My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 363: Population growth and law revision!

Regarding population growth, Ying Zheng's attitude was extremely firm. He knew in his heart that population was the top priority for the Great Qin Empire to dominate the world.

Especially as time goes on, people's hearts will become more unpredictable.

Now that the construction of the Chang'an Academy has begun, Wang Jian himself is in charge of the south, and for Ying Zheng, consolidating the rule of the imperial court is the biggest thing.

In particular, the land reform has gradually come to an end, and the prosperous age of Daqin will surely come, and the lack of population will become the main problem that drags down the Daqin Empire.

For some things, Ying Zheng has a lot of ideas, but the conditions are limited, and some things he can only proceed step by step.

Especially the population outbreak, this matter is easy and easy to say, but it is difficult and very difficult.

Food and peace are indispensable.

Although the Daqin Empire is about to use its troops in the extreme south, but within Daqin, above the Central Plains, Daqin has fallen into peace.

This is a good thing for the Great Qin Empire.

For the sake of food, Ying Zheng gave up South Vietnam and other places and set his sights on the extreme south, and the Daqin Royal Navy had also begun trial voyages.

Everything is developing in a good direction. At this time, Ying Zheng's only consideration is to stabilize.

Only by being stable can the Daqin Empire be able to die.

"Your Majesty, this is just your idea. Once the edict of population increase is issued, no rice with two crops a year can be found in the extreme south."

"The Daqin Royal Navy did not find crops such as potatoes. The terrifying consumption will put the Daqin Empire in an embarrassing situation for the first time."

As the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire, Wang Wan had a lot of worry on his face at this moment, because he knew the pros and cons of doing so.

This is equivalent to pinning the future of the Qin Empire directly on Ying Zheng's fantasy. As the Prime Minister of the Empire, Wang Wan could not agree with this.

He didn't have the insight of Ying Zheng, so naturally he wouldn't believe that such fetish crops like potatoes and sweet potatoes really existed.

What he meant was, to be safe.

Wang Wan took a sip of herbal tea, pondered for a moment, and said to Ying Zheng, "Your Majesty, the old minister thought it was not easy for the Great Qin Empire to reach today, so he should be safe."

"When Marquis Wu Cheng conquered the extreme south and got two crops of rice a year, he would let the Chinese population grow."

"Wait until the Daqin Royal Navy finds the crop that produces 20 stone per mu, and then let go of the entire gate."

Wang Wan put down the tea cup and said to Ying Zheng with a serious tone, "Your Majesty, there is a saying that those who don't plan for the world are not enough for a moment, and those who don't plan for the overall situation are not enough for a domain."

"In the current Daqin, everything is developing in a good direction. The old minister believes that change is necessary, but the preservation of the Daqin Empire is the foundation of all changes."

"Your Majesty, changers are always desperate, even enemies in the world. Back then, when Shang Jun personally forged the foundation of Daqin's rise, didn't he also divide the corpse into five horses!"

"I know this!"

As for Wang Wan's concerns, Ying Zheng had not thought about it, in case no sweet potatoes were found, or two crops of rice a year.

However, Ying Zheng is more aware that the current Great Qin Empire will only collapse if it does not continue to move forward.

Whether it is looking for rice that is twice a year, or for potatoes and sweet potatoes, it is impossible for the Daqin Empire to stop.

The big deal is to defeat the enemy with mighty and heroic soldiers, to plunder various countries to support the Qin Dynasty, and to walk the road that the generation of Tianjiao Genghis Khan took.

There is a saying that the sound of a cannon is ten thousand taels of gold. This sentence has two meanings. Although a war breaks out, although it costs money, if the war is won, you can get the wealth of a country.

War can also make money!

Therefore, the war to destroy the country is imperative, and the edict of population increase must also be implemented. In this era, the population base is everything.

"However, I have a last resort reason to implement it. This Daqin has put in all his efforts. Aiqing can rest assured that I will never let Daqin be in chaos."

Regarding Li Kang, he had no way to explain it, so he could only forcefully suppress it with imperial power. Even if he did, it would cause a rift between the monarch and his ministers, but he didn't care.

With his current prestige, it is enough to suppress any dissatisfaction.


After a long sigh, Wang Wan nodded. He was not struggling, because he knew in his heart that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to change Ying Zheng's decision.

Although Ying Zheng's prestige has been increasing day by day, he has always been pleasant in the courtroom and seldom acted arbitrarily.

But it is precisely because of this that as long as Ying Zheng's actions are arbitrary, he often explains one thing more and cannot be changed.

Meng Yi and Wang Wan left. At this time, Zhao Gao came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, Tingwei has arrived at the side hall!"


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng turned towards Zhao Gao and said, "Let's pass, prepare a small banquet at the same time!"


Zhao Gao walked out of the study, and after a quarter of an hour came to the side hall, facing Bi Yuan, said: "Tingwei, Your Majesty has summoned."


"My minister Bi Yuan pays respects to Your Majesty, His Majesty is ten thousand years old, and Daqin is ten thousand years old!" Bi Yuan walked into the study and bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, saying.

Seeing Bi Yuan walk in, Ying Zheng chuckled lightly and said, "Ting Wei doesn't need to be too polite, take your seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Glancing at Bi Yuan, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Bi Yuan, I plan to recompile Jin Bulu, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, the Golden Rule is the law concerning currency and property. It is the foundation of the empire and should not be touched lightly."

This is Bi Yuan's attitude, the twentieth-level military meritorious title system of the Great Qin Empire, the Qin law, the farming and warfare system, and so on.

It can be said that every aspect of this empire has been closely related to Jinbulu. Now Ying Zheng intends to move Jinbulu, which can be said to affect the whole body.

Although Ying Zheng didn't care, as Tingwei, Bi Yuan had to consider the risk of doing so.

"Tingwei, the current system of the Qin Empire is no longer suitable for focusing on the fundamentals and suppressing the bottom line, but the simultaneous development of scholars, peasants, industry, and military."

Ying Zheng took a deep look at Bi Yuan and said meaningfully, "The future Daqin must not only adhere to the Daqin legal system, but also surpass the agriculture of the Zhou Dynasty and the commerce of the Shang Dynasty."

"The talented people who surpassed the entire Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period must also have the best army in the world as their background."

"So, Jinbulu is no longer suitable for the current Daqin Empire. It is imperative to revise the law."

Having said that, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Bi Yuan, and said, "Cultivation of the law is a matter of Tingwei's mansion, and you are the only one."

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that the modification of Qin's law could only be done internally, and it was impossible for others to modify it.

This is the bottom line!

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