My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 84: Eve of Mythology

   In the chaos, Fu Qingjun also heard it.

   is the second master of the Ten Knife Society, known as the master of Bone Realm Perfection.

   In this world, the birth of the great master is basically in the world of martial arts, and ordinary warriors outside the world are called Bone Realm, and they are already masters of the world.

   "Our second elder brother was transporting goods in the carriage of the train station. When he arrived in Shiqing Town, he found a spy from the enemy country, the European Union, and was shot by the enemy."

   A warrior who carried the wounded said: "The opponent is a reformer of the military. The machine and metal are twisted together, and the chest is shot with cold shots. It is simply too scary."

  The ten knives who are lying on the stretcher are the second master, barely speaking, like a gossamer, "The opponent is the European Union, a martial arts master from Morcona, who is good at mechanical transformation."

   Bai Yu frowned when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "After the armistice for seven years, little friction is still constant, and it can already be lurking in. Can they already be converted into small guns?"

   Fu Qingjun who was eating next to him was surprised.

  Sure enough, the science and technology trees in this world are a bit crooked. I think they are really at the level of World War II a hundred years ago. That would be stupid.

  Everyone is a parallel world, and it’s not true that people develop a hundred years later than themselves.

   They are afraid that they have formed a deformed science and technology tree, and there are people in the enemy country who have technological transformation? Cyborg?

   Fu Qingjun was puzzled, but he dared not ask.

   "Mechanical transformation of people? How is it possible?"

   At this time, a young man next to him was scared to speak.

   "That's a mechanical martial artist."

   The little horn shook his head, "It's not easy? Just load a firearm in the empty place of your stomach, pull a muscle in linkage, control the muscle to shoot, and as a master of muscle weight, you can definitely manipulate the muscles of your body."

  "Going a step further, putting a special alloy in the body has terrible defenses, even when carrying bullets."

   "We are learning from them, so why aren't they learning from our martial arts school?"

After all, the martial arts of Wudang Mountain put down their fists, the sword immortals of the famous Sword Villa put down their long swords, and Mobei Sword God also put down his broadswords, and began to pick up a submachine gun, flying over the wall, and the ability to fight alone. It was too terrifying. .

   The Gun Corps was beaten alive and defeated.

   Had it not been for the plane bombing, it would have been long since surrendered.

   But even so, they also raised a thousand catties of super longbow, shooting down a lot of jet bombers!

   Now, the opponent naturally starts to study martial arts.

   "Their special operations forces, robotic martial artists, are now very scary. They are not pure flesh and blood. They are very resistant to firearms and can kill an ordinary special forces alone."

   "And at this level, it is generally called the great master of the bone realm, and the terrifying regeneration ability can accept such a transformation."

   "In the past few years, they have been known as Bone Realm masters, and the great master is said to have not yet appeared."

   Little Horn took a deep breath, his eyes filled with hatred, "My foster father is said to be alive, and he is being continuously tested in their largest prison institute in Morcona."

   After all, the living body of the great master has terrifying survivability, and it is extremely precious experimental material.

   just when several people are talking.

   Bai Yu, the second master, soon began to treat.

   "You guy, you just said coldly about ten knives." Someone next to him laughed.

   "I am a doctor first. People who are injured for the country can't be saved." Bai Yu picked up the knife, "Although, I look down on these warriors who don't speak martial arts."

   a knife.


   The second master of the Ten Knife Club was soon cut open with a thin, burning red knife to cut open his scorched abdomen.

   "The injury is very serious and it's rags. Fortunately, your internal organs are flexible, and you control the movement of your internal organs. Basically, you have avoided the vital points, and your heart is still intact. Fortune telling."

   Baiyu frowned, holding a pair of tweezers, and said: "Other internal organs are injured, and they can also control the muscles to stop the bleeding with ‘qi’. If you are shot in the heart, you will be completely gone."

  The heart and brain are the deadliest key to warriors.

   "Come on, lift up the heart, I want to take the bullet."

   Bai Yu said, "This bullet was inserted into the ribs behind the heart."

   Li Jihao is very weak, "Can't you help me lift my heart?"

   "This is not your gang, do it yourself, no one will help you." Bai Yu said.



   With the sound of heartbeat.

   A beating bright red heart, connected to blood vessels, slowly lifted himself from his chest.

  Muscle weight, perfect control of muscles, myocardium is also a muscle.

   Obviously, this ten knives will be the second master and a master with great muscles. He has perfected all the eleven "internal muscles" before entering the bone weighing. He is a great master who is expected to break through the master.

   This is the limit of a folk master.

   "Raise the heart higher."

   Baiyu took the tweezers and the knife, skillfully and deftly around the heart, cut the bright red muscle, took out the bullet, and threw it into the bowl with a clang.

   Fu Qingjun looked at this operation and felt terrified.

   Modern medical technology is extremely advanced, but can you perform such an exaggerated operation?

   No sterile room?

   Can not be sterilized by high temperature?

   is in the cafeteria right in front of him, doing the operation carelessly.

   Sure enough, it is the world of martial arts with the devil muscle brother.

   No wonder the human body can be mechanically modified.


   is only a master of the Dzogchen Bone Realm.

   Under such a powerful warrior background, the enemy federation can seize a group of martial arts masters, solve these superhumans, conduct crazy research, and it is not surprising that there are scientific and technological achievements in biological transformation.

   It's not surprising that the Hulk suddenly appears sweeping the battlefield.

   Fu Qingjun understands thoroughly.

   These are called Bone Realm Dzogchen, let alone Grand Master?

   The strongest creature on the surface is by no means a false name.

   But times have changed, no matter how strong flesh and blood and vitality are, it can't stop a volley of firearms.

   Unless it is the fourth realm that appears in the dark.

   Fu Qingjun didn't actually have much real feeling before, and only now vaguely knows this state. Regarding the heavy burden of Jiang Yang, Professor Nasika and others, it is no wonder that he is so nervous.

   The rivers and lakes are gone.

   "No matter how strong the martial arts are, all the martial arts, the knights and swordsmen, can't stop the machine."

   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, just quietly pretending to be calm, watching this scene.

   Soon, Bai Yu put the potion on the wound and applied it to the wound. The treatment was almost finished, but it was a pity, "You are okay, but for a long time in the future, the dignity of a man will be lost, and going to the toilet is very troublesome."

   A few warriors came over, although their faces were pretending to be solemn, but the smiles on the corners of their mouths were a little gloat.

   deserve it!

   They are very resentful of ten knives.

   Fu Qingjun saw it, but there was no gloating, and he thought in his heart, "Unfortunately, it is a member of the enemy's Ten Swords Club. If it is from our Miao Chuntang, I can pretend to be a feather snake god."

   "God is mysterious."

   The small horn next to it came up and looked at it with pity, "The bladder has burst, and life will be difficult in the future. It will not be able to recover organs of this level without breaking the master."


   It should be possible to install a Quetzalcoatl instead of the bladder.

   This unexpected incident is very urgent.

   But it was also sent away very quickly.

Before leaving, carrying the stretcher, the bandaged ten knives will be the second master, grasping Bai Yu's hand tightly, with a desperate face, "Seven years ago, we were the pioneers of World War II. There was still a battle. Now we are fighting with them. After a game, their improved mechanical technology made me understand... we are completely finished!"

   "Go away! You talk a lot of nonsense. You weren't such a person when you fought together."

   Bai Yu was silent, and waved his hand, "Fight him away and talk nonsense. It's all of you. If you don't talk about justice, you will be gone."

   Cleaned up the blood stains in the dining hall, and everyone restarted the meal. They all had a good time. It seemed to be a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. This kind of thing is used to it.

   "Hee hee, deserve it."

   "It's hard to pee in the future."

   "I can't help laughing when I think about him going to the bathroom in the future."

   They are all discussing the tenth knife meeting just now, laughing and joking.

   "Oh! It's not easy to open a factory, ten knives will meet, walking around the train station as a traveler, but also easy to be targeted."

"that is not?"

   "It's really miserable, even this kind of big master got three shots and it became like this."

   "There is no way. The times are different. I heard that their current bullets are specifically aimed at warriors. After being hit, they will burst apart, all of which are bullet fragments."

   "Recently, the European Federal State has become more and more active. I don't know what has been studied?"

   "Who knows, we are still studying cars and airplanes anyway."

   "Hey, our individual will not work anymore, the warrior arena, the times are gone."

   "Who said that martial arts are endless! Look at the ancient historical myths of people, but we are declining." A big man retorted loudly, his face flushed directly.

   "Cut! Mythology? You are not as simple as Qin Hong, are you? People are little girls, go to the professor to talk about this, believe in ancient myths, and you? Big masters."

   "No, martial arts can't..." The strong and tall man suddenly sobbed, looking extremely serious.


   The people around were also silent.

   This kind of topic is all in the cafeteria, a bit heavy.

  Practicing martial arts, I have suffered too much, just a muscular realm, standing every day, sweating for countless years, how many people have been stumped?

  As a teenager, who didn’t have a dream of the world in his heart?

   With great arrogance, a green front, a fast horse, picking leaves and flying flowers, walked through thousands of mountains and rivers.

   But the era has suddenly entered modern times. Mechanical reforms, steam revolutions, and empires across the ocean have brought a smoke of gunpowder....Everyone actually does not want a war to break out. After all, it has been an armistice for seven years.

   Warriors are no longer invincible...

   We will die too.

   At best, we are just stronger, more sensitive super soldiers, everyone is afraid.

  They are never afraid of dying under the hands of warriors, picking up the long sword, and dying under the sword, it is the fate of the rivers and lakes... but they are afraid of dying under the hands of ordinary people.

   Those who have never practiced, only need to learn guns for a few days, they can easily kill their dreams of fighting day and night...

   This land is a five-thousand-year dream.

   "This world is really unfair." Qin Hong grabbed the third bowl of rice and smiled: "My family has fallen in love. If it weren't for accidentally awakening the memory of my ancestors, I would be miserable."

   Fu Qingjun didn't speak either.

   I can’t help much, and you are the only one at the moment.

   He just feels that this Second World War, although the layout is different, is really cruel. No matter where it is, war will bring misfortune to people in the era.

   At night.

   Fu Qingjun opened the late-night canteen and asked five young girls, together with Li Mo, to eat snail noodles.

   This time, he squeezed Yudura and multiplied a lot of snails. The soup was full of meat, and he controlled the cloaked snails, and gave everyone the noodles.

   Although everyone has doubts about this wizard, they dare not ask more.

   "It's delicious, and exercise your spirit according to the training method given to you." Fu Qingjun said: "The earlier you feel the spirit, the greater the potential."

   Several little girls nodded.

   Li Mo, the dance teacher, also looks serious.

   "Don't feel pressure, mood is very important." Fu Qingjun reminded again: "Although the materials are precious, they are affordable."

   In the dark kitchen.

   Yudura vomits blood in his heart.

   This **** future low-level wizard!

   really regarded her as a ruthless fertility machine, madly multiplying snails...

   And she can’t resist!

   After all, snails are beasts with no self-awareness. They are bred like domestic pigs. If they show wisdom, they must be discovered.

   "When I break into the fourth realm, you must look good." She thought.

   had a supper.

   "Life is really comfortable." Fu Qingjun returned to the room, tidyed up and went to bed.

   In the next few days, Fu Qingjun's mentality is normal, as usual.

   Six or seven days have passed.

   One week said that it is not long, and that it is not short, but for the witch civilization, seven times the speed, seven weeks have passed, and they have iterated for several centuries.

   The entire Witch Nas Capital City is also surging.

   The demon world's offensive has become more intense.

   No one knows what kind of powerful background the Demon World contains.

   Foreign travelers from the times, Professor Nassika and his group, spent the whole day studying history and machinery in the royal capital, and their lives were unusually comfortable.

   Even Li Yi, a witch mother, has passed away a lifetime safely, teaching her children to practice witches and martial arts.

   After several tragic encounters, he discovered that this Mayan civilization was extremely terrifying!

   They were born to know it when they were born.

   I have the IQ of an adult in his twenties, and he is almost unbelievable in learning everything.

  At the same time, almost all children have to go to the temple to accept the powerful witch's...

   Spiritual ceremony!

   instill memory and practice experience,

   They were almost adult from birth, and their cultivation speed broke through, extremely fast... but their life span was extremely short!

   "It's like an insect!" Li Yi exclaimed.

   If you don’t practice, you only have a life span of two days and half a month in this world.

   "This is an incredible mythical world!"

   After experiencing life and death, Li Yi began to teach his children to practice and live earnestly.



   A bunch of beautiful witches and male knights spoke.

Li Yi’s whole tall man was cooking at home at this time. This mother showed a gentle aunt smile, “You are going to be moms too. Don’t stick to me so much. Don’t go out to perform tasks and work as servants. It's time to consider the important matter of marriage in the army's affairs."

   Li Yi also has a real sense of this mythical world.

   Sometimes, he even wondered what a myth is?

   Door-to-door wires, light bulbs, mechanical cannons... are also myths for people in this world. The power grid is also a magic net, transmitting energy, and all kinds of terrible artifacts...

   "I don't know, how long will it last." Li Yi exclaimed in his heart.


   The clear sky swept a circle of transparent white whirlpools.

"what is that?"

   There are children yelling On the streets of the huge wizard town, many people walked out slowly, looking up at the sky in a daze.

  The clouds and fog in the sky are getting more and more.

   A colossal spirit began to condense, forming a huge figure.

   "Clouds and mists?" Someone said.

   "No, it's not clouds at all, it's mind power!" An old witch murmured to herself, "It's the fourth realm...the legendary god?"

  Many mothers walked out of the street holding their children,

   Li Yi also hugged his granddaughter and walked out of the room, his pupils shrank.

"this is??"



   The whole real world.

   Duguan town, with the undercurrent surging for a few days, a lot of wind and waves appeared.

   "This land, the ancient world that travels through time and space?" Two powerful masters came one after another, "A temporary wormhole in time and space that appeared here?"

   Jiang Yang and Nasika's husband looked at each other and slowly clasped their fists.

   These two masters are both from the clan, the ancient class dynasty that once ruled the land with martial arts, one is an oriental martial arts family, the other is a Western noble knight, the pillars of the family, allied to resist the empire.

   If it weren’t for their close relatives to tell them, they would not even dare to imagine,

   The front line is already under pressure.

   The other party is about to move. The science and technology of the Austrian Federal Kingdom can hardly be imagined. It is said that there is a new breakthrough.

   "The possibility of the fourth realm? Really... does it exist? The war is not optimistic." They briefly communicated with Jiang Yu and others a few times before stepping into this world.

   And at first glance, I looked at the splendid sky, and I saw...



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