My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 74: In the kitchen world, female snails make people?

   Even if she was born in such a dangerous environment, she couldn't stop her brave heart.

  As a witch, an extraordinary system that enthusiastically pursues knowledge and truth, even if she is born from ingredients, she will rise up secretly, reshape her own race, and write brilliantly.

   "That stupid, low-level wizard of later generations has no idea. I am wise and I hide well."

   Her eyes flickered.

   After all, as a snail who cannot give birth to wisdom, his soul is extremely pure and without consciousness, it can be eaten and replenish spiritual power...

   So, it is only natural that she was not discovered.

   She began to look at the canteen kitchen that was renovated by the noodle shop on the first floor.

   "This is a special metal iron secret room, almost completely airtight! There are a lot of ingredients, and the huge dead man who has been out of control."

   The muscular man was sitting in the corner, obviously losing control.

   After all, the master has fallen asleep, so the dead puppet is naturally quiet.

   "Hehe...too young!"

   She smiled and said: "Do you think that if you are branded, you can only control it? This is my own clan, I am the ancestor, and I can naturally control it too!"

   While smiling, she crawled slowly, approached the snail man, and blended into his skin.


   All of a sudden, the whole muscular man stood up.

   She felt her whole body squirming, from a withered male face to her soft face, to an elegant woman,

   She is a tall, 1.9-meter tall, gentle step, **** and elegant feminine beauty, walking in this kitchen, showing an elegant smile.

   "In the distant world of this offspring, their soul thinking speed and movement are seven times slower than ours. Are their offspring becoming more and more mediocre?"

   She began to think, organize her thoughts,

   "First of all, I will continue to hide, and then I will start to devour the soul of the snail in secret, practice this life, and gradually become stronger."

   "Secondly, I have to find a way to multiply civilization and rebuild the glory of the Witch Empire!"

   As for how to rebuild civilization without being discovered, she thought for a long time.

  Because of any movement, it may be detected in this kitchen.

   Once he is found to have wisdom, he will undoubtedly die.

   "However, I, Yudura, can't find a way? Witch, but a strong man who plays with the soul!" She had been thinking about how to rise in this life, which has vaguely taken shape.

   "In that case, watch me rebuild the soul civilization of one party, build a country in spirit, and get a glimpse of the longevity of the world, and then kill him!"

   However, you have to think carefully, and you can't lose.

   "Never mind, I will explore the surrounding environment first to avoid being discovered by that stupid human wizard and use it to cook!" She smiled again, manipulated her body, and looked at the kitchen carefully.

  The door is locked from the inside, and you can open it from the inside.

   "What a stupid human! He thought it would be foolproof, but he didn't expect that I could open the door from the inside." She said, but didn't rush out.

   She began to devour snails and practiced witchcraft.

   Several hours passed quickly.

   "Successfully re-trained to the first realm, the following is called the bone realm." She took a deep breath, "Next, it's the physical realm, so the speed of cultivation slows down."

   But it doesn’t matter.

   She squinted her eyes, "I have been able to perform part of the soul spirit witchcraft!"

"My body is very small, and my soul is very small. According to the truth, it is impossible to charm those giant beings, but now..." she smiled: "My current body is made of countless vast and pure bodies. Composed of souls, I can fuse them together and activate spiritual spells. The distance should be enough!"

   She looked sharp and suddenly raised her head.


   Her mental power went straight through the floor and entered the second floor, like a ghost, overlooking a sleeping old man in the room.

   "This kind of old creature has a weak soul, and it just happens to allow me to invade and read your memory." She smiled again, and her thoughts made a shock.

   "Witchcraft, soul read!"

   She entered the other person's brain.

   In a pile of old and exhausted souls, I found a messy memory ball, like a ball of paper filled with diaries.

   As a witch who studies the soul, she naturally knows it.

   The soul of a living being is divided into a pure giant soul energy group, and a paper group of self-will wrapped in the center.

   is like a huge energy cell, wrapped in a small cell nucleus that contains information.

   Under normal circumstances, she is totally unwilling to touch these central conscious memories. After all, it is easy to confuse her brain, but at this time she began to try to read.


   In an instant, a lot of memories came.

   All kinds of knowledge about language, civilization, social structure, and the world are constantly pouring in.

   "Enough." She smiled, showing a peaceful look, took a deep breath, and returned to the kitchen on the first floor.

   began to keep collating information.

   "This world is very dangerous, and the great master of martial arts in the third realm can't stop the mechanical siege!"

   "And I, and they are actually the same, as long as they are far apart, my spiritual witchcraft will go beyond the distance, and it will not be able to strike at all, even more easily than martial arts, I will be shot and killed!"

   "This world is not easy!"

   She took a deep breath, but her eyes were full of expectation, and she arrogantly said:

   "However, it doesn't matter, my parasitic beastman, but the latest improved version, perhaps the world thinks it is just a parasitic corpse, but they can't think of it..."

   "This is my way to improve my snail is no longer a nourishing spiritual food. It can let my snail clan appear wisdom, build a huge soul kingdom, and generate wisdom in it!"

   She smiled slightly.

   The entire body of the snail man, densely packed parasitic snails, and thousands of innumerable fragments of pure souls, are instantly fused together.

   They are the same soul attribute, plus there is no consciousness paper ball of their own, a huge torrent of pure souls, and they are connected together to form a white soul consciousness to warm the world.

   "This is the convergent world in my mind. Because there is no self-awareness, it can be connected into a huge soul world. I want to be here to give birth to the consciousness of the snail's memory paper! Create real life!"

   "I said, this soul world must have heaven and earth."

   She carried her hands on her back, hung in the air step by step, stepping towards the sky.

   A mysterious power oscillated and swept the whole world.

   As consciousness spreads, a piece of land is covered, vast and boundless.

   "Later generations, strong men, go back to the beginning of the soul, and will witness a scene at this moment. As the ancestor of the witch, I create a new human race of my clan!"

   She looked down and looked down at this chaotic world, "Soul energy is not clear enough..."


   In a crash, the void exploded with thunder, the world exploded, and the sky was full of days!

  Yudula's eyes are full of sharp and indifferent, like a **** of creation!

   Ah this?

Fu Qingjun's body was sleeping on the bed on the third floor, but his consciousness was not deep asleep, with long hair flying on the bed, looking at the scene on the first floor, with a dazed expression, "This person, this life does not make good ingredients, nourishing The strong are practicing, what are they doing in the kitchen on the first floor of my gang?"


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