My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 376: The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty was obviously very strong, but he was too cautiou

He has a reason to have to go to Pingcheng!

It's just that without Li Kang's memory as a basis, Ying Zheng didn't think that what he said would be recognized by these people. m.xymjc.

The reason why he hesitated was more or less the meaning of this.

Now that Wei Liao has clearly expressed his opposition, Ying Zheng turned his gaze to Wang Wan and Dun weak. As long as he didn't express his thoughts, he could only rely on these two.

Wang Wan's expression was awe-inspiring when he noticed Ying Zheng's gaze, and he also opposed Ying Zheng's northern tour of Yanmen County.

This is very different from what they imagined, and naturally they will not agree easily.

Originally in their imagination, the Marquis of Wucheng, Wang Jian, and others conquered the northwest and the extreme south, and the first emperor personally sat in Xianyang.

However, the first emperor was obviously unable to sit still.

It's just that neither Wang Wan nor Wei Liao, or even Yu Dunwei, were willing to let Ying Zheng leave Xianyang City.

Since ancient times, it is not without reason that kings cannot easily leave the capital. x

The thought flashed through at an extreme speed, and at this moment, Wang Wan smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, this minister also thinks that you are not suitable for the northern inspection of Yanmen County."

"General Meng Tian sits in Jiuyuan and confronts the Xiongnu. We must not take the initiative to provoke the Xiongnu until the end of the war to the extreme south and the northwest."

"We must ensure that any war is within control!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Obviously, Wang Wan disappointed Ying Zheng. Like Wei Liao, although he had never communicated, they both objected.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng laughed angrily.

Even Wang Wan was like this. He didn't expect any more from Dunwei. He knew in his heart that Dunwei couldn't make waves.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng directly looked back, he knew in his heart that this matter still needed to end by himself.

"The three are the three princes and nine ministers of the Daqin Empire. They know the current situation in Daqin well, and naturally they also understand the research that I have asked Daqin Shang Workshop to carry out."

When Ying Zheng said this, he took a deep look at Wang Wan and Wei Liao's difference between bronze and iron."

Wang Wan pondered for a long time, and found a message from the depths of his mind that he had seen before, and said softly.

"Your Majesty, the old minister once read in an ancient book that on the land of China, natural copper was used at first. In the early Shang Dynasty, copper-tin alloy bronze could be smelted by fire method."

"However, the process of smelting bronze is more complicated. Probably, the selected ore is first added to the flux, then placed in the furnace, smelted with charcoal, and when the heat is mature, the refined copper liquid is taken, and the smelting **** is discarded to obtain the primary copper. "

"The initial copper is still relatively rough, and it needs to be refined to obtain pure red copper. Red copper is alloyed with tin and lead, which is bronze."

"Until the era of the Great Qin Empire, bronze technology has reached an extreme brilliance!"


Nodding slightly, Ying Zheng couldn't help but glance at Wang Wan. This old guy is very knowledgeable, and he's even seen such an unorthodox thing.

"You're right. Bronze has gradually become the main species of bronze ware because it has overcome the soft weakness of pure copper, and has the advantages of low melting point and good casting properties."

"As the Central Plains entered the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the war promoted the development of manufacturing technologies such as vehicles, ships, carvings, and metal processing, as well as agricultural, military, and economic and social development."

"Bronze technology has reached the pinnacle in my Daqin development!"

Having said that, Ying Zheng turned to Wang Wan and said, "What do you think about the iron smelting technology and iron tools?"

Wang Wan pondered for a moment, then turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "Although iron tools are rising in Shandong, their performance is far inferior to my Da Qin's bronze technology!"

"In fact, iron tools have already appeared on the land of the Central Plains in the Western Zhou Dynasty. This is the era when Huaxia began to smelt iron tools on a large scale and apply them to production and life."

"However, the iron smelting technology did not develop by leaps and bounds, so that the entire Warring States period ended. The world was unified under Qin, and the iron smelting technology was still the same!" x0

"Can't break through, doesn't mean can't break through!"

Ying Zheng looked directly at the three of them, with an impassioned tone and endless confidence: "I believe that iron smelting technology will definitely achieve a breakthrough in Daqin Shang Workshop!"

"My Daqin Empire will also transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, thus entering a new era!"

From the moment he entered the room, he had always been as weak as an invisible person, suddenly facing Ying Zheng, said.

"Your Majesty, why must iron be replaced by bronze?"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng looked slightly startled, then smiled at Dun Wei: "Qin Banliang, the currency commonly used in the Qin Empire, is made of bronze."

"I, the generals and soldiers of the three armies of the Great Qin Dynasty, and other things, basically use bronze for casting money to cast weapons and decorations."

"And iron will inevitably surpass bronze in the future. Under the Central Plains, there are far more iron ore veins than copper ore veins."

"Bronze is expensive, iron is cheap, and after the breakthrough of iron smelting technology, both the sharpness and the firmness are higher than bronze."

"I have no reason not to transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age!"

"Then your Majesty's northern tour of Yanmen this time is"

Glancing at Wang Wan, this guy is extremely sharp, he noticed it almost instantly, and even made a test to Ying Zheng.

"In order to achieve breakthroughs in iron smelting technology, coal veins are extremely important. To reach such a high temperature, ordinary charcoal cannot do it at all."

"And the Pingcheng coal mine is the closest to Xianyang and the largest coal mine, so I have to go there in person."

"What's more, this time, I also need to enter Jiuyuan to ensure the stability of Jiuyuan!"

After drinking a sip of tea, Ying Zheng paused and said, "It is true that entering Jiuyuan in person will make the Xiongnu and Donghu and other forces panic in a hurry."

"However, entering Jiuyuan in person is undoubtedly a powerful deterrent, and it is also a boost to the morale of Da Qin Rui."

"I want to tell them that I have never forgotten them!"

Ying Zheng's reasons are very good!

The Daqin Empire is already promoting the professionalization of soldiers, not to mention, the Beidi Army they entered is itself a professional army.

However, before Ying Zheng proposed the professionalization of soldiers, their existence was not obvious.

The proposal of professionalization of military will be the basis for the next division of war zones.

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that the Daqin Empire had too little control over the Shandong provinces. In this era, only Daqin Ruishi could bring him self-confidence.

Any dissatisfaction and rebellion will disappear under the shock of the absolute army.

This is the terrifying threat brought by a large army, not to mention that today's Da Qin Ruishi is an elite who has seen blood.

Ying Zheng's deployment has always been one step before, he has already watched ten steps and simulated a hundred steps.

As the first emperor of the Qin Empire, Ying Zheng was extremely cautious in his actions. div

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