My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 568: Get started

Everyone saw it instantly,

These two are good,

Rotten old people, even if they have a complete seat and become the strongest in the world, they pose the least threat.

After all, they only need a complete new material Tianzun to dissolve the other's heavenly court's oath, and that person's realm is good, and the weaker the rest, the better.

"These two people, who are also your former taoist friends of Wen Ce Tianzun, have been persecuted by Amiro. I am afraid that they are two upright and strong men." A strong man slowly uttered this sentence.

This is utter nonsense with your eyes open,

But everyone was silent for a while, and there was more than one nonsense. Someone said: "They are different from those who are rotten. They are forced to join. I am afraid that the heart is still on our side. As long as we contact, they will Will give up the dark and cast the light instantly to serve us!"



Everyone immediately began to discuss it, and it was selected all at once.

Wen Ce Tianzun glanced at the people, and finally concluded: "I know the thoughts of the two of them best. They joined the Amiro Heavenly Court and endured the humiliation. I was afraid that day and night, they would wash their faces with tears, keep crying, regret... .Want to join us, cast aside the dark and cast light, and beat the greatest evil in the universe!"

When everyone heard it, they smiled with relief.

They quickly finalized the candidate, Yuanshou.

As for immortality, it was tragically abandoned at random.


Just random,

Anyway, they just choose a strong man,

"In this way, we also have a general framework for the plan."

Wen Ce Tianzun laughed, "Next, we will put pressure on them through the war to integrate their ten celestial bodies into one group and concentrate their rules."

"They have seats for forty-nine days, each occupying a seat... Let's see which seat Yuanshou is, and we can directly fill in his rules." said.

After all, Amiro Heavenly Court intends to establish various 49 Tianzun groups under his command, and internal competition, and sooner or later this competition will merge.

Next, as long as they put pressure on them, let them speed up the time, and merge the seats of the gods.

And even if they are not in a hurry to merge, they are not in a hurry anyway,

Their group of more than 100 people can fight over time, continue to shrink the number of people, get other seats, and more condensed their own strength.

At this point, this gathering is over,

Wen Ce Tianzun looked at the others, and finally said: "I believe you all understand. Today we are summoning you to make arrangements for the future. You don't need to rush to act. You can continue to do what you need to do. ...Just remember one thing, that is, we have to consciously oppress the heavens and let them integrate into their own group faster."

"Waiting for them to choose to merge is the time for us to overthrow each other!"


Fu Qingjun watched this scene in the dark, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, "Wen Ce Tianzun, this old yin guy, is really getting better and better. The sword is not old."

"This is the general trend."

There is no essential difference between the brand of oath and the brand of good fortune.

If Fu Qingjun was in Amiro’s position, it wouldn’t be much better.

I am just turning the vow heaven into a dependent heavenly court, and they will still use this strategy to overthrow themselves!

"Fortunately, I know how to hide, otherwise it is me who is standing in this position and being targeted now." Fu Qingjun laughed.


The other side.

Amiro in the heaven.

Amiro sat on the throne, vaguely disturbed,

"They finished the meeting? Then they separated, still following the logic of the previous behavior, still hunting and fighting everywhere, as if nothing had happened?"

It's as if you haven't had a meeting.

If there is a change, she feels relieved, but if there is no change, everything is quiet, but it is too abnormal.

"Staring at them carefully." Amiro said.

He frowned.

Sure enough, his prediction came true. He personally created a fake Wence Tianzun, and this Wence Tianzun would become his unprecedented biggest opponent!

Time flies, and another hundred years.

The group power of the entire universe shrank to more than 90 in one breath.

More than a dozen were killed in battles and fights,

"They are still fighting? They are accumulating strength, the same as before? Still no action?" At this time, Amiro became more suspicious, and his anxiety intensified.

At this time, the lower Qin Hong Tianzun said: "They are not without action. Although they are still fighting, they are all targeting us at the same time. We are under increasing pressure. Perhaps this is our plan. Joining forces to oppress us interestingly...after all, I can’t think of anything else, they are just a mess."

"But this plan is also very threatening to us. They occupy 90% of the new seat Tianzun. Although there are scattered seats, together, they have exceeded our traditional 49 Tianzun's combat power. We are under a lot of pressure. ."

This is the horror of the material seat,

Even if you collect 60% of the new half-seat Tianzun, the frontal combat power can resist a traditional Tianzun.

Over the years, they have been under great pressure!

"Only matter can lock in matter...We have to let the new seat of the material heavenly master officially take the initiative, and also actively locate their material cause and effect, and hunt them down."

Amiro pondered for a few seconds, and finally said: "Let the group of Xintianzun seats under his command unite their strengths into forty-nine seats, help us relieve pressure and help us hunt each other!"

They finally implemented this plan,

After all, I had imagined doing this in the first place, and sooner or later it would be integrated and concentrated.

In an instant, the Tianzun groups were integrated, taking the essence and removing the dross.

The strongest forty-nine people became the new Tianzun, immortal, Yuanshou, Qianxiu, Qin Hong... even Amiro himself also became the new Tianzun, most of them are Occupy dual seats at the same time.

"it has started."

"They finally couldn't help it."

And when they reached this point, some existences began to tacitly start their plans:

Disintegrate the Amiro Heavenly Court!

"it's time."

Wen Ce Tianzun stood on a planet with his hands on his back and smiled slightly: "The strongest contemporary decaying emperor in the universe, Amiro, is about to be overthrown by us."

He stretched out his palm and shook it fiercely at the void in the distance, as if he was about to grab something, "You overthrew me back then, now I want to take everything back to me..."

"The strongest of the three major prophecies, Amiro, I admit you are strong, but you are here."

They are about to overthrow the black hands on the first layer, and everything has already begun.

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