Chapter 52 Amazing coincidence

Perceiving the change in Aizawa Shouta, All Might immediately reacted: “Do you know him?”

“More than knowing, this guy has shocked me. His quirk is powerful enough to subvert my cognition of junior high school students. The most terrifying thing is that his use of quirk is almost to the extent of maneuvering freely, except for himself. In addition to the limitation of physical strength, other aspects can reach super-superior.” Aizawa Shouta calmed down and said: “But isn’t his quirk frozen? How could it suddenly become a medical quirk?”

“This… I was very surprised at first, but when I later asked Shina as a teenager, he told me that he was actually a double quirk.” Thinking of Etsuha’s explanation, All Might couldn’t help but exclaimed: “At first I thought this It’s impossible, but after I really saw his abilities, my inherent ideas were disrupted. I didn’t expect that there would be such a lucky person in the world.”

“Lucky indeed.” Aizawa Shouta said with deep feeling.

Ordinary people have a high chance of awakening quirks, and quirks can be inherited. This leads to the fact that people at this stage basically have quirks. Non-quirks have become a minority, and to some extent they can even be said to be disabled.

However, among the quirks of ordinary people’s awakening, only less than 30% of useful quirks are available. For example, some people can catch their eyeballs, some people can turn their sweat into special explosive substances, etc. This kind of quirk is not so useful, it can only be counted as “energy”. “Use”, maybe their quirk won’t play any role in their lifetime.

Such people account for the vast majority. A common example is the Shizuoka Prefecture Middle School, which is the school where Midoriya Izuku is located. There are only three applicants for U.A this year. Apart from Etsuha and Midoriya without quirk, only Bakugo Katsuki remains. The ratio of good to bad quirk can be seen in Madara.

Among these useful quirks, there are even fewer powerful quirks. Even the number of male heroes is very limited. It can be said that this kind of person is one of a hundred.

However, for such a quirk, Etsuha has two, each of which is extremely powerful, showing how lucky he is.(Read more @

“Well, a strong quirk does not mean a strong strength. Your own efforts are also very important.” Aizawa Shouta yawned and brought the topic forward, “Speaking of which, if you want to go to the treatment, go to the treatment, come to me what’s up?”

“The Shina boy said that the treatment of my injury would be very exhausting, and even the phenomenon of being unable to walk after the treatment. Just in case, it is best to ask me to find some Heroes to accompany.” All Might is embarrassed. Scratching his head.

“Is it just for you to be your bodyguard?” Aizawa Shouta suddenly, he hates this kind of troublesome things, but the second quirk that Etsuha suddenly appeared is too interesting for him, no matter what, I want to see it immediately. , So he agreed to All Might’s request without hesitation.

As for the lectures, don’t worry at all. When the principal learned that Aizawa Shouta was going to win over students with medical quirks, he almost used the speed of light to approve Aizawa Shouta’s leave.

In this way, the two went to Yu Takeyama’s Heroes office together.

“Ah, it’s a waste of time to draw manga by yourself, is there no news from the assistant?” Etsuha, who draws manga at Heroes Office, looked at his progress, and was somewhat unacceptable for a while.

His update speed is neither fast nor slow, it is a normal one-to-a-week type. However, drawing comics is a very time-consuming task. Even one sentence a week takes a lot of time. Now Etsuha has to squeeze at least two or three hours a day to update the comics, most of which are done by some details. Delayed, if there is an assistant, his progress will be at least half faster.


At this time, there was an additional message reminder on the assistant recruitment information he had been hanging on.

Etsuha quickly opened the message, and a dialogue appeared on it: “Are you a student of U.A?”

Etsuha is not surprised that the other party can see this, because he mentioned U.A on the assistant recruitment information. Seeing the other party’s message, Etsuha was shocked, and immediately typed a reply: “I just passed the admission recommendation, and I will be able to go to U.A for activities in a few days.”

“Huh? Σ(っД;)っ” The other party looked a little surprised, and immediately replied: “Etsuha classmate?”

“Huh?!” Etsuha quickly glanced at the other party’s ID. It turned out to be Chitong-chan, whose gender was still female, and a figure immediately appeared in his mind.

“Isn’t it possible…” Etsuha didn’t believe his guess, but he slapped the opponent’s name. “Momo?”

Chitong sauce: “!”

It seems that I guessed it right.

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