My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 527: The court will not forget you, and Your Majesty will not forget you!

Update super fast |; Ying Zheng is very rational. watermark ad test watermark ad test

He knew in his heart that no matter the class of scholars, peasants, businessmen, and businessmen, as long as they were not determined to oppose the Qin Empire, they were all his subjects, the people of his country.

Because of this, Ying Zheng was extremely cautious in the process of governing, because he knew in his heart that the people of the country were the most important things in the recasting of an empire.

He will regulate the merchants, but he will not kill them all. As long as he has a heart for Da Qin, as long as he obeys the decrees of the imperial court, he will even support them.


Nodding in agreement, Cai Jiu thought the same way. He was born in Ji Ran's family, and naturally he hoped that the atmosphere of the world's merchants would improve, and he wanted to open a new path for the world's merchants.

"If Your Majesty has no other requirements, I will go ahead and introduce it. As for the merchants who have not come this time, I will let Hei Bingtai record it."

"When the two certificates are fully implemented, and after the Tingwei Mansion promulgates the monopoly law, the ministers will liquidate these merchants. As the people of the Great Qin country, they do not obey the decrees of the imperial court. This is no longer the people of the Great Qin country, but a group of people. Anti-Qin elements."

Cai Jiu knew that the imperial court would never tolerate these people. Even if he didn't bring it up today, when it was necessary, the first emperor would liquidate.

As for his liquidation, he just checked the family assets. At least these people are still alive, but if the person in front of him intervenes in the liquidation, these people are probably gone.

"it is good!"

Ying Zheng put down the tea cup in his hand and took a deep look at Cai Jiu. He was naturally aware of Cai Jiu's plans, but he didn't care about this matter.

As long as he was able to do practical things for Da Qin, Ying Zheng would not care too much about some of the courtiers' careful thoughts, because Ying Zheng knew a word, when the water is clear, there are no fish.

"I will leave this matter to you. We must do it well. After this matter is over, a war will break out in Daqin. I don't want the domestic war to be delayed!"


Nodding in agreement, Cai Jiu was extremely grateful to Ying Zheng. He knew that this was Ying Zheng's trust in him and his recognition of his work during this period of time.


Walking out of Xianyang Palace, Cai Jiu only felt that his footsteps were windy, and he was recognized by Ying Zheng, which meant that his plans and deployments could be unfolded step by step.

Leaving Xianyang Palace, Cai Jiu did not return to the Office of the Internal Affairs Office, but came to the Administration for Industry and Commerce. He needed to discuss some things with Cai Zhong.

"Jianxiang, Your Majesty has agreed with our plan. Now the two certificates have been launched, and the anti-monopoly law will be introduced Walking into the Industry and Commerce Department, Cai Jiu turned towards Cai Zhong and said: "Now businessmen are all paying, do we need to start the investment promotion work now, give them a little sweetness, and let them see our determination. "


Nodding his head, Cai Zhong chuckled lightly and said, "Before you come, I have already sent someone to issue a decree, and the investment promotion of Daqin Academy and Daqin Chidao will start immediately."

"I was just about to send someone to the Office of the Internal Affairs Office to inform you that you have already arrived at the Administration for Industry and Commerce."


Laughing loudly, Cai Jiu took a sip of tea, then turned towards Cai Jiu and said, "I've thought of this from the very beginning, but I just need to report to Your Majesty in advance, so I'm a step late."

"I wonder if the planner notified the Great Qin Empire General Chamber of Commerce?"

Hearing this, Cai nodded, smiled at Cai Jiu, and said, "They have paid so much, and naturally they will get some return. This time, the investment attraction is naturally chosen from them."

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