There are thousands of scars, so what’s the harm in having one more?

And obviously, what Kevin can think of, An Zhen and Su can definitely think of.

Therefore, the next actions the two of them will take are definitely intended to trample on their own spirits and deprive themselves of their dignity!

This is exactly what is called...

The ultimate insult! !



"You are going to be dirty~ You are going to be dirty~~~"

Su's face seemed to have the word "can't wait" written all over it. He was rubbing his hands excitedly, and his words were also very greasy, like a wretched uncle.

An Zhen:? ? ?

Damn it, you kid knows about male ketone.

I remember when you first proposed this plan, you seemed a little hesitant, right?

You are timid, but I have to use a little bit of persuasion to get you to join the group.

Even so, you can't help but show a guilty expression, full of guilt, and always feel that you have betrayed your friendship with Kevin...

As a result, when the plan was actually implemented today, you were happier and more impatient than me, the mastermind, right?

[Who among us is the initiator of this plan? 】

[You can’t help it anymore and have completely liberated your nature, right? 】

During the period when An Zhen was in a daze, Su had already taken off Kevin's shirt, and the muscular tendons that looked like they were carved by a sculptor were exposed to the air.

Seeing that Kevin couldn't resist at all, Su pushed further and further, and her sinful hands had already reached Kevin's belt...


"What the **** are you doing?"

Just when Kevin was despairing and Su Anshuang's plan was succeeding, a crisp sound dispelled the increasingly tense atmosphere.

"Okay, why are you taking off Kevin's clothes?"

"Even if you want to do this, you have to at least choose a time when I'm not around, right?"

"I'm not interested in men at all, don't confuse me with you Ying Jie Ji Tou Si!"

An Zhen slapped Su **** the back of the head, preventing him from continuing to slide into the abyss of crime.

[In broad daylight, you, a man, want to commit murder in front of me? 】

[Who do you think I am? 】

[Don’t know how to avoid people? 】

【Pooh! Steamed goose heart with male ketone! 】

An Zhen: Aili, have you seen it?

Our initial speculation was not a rumor at all, they were really involved!

Su:? ? ?

Su calmed down his expression, turned his head, opened his eyes slightly, and looked at An Zhen with doubts in his eyes.

It’s not that he was wondering why An Zhen suddenly slapped him, but—

"If you don't take off his clothes, how should you carry out the follow-up actions?"

Before changing clothes, you have to take off your original clothes first, right?

As for being misunderstood by An Zhen as male ketone or something, Su didn't really care.

Such rumors had been circulating for who knows how many years, and they had no effect on Su's state of mind at all.

Su: First of all, let me state that I am not a man with ketones. I acted the way I did just now because I was emotionally excited.

Yingjie's first four years of **** are just rumors. My orientation is completely normal and has nothing to do with male ketone.

"As long as I'm here, why is it difficult to change clothes?"

"Wouldn't it be better to just construct a body and come out?"

An Zhen looked at Su and shook his head helplessly. He always felt that Su had forgotten this incident on purpose.

He definitely just wanted to take the opportunity to take off Kevin's clothes!

What a sinister intention!

Kevin:? ? ?

"What clothes do you want to change? What exactly are you planning to do?"

"Don't mess around!"

"Su, aren't we friends? It's still too late to turn back now!"

Kevin knew that persuading An was really impossible, so he chose Su as a breakthrough.

As we all know, Su's character is gentle and compassionate, full of the brilliance of humanity.

As long as you play the emotional card wildly, you might be able to make him come back!

Su: .......

"Sorry, Kevin."

"This is the last time."

A flash of guilt flashed across Su's face, but it was quickly replaced by determination.

Kevin:? ? ?

"Okay Kevin, stop working in vain."

[Even if you persuade Su to surrender, I will still take action. 】

[You don’t think that just the two of you can defeat me, do you? 】

"You must be curious about what exactly we want to do, right?"

There is nothing more interesting than killing people and killing people. Before taking action, An Zhen was prepared to put enough psychological pressure on Kevin.

"Speaking of which, this is the inspiration Su gave me."

"If he hadn't designed so many clothes for your armed doll, I wouldn't have thought of embodying them on a real person."


"Kevin! The most powerful warrior! Protector of human civilization!"

"Let me see what interesting reaction you will have when you put on women's clothing again after so many years!"

[In fact, you already have experience in women's clothing, right? 】

[When we first met, you and Su were trying to sneak into the backstage of the theater dressed as women. 】

Kevin:! !

After capturing the keyword "women's clothing", Kevin instantly understood what An Zhen and Su were planning, and immediately shuddered and couldn't help but tremble.

“Without further ado, let’s start today’s program~”

"Let's start the first set..."

An Zhen turned on the photography equipment he carried with him and showed the first set of clothing provided to Kevin in front of his eyes—

"How about a black stocking hip skirt?"

"Hahaha, come and give it a try!"

Kevin:! !


"Don't come over!!"

587-Grandale: In the war of love, there is no justice, only victory!


"Kevin, how do you feel now? How do you feel!?"

"I didn't expect that you, who is as smelly and hard as a rock in the snow, would have soft flesh in some places on your body!"

"It's so powerful, so powerful!"

Su Yanran had let herself go. Standing in front of her former best friend, she continued to use homophobic words to severely insult Kevin's personality and dignity.

"Ahhh! You two male ketones!"

"I swear! I will definitely kill you! I will definitely kill you!!"

Kevin raised his head and stared at Su with his bloodshot red eyes.

It seemed that he was completely disappointed with this friendship. Even though his body was restrained, he still let out a heart-rending roar.

Su had no doubt that if he unlocked Kevin now, he would definitely be killed on the spot!

But it doesn't matter anymore. Now that it has happened, there is no turning back.

Sorry, Kevin…

It has been between us...

Can't go back! Hahaha!

However, neither Su nor Kevin noticed that in addition to being half-humiliated, half-angry, and half-murderous, there was also a hint of secret pleasure in Kevin's eyes!

【Jie Jie Jie! 】

[Although you shouted quite loudly, Kevin, you are also secretly happy, right? 】

[Admit it, you have forgotten MEI a long time ago! 】

[I'm curious, after this ultimate insult, will you suddenly awaken the female in your heart? 】

An Zhen: I don’t know, I can’t understand, I was shocked.

It feels like the development of the situation has gradually become beyond my control.

An Zhen sat on a stone not far away, looking at Kevin and Su who were constantly interacting, and suddenly a trace of confusion appeared in front of his eyes.

Between me and Su, who is the villain?

Why do I feel like he is having more fun than me? Is this the ultimate insult or the ultimate reward?

Grandma, if you think about it carefully, this matter seems a little weird from beginning to end.

Why would Su take the time to design so many sets of alternative outfits for an armed doll?

Why women's clothing? Why was he discovered so easily?

When he proposed the ultimate insult plan against Kevin, Su didn't express much objection...

Doubts quickly crossed An Zhen's mind, gradually forming a clear line of logic -

Gan! This kid Su, couldn't he have been planning this matter since the beginning of civilization?

Damn it, I have become a thug and a clothes changer!

But after being stunned for a moment, An Zhen felt relieved again.

Forget it, just be a thug, I had a lot of fun anyway.

[No matter what the process is, at least the result is what I want, and that is enough. 】

[Whether it is a result theory or a process theory, it all just depends on my mood. ],

[At least I enjoyed a good fashion show today, not bad. 】

An Zhen: Correct, the bottom line is flexible, and the horizons are wide open.

Speaking of which, Kevin, a big ice cube, looks really good in women's clothing. I felt guilty when I first met him.

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