My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 237: God's 5th day

Time travels through the wormhole.

Countless civilizations returned, and after handling their own affairs, the passage was finally closed.

The two earths are separated again.

The major civilizations that have returned have recombined with the local civilizations and exchanged prehistoric information. The huge and profound amount of knowledge is enough to raise their civilization to a level that was unimaginable before.

Atlantis, the fairyland of Shushan, is eagerly sucking the wisdom of the prehistoric flood.

Of course, along with the spread of these return to civilization, the people of this land have gradually learned about the lost history of the Great Flood in ancient times.

Know the history after the flood in Jiaxia hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The lost history has begun to return, and even the entire world has set off an archaeological frenzy because of this time backwards. The world is keen to study the prehistoric years.

With the ancient as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall.

They also want to know their own path and how to choose in the future.

Ta Ta Ta.

Fu Qingjun went downstairs to eat.

"Fang Master Fu."

"Fang Master Fu."

There was a voice from the surrounding shops.

The title of deputy gang leader has become accustomed. Although there is no card face, Fu Qingjun smiled and nodded.

He felt that he should celebrate. The thorn in his heart has finally been resolved and the fog of the earth has receded. Although this may only be temporary, it is still a gratifying progress.

Looking at my own civilized demon country, it is thriving and developing at this time.

"Go to dinner and add a few more vegetables." He thought very much about the vegetables, rice, oil and salt in the cafeteria.

Beside, in front of a fruit shop,

Under the big tree, beside an old man, there are several little boys who are pestering the old man to tell stories.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, you finished the "Human Ancestor Biography" last time. It's time to tell the next story."

"Yes, yes, Jiaxia found that the common people on the ground were mutilated, and there was no happiness, anger, sadness, or hatred, so she waved a knife at him, so the flood fell and the world was destroyed. After the flood, Hormons gave all the mortals at the time a whirlpool The mountain, the sinner who bears the mountain,

And Hongqi, the king of a tribe of the human race, because of the help of his subordinates,

You get happiness by falling in love with a woman, you get anger when you hear betrayal, sorrow when you kill your lover, and happiness when you kill your enemy, and finally understand that they get hate for their truth... Therefore, they get happiness, anger, sorrow, and hatred. The story of being complete and taking off the mountain. "

"Yes, yes, you said that this is the fourth day of the gods in the record on the stone slab!"

Beside, countless children are clamoring and full of excitement, pestering the grandfather to tell stories.

The old man kindly stroked the heads of several children, very fondly, "Okay, okay, today I will give you the next story, the fifth day of God."

Fu Qingjun stopped and listened quietly.

This mountain...

Isn't it the story of doing the production line of the mechanical snail host before you?

He rubbed his stomach and suddenly remembered the long-lost snail powder.

"God's fifth day."

Under the shade of the tree, the old man opened the newly bought history book and read to several children: "On the fourth day, Hormones used the mountain on his back to test the common people. Finally, the mankind after the opening of the world was full of joy and anger. Sadness, joy and hatred... only with these emotions can we break through to the next level and transform from the embryo into a human."

"Embryogenesis is the breakthrough method that corresponds to the transformation of the golden core into the Nasal Infant?"

A clever kid who was a half old yelled: "No wonder, this is becoming a human being! The fifth day in "God's Blessing" coincides with the way to breakthrough."

"It's very smart, and there are no creatures with emotions, sorrows, sorrows, and hatred. It is impossible to break through from the young gods and be born from embryos. It is incomplete."

The old man smiled and said back to the topic, "Children, we continue to say that the joys, sorrows, sorrows and hatreds of the fourth day are still not enough, because on the fifth day, Hormones discovered human beings, but still lacks the most The key thing."



"Obviously, we already have emotions, what else do people lack?"

"I do not understand."

The children discussed enthusiastically.

"It is good and hypocritical." The old man looked kindly, "Or, in addition to emotions, people also need the ability to distinguish between good and evil... People, emotions alone are not enough, there must be good and evil. View, human beings at that time still lacked these things."


The children seemed to be listening to the story of being human.

After all, the human mythology that opened up the world is also an enlightenment book that teaches how to behave, how to be a man, and how to be an adult.

"It's stupid, of course, on the fifth day, giving good and evil." The old man replied of course. "That war symbolized the fusion of the best and the worst, the greatest good and the greatest hypocrisy. He became a real human and defeated that monster!"

The old man pointed to a mural.

The dark sky on one side is the dark evil arm.

The bright sky on one side is the eyeball of knowledge.

A human being, falling in the center of the dividing line, seems to herald a certain transformation of human beings.

This is the last page of Professor Nasika’s new full version of "The Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization", with the name of the mural full of mythological meanings:

[Eye of Hormons, a picture of people distinguishing good from evil]

People distinguish between good and evil...

The children are fascinated...

But after thinking about it, a child scratched his head and said, "It turned out to be like this. On the fifth day, people have distinguished good from evil, but I still have a peculiar question. In the story, isn't Human Hongqi still very weak? His aptitude Very poor, like a mediocre old lonely old man, facing the disaster, although it shows the courage of human beings, it has not much effect.

In the eyes of children, Renzu should be an indomitable, unparalleled, tall and mighty hero that no one can compare!

And a person with mediocre aptitude, who has made mistakes, repented, awakened his emotions, anger, sorrow, and learned the concept of good and evil is not in line with their image.

"Man is such an animal."

The old man answered seriously and gently touched the child's head, "You are still young, and you will understand when you grow up. From the beginning, people are extremely weak, despicable, and incomplete creatures, far inferior to other creatures, and finally complete it step by step. After becoming stronger, Human Race will gradually grow up like a human ancestor. After all, there is still a long future."

"Then I want to listen to the next story!!" The children were noisy, "The future ancestors will definitely rise and become very powerful."

"No, no more at present." The old man sat under the tree helplessly.

Fu Qingjun smiled and walked again, crossed the fruit shop and walked to the dining hall.

"I just want to listen!"

"Yes, grandpa, I want to listen, I want to listen!"

The child is still making It's really gone. If you don't believe me, this is the last page. "The old man turned the pages of the book, "This is... the content of "The Fifth Day." "

"Look, this is the mythical history of the prehistoric flood. It is thick, vast, and soaked in blood, and it has the magnificence that we are today."

In the eyes of countless children's expectations, this old man pointed to the temple book that records ancient myths. Its cover reads the first epic of mankind:

[On the first day, Amiro came and gave life to the creatures on the ground]

[On the second day, Hormons came and gave knowledge of the creatures on the earth]

[On the third day, Jiaxia came to give wisdom and deceit to the creatures on the earth]

[On the fourth day, human beings have made up for their own despicableness, learned to be happy, angry, sorrowful, and full of people. 】

[On the fifth day, human beings discern the good and evil of human nature, learn to perfect themselves, and become a whole person]

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