My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 39: Myths hundreds of thousands of years ago

   Fu Qingjun naturally heard the name "Anunnaki".

   is not here, but I have heard it on the earth before.

The name    has footprints in many ancient civilizations.

  The most famous of these are the gods in Sumerian mythology.

  Sumer is the oldest known dynasty in human history. Afterwards, Babylon, one of the four ancient civilizations, was established on the Sumerian ruins in the Mesopotamia.

   If you hear this famous foreign myth and legend on the earth, Fu Qingjun will not care at all, just...

   After experiencing Jiaxia, he has a strange sense of sight.

   "This lady, Anunnaki, seems very interesting." Fu Qingjun turned around and asked in native English.

   "Huh? You can actually say the words of our Hawkes Kingdom?" The blond woman sat in a chair and taught the child, staying for a few seconds.

   After all, this is the other autonomous region, so few people can communicate.

  Although it is a temporary allies, we will resist the strongest European kingdom, which has already entered the age of industrial machine guns, and study the opponent's firearms to resist the opponent's invasion and unification.

  Like Yinxu, when they were not invaded, their land retained the monarchy system of knights, dukes, kings, and so on. There were various knights and heavy armored soldiers, but the invading guns completely destroyed them.

   After all, even the more powerful Yin Ruins were severely damaged. After a lot of learning, it was only now for the counterattack.

   But she never thought of being able to communicate effectively here.

   "I know some of your languages." Fu Qingjun said.

   In this parallel world, the names, distributions, and languages ​​of countries have undergone tremendous changes, but the difference is not that big. His English is a strong point.

   Also, he is really fluent in eight languages...

   His head is not bald.

   The blonde woman behaved relatively friendly and smiled and said: "Are you interested in the Indian mythology on this mysterious ancient land?"

   "Yes, every piece of ancient land that has been passed down for a long time has unimaginable human history and hymns." Fu Qingjun nodded and smiled: "Ant friend?"

   "Yes, it's Anunnaki!!"

   The blonde woman smiled in excitement. She is a very intellectual and mature elegant lady and nobleman. She introduced herself: "Nassika, a professor of history at Boxle University. At the same time, she is interested in supernatural events, supernatural powers, and human potential."

"Fu Qingjun, on the land here, a warrior who runs the rivers and lakes, and a group of brothers under his leadership, wants to make a great cause and study the steam mechanical structure of the new era." He took off the brim of his hat, revealing a green face, but The figure is tall and strong, with a full length of 1.9 meters.

   "Your Excellency looks very immature, but he can't see the weather-beaten, but he speaks a relatively fluent foreign language."

  Nashika was immediately happy and enthusiastically said: "Ant friend, this is the Hopi record from the Indian mythology of this land under your feet! The ant is Anu, and the friend is naki...Anunaki is the ant's friend."

   "That's it, your Excellency is very knowledgeable."

   Fu Qingjun hesitated and said, "What kind of **** is this?"

"That's not a single god, it's an ancient **** system headed by a certain existence, from Nibiru from outside the sky... The record is vague, but many ancient civilization relics around the world have records, the most well-known is from Sumerian civilization."

  Nashika smiled, took her child into her arms, and said loudly:

"Of course, Sumerian records are not specific, and this civilization is the most famous one, that is, the Sumerian King List! This is an ancient inscription that was unearthed. I don't know why. That civilization likes to record slates. "

   "Because of that era, there is no other record except slate." Fu Qingjun thought for a while, and looked at the clear blue sky, as if thinking about a certain possibility.

   "The table of Sumerian kings has been unearthed in 26 places. The stone slabs are all the same records, but the monarchs described in it are simply too magical."

   "Oh?" Fu Qingjun asked curiously.

   "Do you know how long the first Sumerian king recorded above reigned? It is said to be a man who descended from the sky, Alulim, a primitive man who ruled the earth for 28800 years."

   She opened her mouth in excitement and exaggeratedly said: "The second Alalga has ruled the earth for 36,000 years, and every one has ruled for tens of thousands of years..."

   "It's hard to imagine! What kind of mysterious place Nibiru is! The life that came out of it, and fell on the earth, can live for tens of thousands of years!" She said with a look of excitement.

   "This is a myth, it's normal, God rules the land." Fu Qingjun said with a smile, looking at the sun flower pot in the distance.

   Whether it was a coincidence or not, he suddenly felt that the world was really wonderful.

   "Yes, but it records that eight heavenly kings appeared on this planet thousands of years ago and ruled for a full 240,000 years!!" she said.

   Fu Qingjun hesitated.

If it is Jiaxia, who has returned to the distant past, in his life, he is afraid that he has not only broken through the fourth realm...the breakthrough of the body, perhaps it is indeed some kind of ultimate creature that breaks through the lifespan of the cell, and is alive. Hundreds of thousands of years.

   "Throughout the history of human emergence, the unearthed human skeletons show that we have millions of years of history."

She smiled and said: "I don't think that human beings have only thousands of years of history. There may be more distant human civilizations, and then they have fallen... It's just that we humans who have a history of thousands of years are called Ancient mythology."

   "It's possible." Fu Qingjun couldn't comment.

   "Then, the king's watch recorded a terrible flood, and the king's lifespan began to shorten." Nasika said enthusiastically.

   Fu Qingjun pondered.

   Whether it is accidental or not, is it Jiaxia...

   This great flood should not be my bucket of water.

   After all, myths all over the world coincide with the record of the Flood, the Bible, Sumerian mythology, and even the Chinese Nuwa repairing the sky, and the Great Yu governing the waters.

   Maybe this natural disaster happened in ancient times.

   If it is really Jiaxia, then he had a wonderful time on the ancient land, and even encountered unimaginable opponents.

"After the flood, the first generation of kings descended to 1200, and then gradually fell within hundreds of years, but the most terrifying is the last few kings recorded in the slate. They are ancient people thousands of years ago. Being able to study carefully, we found that they once existed for real!"

   "For example, Gilgamesh on the King's List of Sumer, who has existed for 126 years in his reign!"

Nasika became more excited, with a look of desire to explore the truth: "According to the research of ancient ruins by me and several scholars, he was indeed in power at this time, from 2600 to 2700 BC... but his This life span is also not in line with the life span of a person."

"But according to the unearthed important slate document "Epic of Gilgamesh", Gilgamesh has two-thirds of the blood lineage of gods and one third of the lineage of human beings. He possesses the great wisdom and power of gods, but there is no god. Life!"

   Fu Qingjun nodded.

   The records on the King Sumerian table are indeed very special.

   The last few kings that can be studied really exist in history, and they are indeed in this order.

   "According to the record, it may be that after the Great Flood, the blood of God gradually became thinner." Nasika said, "In the end, it was almost human."

   Fu Qingjun is silent.

  An ancient prehistoric myth?

   Anunnaki is just one of the ancient gods circulated in ancient times.

"However, the myth of history is a myth after all, who knows?" Nasika said, "I don't know the inheritance of **** blood, but the blood of martial arts can indeed be passed on. Your Excellency is from a martial arts family, and you should know it best. This is it."

   "Some traditional martial arts, after generations of practice, the bones are abnormal, and other people in my family martial arts practiced, but it will cause hidden injuries to my body."

   Fu Qingjun understands this.

   For example, on the iron line fist genealogy, it is written that non-Fujicun people cannot practice.

"This is already a certain sense of inheritance. If the martial arts is stronger, maybe it can really inherit the blood of the gods, that is, the powerful body structure, such as Tyrannosaurus, his offspring must be Tyrannosaurus, not Insects." Her eyes flashed crazily, "After all, according to research, the essence of martial arts is to promote the evolution of life, and it is natural to evolve into a special super life form."

   "Yes, it's a pity that above martial arts, the fourth stage did not appear." Fu Qingjun said.

"This is understandable! After all, mankind has had martial arts since history, because martial arts were originally techniques for hunting, killing and exercising... But the effective history of mankind is also four thousand years. It is normal that only three realms have been opened up." Sika is a radical conceptionist, and said: "I think the fourth realm definitely exists...but, in martial arts, maybe the fourth realm will not appear."

   "Because of the industrial age." Fu Qingjun looked to the sky and said: "After World War II, the ancient cold weapons that have been developed for thousands of years will fight, and close combat will eventually decline and stop here forever."


  Nashika stood up and prepared to leave, "Your Excellency is very visionary, and I am very happy to communicate with Your Excellency. This is my business card."

  In the distance, two tall black suit bodyguards walked slowly.

   Fu Qingjun took the business card and said with a smile: "I don't have this kind of thing, but you can find me by asking my name here...and, what do you think of the workmanship of this."

   Fu Qingjun took out a pocket watch, which is not even a pocket watch anymore. It is an ultra-small ladies watch, with only a dollar coin slightly larger, which is extremely delicate.

  Nashika was surprised, "This is? How can this kind of craft be possible?"

Most of the world uses pocket watches, most of them the size of a half palm. They are usually too heavy to be placed in a pocket and hung around the neck. The more delicate ones are watches. The price is tripled and directly expensive to more than ten taels of silver. The watch is also very heavy and is only suitable for the powerful warriors of Kong Wu.

   It can be said that such exquisite craftsmanship, she has never seen it before!

   It is impossible for humans to create it at all. Only exquisite machinery factories can achieve such precision!

   "This is what we produce."

   Fu Qingjun said: "This is not a manpower creation. The assembly line production is relatively mature. If you need it, you can contact me. There will be a lot in the but the output is unlikely to be large."

   "Can you sell this piece to me?" She liked it very much, "I am willing to pay fifty silver pounds!"

   "Yes." Fu Qingjun was stunned. The purchasing power of silver and silver pounds are equal, which is equivalent to fifty taels of silver, which is already very high.

   Watches don’t worry about selling at all.

   As expected, Fu Qingjun thought.

   The gap between the rich and the poor in this era is so big that as long as it is a nobleman like Jiang Yang who inherits the nobles and rules the people, he will definitely love this exquisite mechanical watch.

"Thank you very much. If I want to find a sales channel, I can help, but I don't want to come... Those ladies will be very crazy." Na Sika smiled and asked the two bodyguards next to pay for the money, she held the child , Left under the **** of two bodyguards.

   Suddenly, Nasika seemed to have thought of something, and turned her head and said: "According to some unconfirmed historical data, Anunnaki, ruling on the earth, wants to return to Nibiru all her life."

"Is it?"

   Fu Qingjun watched Nasika's departure, and slowly raised his head to look towards the sky, he couldn't help but recall the last hazy figure of Jiaxia, the weak young man who was howling and crying.

   Fu Qingjun was silent for a few seconds, and finally bid farewell to the cemetery and left the flower tombstone.

   He returned all the way, the dew caught the morning mist, his expression was somewhat tranced, as if he heard the mythical figure sleeping in the ancient coffin, his hands folded in front of his chest and said:

   "Go to the next future."

Is that mythical hero who is obsessed with the concept of God, sleeps in the ancient golden pagoda like every previous era, has experienced countless changes of times, vicissitudes of life, dynasties alternate, and still leads the ground under the remote loneliness that penetrates the bone The epic of civilization.


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