My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 97: Good 1 jianghu hero

"This is not a place for detailed discussion." Jiang Yang said.

Naturally, Fu Qingjun would not allow the other person to enter the room. Although the cleaning was almost the same, there was no way to explain the hair in one place.

He invited several people downstairs, then came to a small private room, and asked everyone to sit down.

"Your Excellency, is that the expert who drove the car before?" Fu Qingjun looked unknowingly, "Why come to me as a guest when I have time."

Jiang Yang also smiled and replied: "The previous senior who gave me the medicinal liquor is very mysterious. I wish me a diligent cultivation base. I have come before, and I want to thank that senior."


Fu Qingjun knew their intentions all at once.

Are you here to find Jiaxia?

The flower pots on the table are gone.

But after all, Jiaxia is the spirit of a god, Jiang Yang didn't understand what it means before, but now that he thinks about it, he knows that this is the fourth realm of the future.

However, it is also troublesome now.

"This senior came across only by chance and is very mysterious. He appeared in Duguan Town a while ago, so he helped me raise my martial arts realm." Fu Qingjun said earnestly: "Now, that senior He is nowhere to be found...I also miss him very much."

Fu Qingjun came up with the argument of a panacea.

Jiang Yang was silent for a moment, feeling that he couldn't break the breath of the other party, and the grandmaster's spirit was faintly circulating, and said: "Your Excellency, after the war that day, it was already a breakthrough. Now it is the grandmaster's spirit?"

What battle?

Who am I fighting with?

Fu Qingjun was at a loss, but nodded, his breath swelled slightly, a wave of fierce loyalty, a bright and upright spirit of a good man poured out, dignifiedly: "I already have the realm of a master."

Boom boom boom.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Helper, there are no arrangements for today's clocks."

"Sorry everyone, I'm temporarily absent." Fu Qingjun saluted, and then walked out of the room.

Several people looked at each other in the room.

The room is quiet, and there is a landscape painting on the wall. The decoration is ancient and elegant, but no one drinks tea or eats cakes on the table.

"Brother, did he lie?" Jiang Yu said.

Jiang Yang lightly played with a ceramic teacup in his palm, and said lightly: "There is no mental fluctuation of lying, he has a calm expression and no problems can be seen."

Jiang Yu knows the dangers of the rivers and lakes and tidied up the hairpin. The little girl in the ancient windbreaker groaned: "But it is not ruled out that there are special methods to hide the mental fluctuations when lying, and even the grandmaster can't detect it."

"In general, it is true."

Jiang Yang spoke solemnly and said, "But this person can't be fake."


Professor Nasika curiously asked.

How can you tell that he must not tell lies?

"Words can be faked, but spirit and spirit can't be faked." Jiang Yang said: "Grandmaster Zheng, you need to know who I am, understand my heart, carry out my heart, and the grandmaster's spirit will carry through a person. Wude!"

"If it is a person with upright spirit, then this person must be upright and upright... If a person's spirit is sinister and dark, then it is almost impossible to be a gangster."

"I think that Fu Qingjun, breath, upright, and a good-blooded man, must be a heroic man who is righteous and thin..."

Everyone thoughtfully.

Combining the neighborhood with the neighbourhood, this number of years has indeed been well-known in Duguan Town, and it is known as the chivalrous and courageous for the strong and the weak!

I heard that the recent gang reforms have maintained ethics. In the face of the huge financial crisis, the gang’s followers have been able to concentrate on martial arts and do not need to do other livelihoods.

This person is indeed a terrific hero,

At this time, Professor Nasika said: "Is there a grandmaster who doesn't teach martial arts, doesn't follow the master's ethics, goes against the original heart... and even the spirit can change at will?"

"This is impossible!" Jiang Yu shook his head.

The grandmaster’s boldness, who proved who I am in my heart, is basically understood by everyone!

What kind of people have not been there for thousands of years?

I am the "who" in my heart, and this "who" is already recorded in the book.

Back and forth, there are actually only dozens of them.

In the past, the emperor's spirit was the most terrifying. Now, above the human's spirit, there is a god's spirit. The spirit and spirit in the heart are cultivated to the limit of human beings. The heart is broken, and the body is broken. It is incredible to be able to break through the fourth stage!


There should be no other types of special spirit.

If there is the kind of boldness that does not emphasize military ethics and changes at will, it has long been a scary and dangerous existence in the arena.

Jiang Yang showed a touch of admiration, and said with a smile: "Fu Qingjun is a heroic hero of the rivers and lakes. This kind of pure blood and courage is rare. I think it is rare that the great man is for the country and the people... it is naturally impossible. lie."

"That man of the spirit of God, I originally came on this trip, but I did not expect to have too much gain... If I am willing to see us, I am afraid that it has already appeared, telling us the truth of the fourth realm in advance, and now hide the truth. As expected."

"Furthermore, what he proves is ordinary spirit, not **** spirit. He has almost stopped in the third stage and has no future at all. From this, suspicion can be eliminated."

Professor Nasika thought for a while, and felt that there was no problem with all the logics, and they all fit together.

At this time, Li Yi said again: "At that time, how did you explain how to give Baijiajiu?"

Jiang Yang thought for a while, and said, "I have a guess here. Fu Qingjun and I have the same characteristics and were pointed by this senior."

"What feature?"

"I was in a crisis, and I was confused about the rivers and lakes, thinking that the rivers and lakes were gone.

At the tea table, everyone seemed to understand something.

At that time, Jiang Yang was obstructed when he went to the front line to promote science by himself. He wounded his hand with a gun, indicating that he would be injured by the gun, but he would not be hurt by the people of the rivers and lakes.

At that time, Fu Qingjun was in the arena competition and was aimed at the guns from the audience, which instantly disturbed his mind. Only when he was knocked down in the sparkling flint, he lost the arena.

Both of them have the same characteristics. They are young heroes and martial arts talents, but they are confused about the rivers and lakes and were wounded by guns!

"This senior, pointed me at the time... it was of course to point him, and it was a blessing for him to break through the master."

Jiang Yang said: "However, although he did not lie, the origin of the clock is indeed peculiar, and something should be hidden. Wait a moment, let's ask the origin of the clock and see how he answers it."

Jiang Yu immediately admired his eldest brother's intelligence, and integrated so much information in his words.

From this point of view, the hundred wines were given to him and Jiang Yang.

"The predecessor appeared here, and a space-time wormhole suddenly broke out here...there is likely to be a connection between the two, and maybe the predecessor is here waiting to open."

"And now, if there is no problem, we will inform him of the possibility of the fourth realm by the way for such an upright person." Jiang Yang said again.


Jiang Yu was surprised, "Tell him about our journey through the mysterious wormhole dream?"

"This point is naturally hidden. It is the top secret that is not easy to disclose to outsiders... But it is only the guess of the fourth realm and the possible identity of the predecessor who pointed us. It is good for him and us."

Jiang Yang's logic is very clear, "This class of heroes, who used to be called the Bone Realm Dzogchen, has now broken the master, and it is also a help to the frontline combat power."

They had something to say, suddenly their expressions condensed, and they calmed down.

"Stop talking." Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, there were footsteps.

As a great master, the ear power is naturally amazing, and I am not afraid of someone eavesdropping next to him. The sound of the beating heart and breathing sound were all heard very clearly.


Fu Qingjun pushed the door open, and said to everyone, "Sorry, gang trivia."


Jiang Yang didn't care, but still looked extremely polite, and stood up and said: "Dare to ask you, where does the source of the watch shop come from."

Fu Qingjun hesitated all of a sudden, showing a trace of embarrassment, clasped his fist and said: "Dear warriors, this is a business secret and cannot be told."

Several people looked at each other.

Such a bold person will not lie, but will not answer!

Sure enough.

"In fact, we suspect that the mysterious expert who pointed you at that time is a master who is about to break through the fourth level." Jiang Yang said.


Fu Qingjun was shocked.

Jiang Yang looked calm, "Your Excellency can calm down, the legendary fourth stage is shocking for every warrior."

"You stay safe and restless." Jiang Yu also has a good impression of this hero. "We will tell you all the speculations on the fourth stage."

All of a sudden, a few people sat down.

They directly revealed the secrets of the gods, the two methods of breakthrough, they did not conceal this aspect.

When Fu Qingjun heard this, he pretended to be surprised. Then he pressed his heart to shock, took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, and said, "Your Excellency, are you serious?"

"Naturally it is true."

"The fourth stage, what kind of existence is that?" Fu Qingjun couldn't help asking.

Jiang Yang suddenly got up in awe. After hesitating for a few seconds, he still gave out his own speculation, "It's true, I still have some guesses."

"Appreciate further details."

"First of all, it is divided into two types of fourth realm. The first is the fourth realm of ordinary warriors. This is the normal state... The second is the fourth realm of true gods, which is extremely rare."

Jiang Yu and Professor Nasika obviously hadn't heard Jiang Yang analyze these.

Jiang Yang had temporarily gained the blood of God and broke through the fourth realm. Naturally, he knew the feelings best, and Fu Qingjun listened a little seriously.

"The strongest creature in the sky, the fourth level, what level is it?" Fu Qingjun couldn't help but ask falsely; "Can you fly?"

"Naturally can't fly, but..." Jiang Yang hesitated this time. He carefully sorted out his thoughts before saying: "What do you think is flying?"

"To fly is to fly in the sky." Jiang Yu answered seriously.

"Is it reasonable?" Jiang Yang asked back.

"Unreasonable." Professor Nasika said: "How can a person fly? Without growing wings, this is unscientific."

"Throughout the ancient mythology, flying has always been a very sacred term."

Jiang Yang said: "All the gods of various civilizations can fly... But in modern times, after we know the earth and the universe, what does flying mean? Is it flying horizontally at a height of one kilometer? Or the universe? in?"

"The so-called flight is originally a narrow concept. Because of the gravity of the earth, we cannot take off and are trapped in a short layer of air to live... But in space, there is no concept of flying."

Everyone hesitated mythology believed that the ground is flat and the sky is infinitely high. Flying is a powerful ability.

But what does it mean to fly?

They were lost in thought.

"Actually, based on these rational thoughts, I think that creatures in the fourth realm can also fly."

Jiang Yang suddenly said seriously: "Our third stage is the strongest creature on the ground. They are the strongest ultimate creature in the sky... In a sense, there is nothing wrong."

"It's just that, flying, the form and meaning given by them are different."

Can fly?

The fourth realm, the strongest creature in the sky?

Even Fu Qingjun was slightly surprised, what does this person mean?

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