subjugation of a country is not the same as the subjugation of the world. Changing surnames and changing names means subjugation of the country. It is so full of benevolence and righteousness that it leads beasts to eat people, and people will eat each other, which is called the subjugation of the world.

Those who protect the country, the ruler and his ministers, and those who eat meat seek it; those who protect the world are humble and responsible!

And this time, what Ying Zheng wanted to do was to establish the concept of the state in the minds of the Qin ministers, and then take the opportunity to publicize it.

Instead of just having a relationship with the emperor!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's voice was even more firm: "The country is the world, and the Qin Empire is the only country on the Central Plains."

"The Great Qin Empire is not only owned by me, but also by all of you here, as well as by the people of the world."

"Without the Great Qin Empire, I would not be the emperor. Without the Great Qin Empire, you would have no salary, no rights, and no place to stand in this world."

"Without the Great Qin Empire, the safety of the people of the country would not be guaranteed. Without the Great Qin Empire to protect the Central Plains, the northern Huns would invade!"

"From now on, the prosperity of the Central Plains will be gone, the wives and children will be separated, and the family will be ruined and destroyed!"

At this moment, the hearts of the ministers were also extremely solemn. Ying Zheng proposed a brand new concept, which had a huge impact on their worldview and values.

At the same time, they were also thinking about the question raised by Ying Zheng, and their thoughts flashed, and they couldn't help but feel even more heavy.

Between each other, share weal and woe!

"The Great Qin Empire is a country, and I am the patriarch of it, you are the managers of the family, and the people of the country are members of the family."

"I, the ministers, the people of the country, and the people of the country have formed the Great Qin Empire. Therefore, the rise and fall of the Qin Empire is not only responsible for me, but also for the officials, and even more so for the people of the country."

"All of this can be summed up in one word: the rise and fall of a country is the responsibility of the individual!"

Having said that, Ying Zheng took a deep look at the ministers present: "And all of you here are officials of the Qin Empire. It can be said that everything you have is given by the empire."

"The Great Qin is prosperous, and you will be worry-free for a hundred years. When the Great Qin declines, you will also have your heads cut off as capital to increase officials and titles."

"You and the Empire share weal and woe, I hope you can understand this!"



At this moment, the quiet fallen leaves can be heard on the Xianyang Palace Square, only the whistling of the north wind and the occasional sound of the crackling of charcoal fire.

Ying Zheng's dignified eyes glanced around: "I'm here today. After all of you Aiqing go back, think about it carefully, write a note and send it up!"

"The minister waits for the edict!"


Ying Zheng is gone!

This concept is too big, and it's new. The ministers were not prepared at all, and they were suddenly attacked. They need to be quiet and think.

And at this moment, the weather is even colder.

Xianyang is not warm in this season, and with the north wind blowing, the huge charcoal fire has no effect at all, and there is no temperature at all.

Especially when Ying Zheng stood on the high platform, he was the first to bear the brunt. His hands and feet were a little numb from the cold, so that the sky ended early.


"Your Majesty, drink this bowl of ginseng soup to warm up your body, the weather is getting colder and colder!" As soon as he entered the study, Zhao Gao had already arrived with the ginseng soup.

After taking a few sips of the ginseng soup, Ying Zheng was silent beside the charcoal fire. He knew in his heart that he had only talked about half of today's topic.

The state comes into being with the emergence of classes. In primitive society, due to the low level of the means of production are communally owned, there is no private ownership, there is no class, and there is no exploitation and oppression. Therefore, at that time, there were only ethnic groups and no state. .

Ying Zheng knows better than anyone present today that the emergence of the word state is essentially a use for the ruling class to rule other classes.

In primitive society, the maintenance of social order depends on the power of habit and tradition, as well as the prestige and power enjoyed by the patriarchs and leaders.

So, there was no need for a state at that time.

It was only with the development of productive forces that private ownership emerged, and society was divided into two opposing classes, slave owners and slaves.

Under the slave system of production, the slave owner owns all the means of production, the slave has nothing, and even the slave itself becomes the property of the slave owner.

In order to protect the exploitative interests of the slave owners, suppress the resistance of the slaves, and oppress the working people who account for the vast majority of the population, the slave owners who account for the minority of the population need to use special organized tools of violence.

This organized tool of violence is the state. Therefore, the state is the product of irreconcilable class contradictions.

And the state is also the best tool for neutralizing the two major classes. With the emergence of private ownership, tribes collapsed, primitive society collapsed, and the three emperors and five emperors, the benevolent and righteous king, became a thing of the past.

Xia Qi established Xia, and the first country in the Central Plains was born, but Xia at that time was just a transition from a tribe to a country.

From the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the Qin Dynasty, the concept of the state became more and more clear, and it became the only way to maintain the peaceful coexistence of the two classes.

However, there are some things that Ying Zheng can say openly, but there are some things that he can't say and can only be kept in the hands of the upper echelons. This is the rule for the operation of an empire.

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