My Healing Game

Chapter 81: Dreams are caught off guard

     Han Fei is famous.

   A comedian appeared in a thriller movie and became famous for his bravery.

   He was caught off guard, he didn't even realize it.

   "Han Fei is there!"

   When Han Fei appeared at the window, the reporters downstairs immediately recognized him. Some took photos with their mobile phones downstairs, and some went directly into the shooting location.

   In order to prevent the reporters from destroying the set, Director Jiang hurriedly left the apartment building with Han Fei and went to the open space outside.

   "If you have any questions, ask one by one, don't worry."

   Director Jiang and the field affairs maintained the order of the scene. After Han Fei came downstairs, he first glanced at the outside of the family yard, and then left the reporters alone and went straight to the street.

   "Quick! Keep up!"

   Those reporters and some friends from the media took various tools to shoot. Han Fei didn't care. He passed through the crowd and came to the family of the victims.

   "Master, blessed enmity..."

   Han Fei just walked over, before he could say anything, his arms were tightly grasped by the old man.

   After ten years of waiting, the real murderer was finally caught.

   At this time, the old man's eyes were red, and he couldn't say a word. He just grabbed Han Fei. I don't know why the old man always felt that he could see his child in Han Fei.

   "We have seen the police announcement, thank you, Han Fei." Gu Ye's sister, Cui Tianci's parents, Xiao Qing's brother, and the families of the victims all gathered around.

   Han Fei was moved by their gratitude. Perhaps the reason why the lonely souls in the murder house did not dissipate is because there are still people in the world who always remember them.

  Humans are really complex creatures. Some people take pleasure in torturing and killing the same kind, while others are desperate to pursue murder for their relatives for ten years.

   Many families of the victims cried out. Only they know how much pressure and pain they have endured in the past ten years.

   Han Fei didn't know how to comfort everyone. Standing in the crowd, what he thought of was the ghost in the apartment building.

   "If you can take them out of the game, let them meet their family..."

   An idea appeared quietly, as if a seed had fallen into Han Fei's heart. He hadn't realized his change yet, but was just experiencing everything silently.

   Han Fei did not ask the victim's family to give him a gift, but took a pennant.

   When reporters later asked him questions, he did not take credit, but gave most of the credit to the police and Meng Changxi.

   was pushed to the police because the police did play a key role, and it was pushed to Meng Changxi because Han Fei felt that Meng Changxi had suffered too much and should be compensated.

   Looking at the flash and the shots, Han Fei was a little dizzy, but he was still not used to these.

   "Everyone, our film is currently being filmed. I am afraid that I cannot accept the interview properly now. When the film is released in the future, you will have the opportunity to ask questions."

   Han Fei casually found a reason to get away, and he returned to the apartment building as if running away.

   wiped off the sweat from his forehead, Han Fei found that Sister Long and Director Jiang were looking at him with a smile.

   "Are you busy?"

   "We just didn't expect that you, such a cold and professional actor, would have such a cute side." Director Jiang couldn't help laughing: "Han Fei, you will gradually get used to this in the future."

"The popularity of the case has risen very fast. Now we can even save money on hot searches." Long Jie took her mobile phone: "You should remove the promotional materials and posters you previously shot as soon as possible and replace Han Fei as the protagonist. Yes, don't waste time, it must be done today."

Sister Long left with great satisfaction. Director Jiang brought Han Fei to the second floor: "It is estimated that no one will think you can be the protagonist anymore. After you use your acting skills to conquer the audience, your path will be better in the future. The wider you go, the future is limitless."

   Director Jiang asked Han Fei to paint a makeup first. When all the staff were in place, he first shot a short film for Han Fei, and then asked Han Fei to shoot a movie poster.

   At the moment when light and dark alternated, Meng Changan and Meng Changxi stood back to back.

   Meng Changxi, whose half of his face was disfigured, stood in the shadows. He endured pain and was treated as a monster by everyone, but in the deepest despair, he still clung to the light in his heart.

   Behind Meng Changxi, the handsome Meng Changan stood in the sun. He enjoyed the respect and praise of everyone, but his face showed the most chilling smile.

   Twin flower, the flower that blooms in the deepest part of the darkness.

   The script has been basically determined, and Han Fei is in a hurry to go home and play games. After the filming, he refused to eat with everyone and rushed back to his home alone.

   After running around for a whole day, even if his stamina is much better than before, he can't hold it anymore.

   After eating something casually, Han Fei lay on the bed.

   "Today is indeed a memorable day for me, and my dream suddenly came true."

   Turning on the phone, Han Fei saw various reports on the Internet, and finally he clicked on his social platform.

   One afternoon, without any publicity at all, his fans increased a lot.

Maybe it was because he didn’t spend money to recharge the membership. Some people thought he was a high imitation account and left various comments in the comment area. As a result, the Xinhu police directly stood up and explained that this is Han The post-painting style has become fresh and refined. The entire comment area is discussing human body stitching patterns. I don't know, I think this is a platform number for internal police communication.

   "Which actor is like me, the comment section is all reasoning about the murderer?"

   Looking at the various pictures blocked by the system in the comment area, Han Fei felt that it was still a clockwork, and it would be better to say that he was an actor.

   He clicked on his mobile phone album and wanted to find some more interesting photos to post, but after searching for a long time, he finally accepted his fate. He is usually a very boring person.

   When Han Fei was about to exit the phone album, his eyes suddenly swept to a very ordinary photo, in the photo he was lying on the bed wearing a game helmet.

   When he first saw this photo, Han Fei didn't feel anything, but just after a second, the blood flow all over his body accelerated and his hair stood up in shock!


   Sitting directly on the bed, Han Fei grabbed the fruit knife on the table and looked at his room warily.

The photo was taken on the second night of the game helmet. He was very sure that he was the only one in the house that night, but if he was the only one in the house, who was holding his mobile phone and facing him who was playing the game? Take a picture?

   "Someone has entered my house! Just when I logged into the game for the second time!"

   Holding a fruit knife, Han Fei turned on all the lights in the room, and he checked all the dead spots in the room.

   "There is no one in the house."

   Standing in the middle of the living room, Han Fei stared at the photo, and slowly he discovered something stranger.

   In the photo, there seems to be a dark shadow digging into the game helmet.


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